ApexVeritas 5 points ago +6 / -1

Which made it hilariously sad reading the comments in TheDonald about this. Many, many people were rightfully criticizing this pick for VP, that this is the best we can hope for, but most still said "still voting for Trump". That is the exact mentality people have/had with the Republican party, which is one of the primary reasons most abandoned it for "MAGA", because they were tired of settling. And yet here they are again, settling. Why? Because they refuse to learn the correct lessons. They're still stuck inside the system, playing by its rules, and wondering why things keep going the way they are.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Uh huh, which is why you made the above comment, which would only belong in a front page Reddit thread, not on a conspiracy board, or on this site. Unless you were being incredibly sarcastic, and I just missed it?

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

I came across this thread on Gab, with some interesting info:


Both of Thomas Crooks parents are "behavioral counselors" and their license registration dates are just days apart. Odd. His parents have stink on them and are sheep-dipped if you ask me...Crooks classmates recount him being relentlessly bullied in school. Sounds like the perfect candidate.

In that thread, people post 2 pictures of Thomas Crooks wearing the tiny hat. The one I linked here, and this one:


On top of this, Thomas Crooks was also seen in a BlackRock ad:


Hmm by dukey
ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

The supposed shooter took up position on a rooftop only 150 yards away from Trump. I've done a lot of shooting, and 150 yards is nothing. Even with a moderately built 5.56 AR-15, with a moderate scope, it's ridiculously easy, even for a layman, to make that shot. 5.56, in a moderately built AR-15, has 1-2 MOA, which means at 150 yards there's a 1.5 - 3 inch grouping. Furthermore, that round has so little drop at that distance, even in shorter barrel ARs, you can just aim center of the crosshair, without factoring in wind or bullet drop. The Marine Corps (at least it used to, not sure on current training) trains high school kids to make 500 yard shots with iron sites, where the front site post is bigger than the target itself.

There's no way in hell that the Secret Service would allow a rooftop only 150 yards away to be left unguarded or unwatched, unless they're ridiculously stupidly galaxybrain incompetent, or they're in on it.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +6 / -1

Agreed. A few more important points to consider:

  1. One of the easiest ways to control a populace is to give them the illusion of choice, where both sides are controlled by the same people. "Discourse" and politics is controlled through these entities, parties, and leaders, who curate the narratives the people in power want, keeping the people from straying out of bounds, where they'll realize what the actual solutions are.

  2. Whenever a significant number of people begin to wake up and realize the charade, the establishment presents them "outsiders", who are just as controlled as the false left and false right, to reign the noticers back into the fold. The "outsiders" may, at first, present ideas, words, and actions which are agreeable to those who've woken up, but slowly, over time, the "outsiders" become more milquetoast, and adhere more and more to globohomo policy. This is exactly what happened with Occupy Wallstreet, the Tea Party, and now with MAGA, where all of them were co-opted, or controlled from the beginning, and brought back into the false choice fold. We can see this with MAGA, who now unironically support the entire spectrum of LGBTQ so long as it's wearing a MAGA hat, as well as our borders remaining open, mass non-white immigration continuing unabated, White people still being attacked and being denied basic human rights, and racism being decried as the worst evil imaginable (but only if White people do it). Trump also claimed to be going after the swamp in his first term, but selected all swamp creatures for his entire cabinet, who (big shocker), all undermined his supposed extreme positions.

  3. Globohomo isn't monolithic. They're evil by nature, and will often betray each other at whim. Even though their hatred for us shared, there are numerous people and parties involved, and they sometimes have conflicting interests, agendas, and plans.

  4. The mountain of propaganda arrayed against us produces mountains of useful idiots, who all parrot the exact same globohomo messaging as the people in power. At a certain point, it becomes impossible to determine if the people we're dealing with are merely useful idiots, or actually controlled. Pragmatically, it makes zero difference, and all should be rejected.

  5. The mainstream right wing has been 1-5 decades behind the curve on every single issue and solution. Even "outsiders" like Trump, whether he's controlled or not, aren't good enough to actually fix our problems. This will become more apparent as time goes on, even to the most diehard Trump fan.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +4 / -1

Nice find. This makes it pretty much an impossibility that this wasn't a staged op in one form or another.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm curious what kind of rifle and optic the shooter was using. Even a moderately built 5.56 AR15 with a moderately decent scope can easily make 1-2 MOA 200 yard shots (a 2-4 inch grouping).

If the rifle and scope were decent, the only explanations for missing is if the scope wasn't zeroed, it was ridiculously windy (it clearly wasn't, as evidence by the videos), the shooter was really nervous and shaking, or the shooting was false flagged somehow.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, I agree. There are legitimate, genuine conspiracy theorists who will believe just about any theory imaginable, and have their reasons for it. It's up in the air whether the more "out there" theories were thought up by genuine people, or by subversives. In any case, it's obvious that the more out there theories are absolutely used to poison the well. But, you're right, we shouldn't necessarily acquiesce to how others feel about us or our beliefs. I was only pointing out how subversives use those more fringe theories to denigrate the entire community, to deflect away from the things they'd rather not discuss, and many subversives will keep a fire lit under those fringe theories (and push it themselves) as a means to further their goal to paint this sphere as "crazy", or any number of other ad hominems.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

It would have to be specific particulates to do that, of which I'm not sure what could do that. What I do know is that smoke makes the sunlight appear reddish.

