This is a c. 19billion / year industry with really nice profit margins.
- Nothing of significance will happen to it
- They already have an alternative to antidepressant drugs in the wings, waiting for these to be taken down, but the new ones will have a new 25 year patent protection, high margins, higher prices and less competition from generics
- Rfk Jr tries and dies
I'd say 1=90%, 2=9% and 3=1% probability.
Wise man. If a reset happens to any such degree of scale, duration and severity that has been estimated based on historical geographical evidence, we will be going a lot farther than 1930s.... No industry, no electricity, scant tools, very few resources and no X of any kind at scale (agriculture, health, irrigation, plumbing, electricity, heat, water, etc).
Nobody knows for sure.
Bibhu dev Misra says that we entering the next 200 year transition time this year, so it's a long process
Ben Davidson of SpaceWeatherNews (ex Suspicious0bservers) guesses sometime between 2035-2045ish (he changes the estimate as new data comes in)
EthicalSkeptic hasn't given an exact time prediction (at least, not yet)
Douglas Vogt (now deceased) of Diehold Foundation gave an exact month of October 2046), but he was a religious text believing jew, and he based his calculation on (forged) jewish fake-ancient texts
So, nobody knows, but many think that we are "within the window" during the next decades or hundred years.
Nobody knows where and how much the crust/tilt will move.
The Niburu people, which Zeta people are, are a bit locked into their own BS.
For me, the most likely and probabilistically accurate prediction is 104 degree tilt that Ethical Skeptic arrived at.
Orig Recent Project Unity interview
Nick Bryant vetted her years ago. juliette claims shapeshifters, UFO, egg harvesting, cloning talk, etc. It all gets very convoluted , but is within the realm of perhaps partially true and possible , but quickly sounds like ravings of an MKULTRA victim.
She is clearly broken and not yet healed, hee body language shows as much .
He is the original finder of:
- Epstein's black book
- First batch of flight looks (log book) He did it the old fashioned way: found people, went to them, interviewed them, got files, bought a few items, was given others. Real, years consuming investigative work on the ground, not on the internet.
Listen to his dozens of interviews, read his articles, you'll get the picture.
He was researching Epstein before almost anybody knew anything about him.
He also wrote a book about the Franklin scandal (another sexual blackmail operation), so he's been long at this.
The "unreleased Epstein files" is another Bondi / Trump PsyOp.
They released public files. They have no more.
What they have is the stash of original blackmail sex recordings from his NYC townhouse and his Island.
And that's (the details of which) they are not going to ever release, because kompromat is only worth something, if you own it and it stays secret.
It's about political and financial survival for them. I don't know who runs them, maybe some old European families, but they are acting predictably according to the script given to them. See my above reply for details.
No, don't be silly.
That is just a smokescreen for NPCs.
European Commission is a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, who want to have even more power than the European Parliament.
EU is broke. Germany is broke. France is broke. UK is broke. Italy is broke. Their banks are broke.
They need more money, more power and more financing.
The solution:
- War with "evil Russia"
- Federalized EU bonds (no more individual country bonds) to the turn of a few trillion EUR
- Power moves from the Parliament to the Commission
- EU becomes the United States of Europe
- Coup complete
That's their game plan.
If it fails, both EU and NATO fall to pieces. Something which I'm hoping will happen, but these desperate morons will gleefully sacrifice a few million citizens to get to their goals, so let's see what will happen.
My advice: If you're fighting age an within a EU country, move your capital outside EU and be ready to move yourself and your family rapidly on a short notice, if these fuckers succeed.
EC apparatchiks getting desperate to federalize and do a coup in EU. WW3 it is then.
Why are the flight logs fictitious? You don't trust Nick Bryant's original investigative work? You have some special sauce? Spill it.
I wish I could pin this to the top of the forum for the whole of 2025. People are going to need it to keep their wits.
"In contemporary Russia, unlike the old USSR or present-day North Korea, the stage is constantly changing: the country is a dictatorship in the morning, a democracy at lunch, an oligarchy by suppertime, while, backstage, oil companies are expropriated, journalists killed, billions siphoned away. Surkov is at the centre of the show, sponsoring nationalist skinheads one moment, backing human rights groups the next. It's a strategy of power based on keeping any opposition there may be constantly confused, a ceaseless shape-shifting that is unstoppable because it's indefinable. "
-- Peter Pomerantsev, "Putin's Rasputin" (20 October 2011), London Review of Books.
They released a cache of previously released uncensored documents, some released years ago, now in redacted form. There was nothing new in the documents, in fact less than what was already known via the court documents, black book, flight logs, etc.
And they did this by giving it to pro-Zionist Israel-sucking Hasbara-tripping Mossad assets?
This almost feels like a humiliation ritual.
They know we know they are lying, and there's jack shit we can do about it.
A spat between DOJ and NY Fed office? Gimme a break!
They really are just 100% trolling at this point.
