DOI56 2 points ago +3 / -1

I wish all blacks were like Voddie. I've listened to probably hundreds of his sermons over the years.

I wish all jews were like Brother Augustine.

I'm often in the middle on all this, because I openly expose the jewish role in communism and black crime statistics, but I hope for all to be saved and the second anyone of any race accepts Christ he's my brother.

But we are at the point races in general probably are going to need to be separated, it's too dangerous for our children to be around groups that are being taught we should be killed (by these types riling them up).

Because often, "racism" seems to only apply to us, and we are called racists when we simply point out those who are trying to harm us and our families.

I'm racially conscious, and I have a special love for White people (especially my Scotch-Irish and German heritage) and want to protect them, I think that's Biblical, and communists brainwashed us into thinking we were supposed to abandon our own racial identity so we didn't unite so they could weaken and kill us, as they are now attempting.

DOI56 3 points ago +4 / -1

At least three types who got it:

  1. At the top the evilest types who enjoyed power over people and trashed us who didn't get it

  2. Then the ignorant who had no idea, but should have researched.

  3. Then those who were skeptical, but felt pressure and got it.

There's a lot more hope for 2 an 3, as those in 1 are psychopaths who were saying we should be imprisoned.

2 and 3 are still responsible for being part of the wave that dragged us all into this as we could have all stood up and said no and they couldn't have fired all of us.

But it's understandable as most humans are cowards so I can forgive them when they join our side. And even 1 can find redemption if they truly repent.

DOI56 3 points ago +3 / -0

And the income taxes don't even go to build or fix anything, it's all a human farming operation.

income taxes

civil war IRS

And the sheep will look at you like you are a bad person for suggesting we shouldn't pay them. If someone gets away without paying income taxes they look down on that person as immoral.

A single sales tax in each state for each state's needs is one thing, and could probably fund all the country ever needed.

People paying 10's of thousands a year into income tax that goes directly into the bankers pockets in exchange for loaning us paper notes they print at virtually no cost to them is insane, it's literal freaking SLAVERY.

Oh yea, then there's the inflation tax! (Ron Paul)

Every single cent is going to be gone, then they will finish their cull and wipe out all the angry cattle slowly just waking up who worked these lower-middle class jobs all these years to build this NWO hellscape while they sang about liberty thinking they were free.

by DrLeaks
DOI56 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even on a good day, Linda Garinger of Ramona, California, thinks about dying.

I feel you Linda.

DOI56 2 points ago +2 / -0

Had to win the Civil War, all was lost to the international banksters in the 1860s.

They smear every enemy they destroy as evil racists who were just fighting for no reason at all other than unfounded racism.

And most of our people have fallen for it, and are ashamed of the last groups who fought against these banking cartels.

by DrLeaks
DOI56 7 points ago +7 / -0

All of those fairy tales warnings of witches...

It gets scary when you realize how serious it all is.

They really were the monsters in all our stories.

I believe they use hermetic-kabbalism, theurgic rituals, and witchcraft to consult with fallen angels and demons, especially those at the top like JP Morgan.

"Millionaires don't us astrology, billionaires do." -- JP Morgan

It's why you never let them use their potions on you posing as doctors...

Rev 18


by DrLeaks
DOI56 4 points ago +4 / -0

The general population's IQ must have not been too high to begin with to allow them to put it in the freaking drinking water for internal use telling them it was to prevent cavities.

DOI56 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't help but imagine a nasty turd coming out.

I miss classy dresses and modesty.

DOI56 9 points ago +9 / -0

Read the comments, all the way down. It really is heartbreaking.

We have been lied to on a scale so massive I don't know how normies will ever come to terms with what's happened.

It's why pointing to JP Morgan and Jacob Schiff surrounding the WW1 period is usually way easier to get through to people than the knee-jerk reactions people will get with WW2.

"The worst pain a man can suffer: to have insight into much and power over nothing."

– Herodotus

"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief."

-- Ecclesiastes 1:18

DOI56 3 points ago +4 / -1

You curse at people with nearly every post.

I think you are the agitation psyop shill trying to sow discord, which means we should pay even more attention to OP's arguments.

One major tenant of Communist agitprop is to accuse others of what you are guilty of (being a shill), using cursing and ridicule as you have no real arguments.

This is a conspiracy sub and these are valuable posts for many of us.

You don't care about the downvotes because you have been doing this for months on this sub, as you are likely being paid a few cents per post to do so, and likely getting a few cents for responses.

DOI56 1 point ago +2 / -1

I looked at someone's 3rd-grade homeschooling material and they were already learning logic and critical thinking.

Things I wasn't even learning in college (where I learned how to drink alcohol and cram for tests at the last minute).

All my philosophy study came years after college, I had to go back and learn what that 3rd grader was.

The government makes learning boring so you just want to avoid it, which is sinister because learning where it's like uncovering hidden information in an adventure can be exciting and way better than pointless entertainment.

DOI56 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hillary Ronen who helped pass it:

"Ronen's father immigrated to the United States from Israel in his twenties. Her mother was a school teacher. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, San Diego and her Juris Doctor from University of California, Berkeley."

DOI56 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's funny what hormones do to people because it's just two circles and a line.

DOI56 2 points ago +3 / -1

describe America in one picture

That's why we've had to point to the jq stuff so much lately, so everyone realizes who's been riling everyone up ever since the NAACP was started.

Same with Russia and China. Biden is owned by the CCP!!

DOI56 2 points ago +3 / -1

The only true and lasting hope is in the sermon I posted a bit ago on /Christianity titled "More than Enough Hope" by a Biblical Counselor who greatly helped me.

I want so badly for everyone to know how real this all is. I was in despair all my life trying to find purpose and happiness and other things and it all left me empty like trying to fill a leaky jar.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." - Romans 15:13

"There is a God-shaped hole in the human heart that only God can fill."

-- St. Augustine

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."

-- St. Augustine

DOI56 2 points ago +2 / -0

"His neural lace would serve as a "digital layer above the cortex," he said. Its components wouldn't necessarily require brain surgery for implantation; instead, the hardware could be injected into the jugular and travel to the brain through the bloodstream."

by DrLeaks
DOI56 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tsar Jeb Bush for Monarchical King and Warlord of North America.


DOI56 2 points ago +2 / -0

The higher levels of evil always work behind the scenes to avoid having a target put on their backs.

We had a few pictures of them in the Oval Office standing over Bush as he signed in the Noahide laws though.

It's a joke to think someone like Obama was ever calling any real shots, he was simply given a role and tons of cash to lead the sheep like a pied piper.

DOI56 9 points ago +9 / -0

They harassed and killed Brandy Vaughan for being a whistleblower against pharma (Merck), breaking into her house and moving things around to mess with her. Tapping phones, and installing listening devices.

It shows the level of power and lack of fear these people have, they control governments, intelligence agencies, the courts, and police departments.

The Overt and Covert Intimidation of Brandy Vaughan

I am not suicidal 1

I am not suicidal 2

An example of a chart she made showing vaccines were introduced after sanitation already had the diseases under control, to deceive the public into thinking they were the things helping.

I bring her up often because I believe she should be honored as she tried to warn before the Covid stuff happened. I do think that was why they killed her when they did, they didn't want her warning about the clot shot.

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