One of the tactics of communists is to destabilize a country by ripping out all the foundations of the society. History, morality, traditions all must be marginialized and eliminated as much as possible.
Here comes flat earth, to contribute to that. They love to come up with scientific-sounding explanations why the earth is a flat disk, and ignore basic physics. They toss around a lot of complex sounding explanations while ignoring observable facts and invent their own science. It's all done in an effort to destabilize the country, just like all the sexual madness that's being pushed.
Big lurker here....Why does everyone shit on this specific conspiracy theory on a conspiracy theory board? I see the normal posters come out and shit on it and random accounts shit on it.
It's fine to not agree with all conspiracy theories.
Flat earth is one that has too many logical holes in it to be true, which is why I don't put any faith in it. The few times I've gotten into a debate with actual flat earthers, and asked them for explanations on the holes in the theory, they resorted to name calling and just telling me that I'm stupid.
There are obviously people within the conspiracy theory sphere that intentionally poison the well, by putting forth theories that are so insane as to put off normies, to make conspiracy theorists appear nutty, and make it easier for the establishment to make blanket labels against us, that we're crazy. Flat earth is probably one of those theories. You can even see it in the controlled, curated, and censored forums (like Reddit), whenever someone brings up a legitimate conspiracy, they're drowned out by the hive mind who bring up those well poisoned theories, to denigrate the entire conspiracy theory sphere.
Genuine conspiracy theorists usually don't believe in every single conspiracy, as there's a few that are beyond the pale, even for them, even though most of us are a lot more open to possibility than normies. You can usually tell when someone isn't a genuine conspiracy theorist when they deny all conspiracies wholecloth (like u/vpnsurfer), or when they try to appear as crazy as possible. It's also obvious by how they talk (very vitriolic) and how they argue (constant logical fallacies and ad hominems).
I find it strange when vpnsurfer and TallestSkil agree on something...
There will be overlap on certain issues where the shills on a conspiracy board, the ones who deny everything (as a means of being an annoying discordant troll to push genuine users away), meet with genuine users who only disbelieve certain conspiracies. It actually makes sense.
In fairness, whether a theory is being used to denigrate conspiracy theorists is not a good way to evaluate its validity. 9/11 conspiracy theories were once used to denigrate theorists. Also (particularly pre-covid scam) a little phrase called "anti-vaxx".
Oh, I agree. There are legitimate, genuine conspiracy theorists who will believe just about any theory imaginable, and have their reasons for it. It's up in the air whether the more "out there" theories were thought up by genuine people, or by subversives. In any case, it's obvious that the more out there theories are absolutely used to poison the well. But, you're right, we shouldn't necessarily acquiesce to how others feel about us or our beliefs. I was only pointing out how subversives use those more fringe theories to denigrate the entire community, to deflect away from the things they'd rather not discuss, and many subversives will keep a fire lit under those fringe theories (and push it themselves) as a means to further their goal to paint this sphere as "crazy", or any number of other ad hominems.
Thank you.