Theory: One of the purposes of the vaccines and vaccine mandates is possibly to eliminate the "resistors":
Step 1: Promote vaccines with severe adverse effects in some lots
Step 2: Popularize the adverse effects and conspiracy theories in right-wing groups, while promoting safety and concern for others in left-wing groups through algorithmic means.
Step 3: Link decision to vaccinate with political identity. Use the two as synonyms in every context.
Step 4: Implement mandates but legally uncertain.
Step 5: Those who still don't take it probably value their right-wing principles over career, money, security etc. These people are a small percentage of "right-wing" actually willing to make a sacrifice (freedom fighters), and are the only ones posing a real threat (rather than all of right-wing).
Step 6: Discharge all freedom fighters of Step 5 (eg: by legislating mandates or via Supreme Court). This is the purging of the opposition from all branches of government, military, media, business etc. which will make a takeover easier.
Step 7: Preferentially promote those who took the vaccine early rather than waiting for mandates. Their conviction is not shaken even when truth about adverse effects is presented to them.
Theory: One of the purposes of the vaccines and vaccine mandates is possibly to eliminate the "resistors":