Let's simplify this for Q-tards:
- US government will print more debt paper and sell it
- It will be bought by stable-coin companies (via genius of USG treasury trader, current commerce secretary, Howard ((Lutnick)) ) like Tether
- Inflation target will be hit to 4% to manage debt load (inflate away the debt)
- US will force other countries, with their currencies, to come to the negotiation table and accept devaluation of the US dollar (vis-a-vis other currencies) and debt swap of current US Gov debt (to 50+ year perpetual bonds with below infl target interest yield). Tarifs, NATO, transactional deals will be used to force UK, EU, JAP, CHI, etc to accept this, even though it is detrimental to their dollar holdings value
- Gold on the books will be revalued at c $3000USD, this will fix the balance sheet of US treasury with c. $1000 bn give or take a few
- Central banks will all launch a central-bank level (between CB) CBDCs. The interoperability of those CBDCs is already being test by BIS for over a year. All the major countries are part of it, incl. Russia
- For Wholesale level (to big financial institutions and big multinational corporations) different types of "stablecoins" with USG gov debt backing , or commodity basket backing, or physical gold backing will be used in place of corporation-to-corporation CBDCs. The effect is still the same, except this Corp wholesale level will be then half controlled by treasuries of various countries (and less by individual CBs/BIS as would be in case of true central bank level CBDD, which is detailed in point 6.)
- For peons, all forms of cryptocurrencies, shitcoins and others will be used, until at some point they will be brought under one unified meta-ledger that is public, certified and standardized. Those coins that do not adhere to these standards, will not be de jure in any form, and will form an illegal ""black market" of crypto currencies (which is still needed for intelligence agencies, bribing, organized crime networks).
- The different layers of cryptomoney (6-8) will be tied together at global financial banking level, and tied to universally interoperable strong DigitalIDs, so that everything can be tracked, traced, credited, censored, automated and taxed with "AI efficiency".
- Physical cash will be eventually phased out completely. Anonymous true private strong crypto ledger cryptocoins will be outlawed. Most cryptocoins will crash in value, some will stay in the black market at highly volatile pricing and very hard to turn back into de jure cryptomoney that is officially accepted, and by which you can actually buy stuff everywhere and pay your taxes with.
It's not more complex than that.
- 3 layers: between central banks, between multinational corporations and then third layer for consumers/individuals/peons
- All will be programmable, tokenized, enable smart contracts and automation
- Doesn't matter if they are called stablecoin, shitcoin, cryptocoin, CBDCs or whatever. What matters is how they are computed, tracked, exchanged, valued and accepted in/by financial institutions and governmental entities. Technology may vary, it doesn't matter so much in the end
- The aim is to make (almost everything) trackable, traceable, controllable, taxable, programmable and automation-capable, with atomized level of control down to individual jobs, tasks, purchases, commodities, energy quotas, CO2 equiv emissions, etc.
That is , a control grid, global, on three different levels : governments (and their CBs), corporations and individuals (where "individual" will in the future mean not only humans, but "artificial persons" such as "AI agents"; "robots", "transhumans", etc!)
That is the goal.
90% of it is in their WEF, CB, BIS, UN, crypto and other papers laid out clearly.
That is the coat of arms of House of Visconti:
Abys (Abis, Abyss) family coat of arms is somewhat similar, but different:
See this document for more on Anthony S. Fauci's claimed family tree:
You are missing the US Gov debt backed stablecoin part.
This is all pointing to Mar-a-Lago accords and coming global currency and debt restructuring.
2 mo' weeks!
Ppl are retarded and with an attention span of a fruit fly
The best chocolate comes from South America and - most dont know - Southeast Asia. Africa produces utter crap, with the exception of Madagascar.
And yes, cadmium especially is a problem, also with Peruvian chocolate.
There are plenty of papers on pubmed on various growing regions and cadmium content of the soil and cadmium / lead / mercury content of cocoa beans, if one is worried.
Ecuadorian beans strike a good balance between heavy metal content, quality and price.
Markets are global, there are multiple currencies and asset marlets. Capital bows to no bounds.
Money is always trying to make money (yield) regardless of inflation and only goes to cash mode (UST bills) when extreme danger is in the air.
So, no inflation required for that.
- Wind down Ukraine war
- Ramp up another Plandemic with HKU5-CoV2
- Ramp up bird flu
- Shut down world
- Crash
- new mRNA vaxx for US sovereign wealth fund
- Digi-ID, restrictions on movement, but no "forced vaccination" (you just can't do shit without vaxx + Digi-ID)
- Wold Currency, debt reset
- Print "new" money (stable coin, crypto, "gold" backed USG debt)
- Inflation out of hands, consume or be consumed
- AI-automation-surveillance everywhere, work / working / jobs restructuring
- US polar vs Multi-Polar
Mix 'n' Match from above to your hearts content.
He gest half of it, but not the other half. It's all a big ponzi, starting from currency to different aggregates of money, double entry bookkeeping, usury, debt-slavery, interest growth of debt vs growth of real physical economy. Everything. Not jut stocks, bonds, short credit and derivatives.
Hence, why'll do a big style worldwide rest of it all in coming years. Or at least they'll try one.