by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think COVID is his switch (that was likely developed in the Wuhan BSL-4 lab with the participation of US government elements like NIH via EcoHealth Alliance. Chinese and US governments essentially collaborated on that: Players too powerful to allow one man to use it at will as his switch).

I had in mind video evidence of various elites engaging in various acts on his island (which was surely recorded:

None of that hit the internet. So I don't believe he actually died..

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is one of my theories, though I don't believe it too much. Suppress existing coins so they can role out their own global currency, as part of the Great Reset. Crash the dollar to nullify everyone's dollar holdings, role out their currency, and the only way to get their currency is to trade your assets for their currency. The massive sale devalues everything, so they get to buy it cheap. This explains a lot, why they're printing so much money etc. I even think they need several rounds of lockdowns to justify several rounds of printing money before the dollar crashes. Which is why the pandemic narrative was supposed to continue for a few years.

They own assets, you own their currency. You own nothing and you're (not) happy...

This plan doesn't work if people might adopt some other existing crypto instead of their currency, in order to continue using money in the face of a dollar crash.

Here's the idea in full: (Note: I was wrong about Omicron being the trigger for the second round to begin. Perhaps Omicron really is a white hat viral vaccine.)

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah. If he was truly killed, he surely would've had a deadman switch go off.

Gives a whole new meaning to "Epstein didn't kill himself." Truth hiding behind double meanings?

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

EDIT: This is not to say you shouldn't participate in protest (or vote etc.). Do that: If nothing more, it will at least raise the costs for ((them)) to maintain control, and if you're lucky it will become too expensive for them. But don't think you're "winning".

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +5 / -1

Let's say the WEF have a hand in this. That would imply the media blackout of the trucker protest is intentional. Designed to give it credibility as truly anti-establishment (people will think, if MSM and Big Tech is against them, then they must be genuinely anti-establishment).

Makes you wonder if the whole attack on Trump was orchestrated as well for a similar reason. Probably the top reason he was trusted by people was that the "establishment" attacked him.

If so, we need to raise our standards. As u/pkvi says, distrust your victory..

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

This should be higher up.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +3 / -1

Maybe Plan A (COVID takeover) flopped. Time for Plan B (cyber polygon style)? That has to do with supply chain disruptions, so trucker problems might fit into that.

Or they'll just release an actual deadly virus. When the virus is actually dangerous, you don't need a narrative to push the fear. Conspiracy angle: COVID was a trial. The vaccines were intended to identify the dissenters (explained here: The vaccines additionally may have immunized against this to-be-released virus, so only the dissenters will take the hit..

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

The research findings stated that the novel coronavirus poses a risk because it binds to the ACE2 receptor differently than the coronavirus pathogen. As a result, neither antibodies nor protein molecules produced by people with respiratory diseases or who have been immunised can protect against NeoCoV.

Vaccines would not protect against this. If true, vaccines were probably a tool to identify dissenters and remove them through mandates. Here's the idea fleshed out:

According to Chinese researchers, NeoCoV carries the potential combination of MERS-high CoV’s mortality rate (one in every three infected person dies) and the current SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus’s high transmission rate.

According to researchers from Wuhan University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Biophysics, only one mutation is required for the virus to infiltrate human cells.


Hey u/factdigger let's see if your Omega variant hypothesis pans out. They changed the naming scheme though. Here it is for those unfamiliar (see comments):

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe the deep state files cases and procures evidence against politicians to control them. "Do as we say or we will go ahead with the prosecution."

This works in case there is no blackmail available on hand, or releasing the blackmail would cause too many ripples (the blackmailed person could have a deadman switch that at least names every other person involved, if not with evidence).

The next step is to kill them, but that's generally avoided because you have to deal with the evidence (more people involved). If the person is influential, you also lose their influence when you kill them (the replacement may not have the same level of influence etc.).

BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

There's some in this sub who deliberately use race baiting (might be shills). It helps drive away newcomers from the site by making it seem extremist. The other kinds of extremities used could be pushing flat earth theories etc. Anything a normie will find too ridiculous to believe (regardless of its truth). They tend to double down if you disagree, but that's important to do for the growth of the site (but don't go in thinking you'll change their view).

There are some others like me who're against immigration. I'm of the opinion no civilization should permit immigration (but treat already existing immigrants with respect). It's not because I hate other people or cultures, it's because it reduces stability of the civilization when it is under constant change. This is different from race baiters. You can tell from the language used.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

I admire your thinking out of the box, bro. But...only approved vaccines will satisfy the mandate. And you're not getting an approval without testing. How much testing? If I remember right:

You'll have to run animals trials, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 trials (that's a lot of people). And I believe you may have to insure the participants (not sure if that's a legal requirement). Stage 3 trials are not necessary to be completed though thanks to "pandemic" status of COVID. Then the FDA will take it's own sweet time to "validate" the data before approval.