However, I also think the sunlight is slightly different this year. It's noticeably more intense, and we're not even in the worst part of summer yet. We are in a solar maximum, meaning there are more sun spots and more solar activity, which means the sun is putting off more light, which might explain a slight variance in the visible EMR spectrum the sun is giving off.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

There will be overlap on certain issues where the shills on a conspiracy board, the ones who deny everything (as a means of being an annoying discordant troll to push genuine users away), meet with genuine users who only disbelieve certain conspiracies. It actually makes sense.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +12 / -4

It's fine to not agree with all conspiracy theories.

Flat earth is one that has too many logical holes in it to be true, which is why I don't put any faith in it. The few times I've gotten into a debate with actual flat earthers, and asked them for explanations on the holes in the theory, they resorted to name calling and just telling me that I'm stupid.

There are obviously people within the conspiracy theory sphere that intentionally poison the well, by putting forth theories that are so insane as to put off normies, to make conspiracy theorists appear nutty, and make it easier for the establishment to make blanket labels against us, that we're crazy. Flat earth is probably one of those theories. You can even see it in the controlled, curated, and censored forums (like Reddit), whenever someone brings up a legitimate conspiracy, they're drowned out by the hive mind who bring up those well poisoned theories, to denigrate the entire conspiracy theory sphere.

Genuine conspiracy theorists usually don't believe in every single conspiracy, as there's a few that are beyond the pale, even for them, even though most of us are a lot more open to possibility than normies. You can usually tell when someone isn't a genuine conspiracy theorist when they deny all conspiracies wholecloth (like u/vpnsurfer), or when they try to appear as crazy as possible. It's also obvious by how they talk (very vitriolic) and how they argue (constant logical fallacies and ad hominems).

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

They do this for everything, not just vaccines. Doctors get kickbacks from pharma corporations for prescribing poison to their patients. Most doctors are too retarded, corrupt, or both, to realize most of their medical training was shaped by Rockefeller and pharma influence, to keep people sick and paying for as long as possible.

Covid proved this unequivocally, where every single thing they said was a lie, and yet most doctors and nurses went along with it, even though it killed millions.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure thing. I got done going through all of Randall Carlson's videos, and needed a new podcast to sink my teeth into. I've been working my way backwards through their material, and I'm currently on episode 249. Thus far, they've discussed UFOs, pole shifts, ancient Egypt, ancient Maya, Gobekli Tepe, other ancient civilizations, physics, philosophy, giants, little people, ancient precision, ancient catastrophes, Akashic records, the ice age, and Younger Dryas.

They're just passionate lay people like the rest of us, and they're quite funny, but they're also quite knowledgeable on conspiracy related stuff. They do avoid political conspiracies, though, which is kinda nice, as it's a nice escape from politics being discussed everywhere else.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's some really good videos on pole changes in the Brothers of the Serpent podcast on Youtube. They discuss a lot of conspiracy theory related stuff, and have hundreds of podcasts out, if anyone is interested.

Here's a video they did discussing the alignments of ancient ruins, and how it seems to indicate pole changes in the past:


Here's part 1 (of an 11 part series) discussing Charles Hapgood's book, The Path of the Pole:


The book reading can be a little dry, but the subject matter and evidence for the movement of the pole, or crustal displacement, is quite fascinating.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

r/conspiracy finally discussing the jewish question again. Nice. It was mostly censored and shilled to death after the 2016 DNC primary.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a valid position to take, but it must be applied universally (to remain logically consistent), which Matt Walsh hasn't.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe you're newer in the conspiracy theory world, but it was discussed a ton in such forums when it happened, and there was tons of evidence showing it was completely faked. There was even a discussion in this forum about it a week or two ago.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, you're right. It's "survive" not "search". I wrote that comment when I woke up at around 3am and couldn't go back to sleep.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're not above killing a lot of innocent people. But, a lot of the things they put out are completely faked. Two major recent examples are the Sandy Hook school shooting and the Syrian civil war chemical weapons attacks. In the latter example, the mainstream media actually helped to perpetuate the lie that Assad was using chemical weapons against his own people. In reality, it was either the "rebels" (who were essentially CIA and Mossad) who used the chemical weapons, or a conventional weapon made to look like a chemical weapon, or the scene was faked entirely.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. MKUltra stuff. Trauma based manipulation, propaganda, and mind control.

I was watching a podcast with a SERE military guy (search, evade, resist, escape), people who specialize in survival scenarios, and he said the teaching courses utilize trauma based teaching techniques (making the students suffer), because they've found that people retain information better when they're under stress. I'm sure they "learned" this technique from totally innocent happenstance, and totally not from MKUltra, and that the people in power totally don't use it against the populace.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's a columnist for The Daily Wire (a pro jew/zionist organization masquerading as right wing), and he's been defending Jews quite a bit lately, and mocking pro Palestinian protests. Whether he's jewish or a shabbos goy, who knows. Practically, right now, it makes no difference. However, he definitely has jewish physiognomy.

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