You remember that the FDA quoted it will take 55 years to release all the data at 500 pages a month? That's the kind of scale we're talking about submitting to the FDA. And despite warp speed level development, it still took a year or so to get the vaccines approved. By which time, it'll probably be over.

It is costly. Very costly (at least for an average citizen).

But all this won't matter because you aren't a registered virology lab to be working with such "dangerous" specimens as COVID. Nobody will give you the viral sample. The only kind of vaccine you can make without needing a viral sample is.... an mRNA vaccine (they made that one in a day). Hehehe.

PS: You aren't gonna win by complying with the mandate (making your own vaccine is still complying with the mandate). If you wish to go that route, you'll have far more luck finding a nurse that you can bribe and she'll spill your dose on the floor (like you're Anthony Hopkins).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe. One-on-one people have no chance against the state. We need organization. Local guerillas aren't enough either, because they are too localized, and no ability to attack on multiple fronts. They also have no leverage against the state (eg: in numbers or in control of wealth or technical knowledge or means of production).

The problem with good people is too few think on a big scale. It's always the villains that have plans for global domination.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

If supply chains get disrupted, that might happen indeed. Lockdowns could be used to do the same thing, but the resistance against the pandemic narrative is perhaps greater than they anticipated. Too many people are seeing through the lies.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

However... Commodity logistics are at an across the board failure point.

Yes the whole Cyber Polygon exercise in July 2021 was about attacking supply chains through cyber attacks. It may have been their backup plan (they might have several more backups).

The reason they might not have gone with supply chain disruptions at first is that it is a lot harder to control a mob of hungry people. Moreover, with pandemic lockdowns, big business could steal market share of small businesses. With supply chains hit, everyone will suffer.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

EDIT: Racial differences in IQ are entirely possible, but head shape and brain size aren't the evidence for it.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

While front lobe damage may actually occur (haven't looked into it), even if it did, it wouldn't change the skull shape I think.

And if your brow is thicker, it gives your skull a slanting shape. Look at people with acromegaly:

That doesn't necessarily mean brain is smaller (though it might), just that the rest of the face extends forwards further.

And since it was brought up in this thread, brain size is not necessarily tied to IQ as well. For example, brain sizes have been shrinking for the last 40,000 years: Does that mean stone age people were smarter than us? It's doubtful because IQ gives such a huge advantage for survival, that at least until recently, the smarter ones were probably more successful in reproducing and protecting their lineage.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

All because of a definition change.

Change the term "vaccinated" to mean anyone who got the shot at any point, and the narrative inverses.

Control of language is important (to prevent it from changing/deteriorating). Maybe u/free-will-of-choice is onto something.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah this is one of my other theories: That the ruling elite (eg: Council of 300 types) may not be all Jews. That they use Jews for various reasons. An unfounded guess as to those reasons:

That the Jews take the focus away from them in all conspiracy theories.

The Brits are one crafty bunch. They didn't leave their colonies without leaving behind puppets disguised as freedom fighters (at least where I live). If only people could see they never got independence.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well he does see us as cash COWS.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's by Reuters. So might be a smear campaign to reduce his status as an anti-COVID-vaccine figure (i.e. doing it out of financial incentive and not out of principle -> even though he's pretty much giving up on playing pro tennis until the mandates exist).

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is an inherent problem with 'one world government' that a central authority making the plans never will optimize for the local regions.

Yeah this is a great observation. In particular, the drive for homogenization of all cultures, ideologies, genetic lineages etc. makes sense in light of this ("Solve et coagula"). It's perhaps their attempt to minimize the worldwide differences they have to deal with.

The communists did the same because their aim was similar: centralized rule (eg: Mao's "cultural revolution" killed the Old China).

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

In that case, "lucky" Britain got out of the EU just in time...

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think these DAVOS type conferences are just for show. They're "deliberating" and "discussing" in order to reach a pre-selected set of conclusions, that they already decided on, in private, long ago. They tend to do things "in the open". I think the thinking goes "the best place to hide something is in the open" or something along those lines.

But once people are awake this kind of openness backfires. It draws more attention to their plans (people can extrapolate, like we try to do here) and creates more backlash. Imagine if Billy Gates never opened his mouth. He could've done all the same things and people would be paying no more attention to him than to Bezos etc.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldn't you need to adjust this timescale for "animal years"? As in, a mouse lives for 1-3 years maybe, a human for 70-80 years. So 1 year for a mouse is not equivalent to 1 year for a human.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is an unpopular view. We want to think there's some purpose to it. Something to gain.

A bunch of people who just want to burn the world for no reason (like the Joker): This is not a point of view most people have of the "elite".

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