This is getting killed on r/conspiracy, which makes me think it might be valid enough to post here.
Fill the country with fighting-age foreign men, including Chinese and many from countries we've bombed to hell. Many of them are rumored to already be U.N. soldiers.
Make sure they're well-fed and housed in major cities and other hubs across the U.S.
Demonstrate that the President is incompetent and incapable of wiping his ass.
Assassinate the front-running populist candidate.
V.P. gets on TV and says that she's calling in U.N. troops because she fears a civil war or general uprising.
Give guns, uniforms and paychecks to all those foreign kids who are already here, along with names on the CIA/NSA shit-list to be rounded-up and either sent to camps or shot on site.
If a revolution is successfully quelled at that point, they've won and destroyed the country.
Indirectly related: The fact that "Morning Joe" and other mainstream "news" talk shows were cancelled tells me that the script they had was pointless because the sniper missed (and other evidence).
He's a fake populist, a controlled opposition "outsider" to reign in an neuter any resistance from people who've escaped the controlled right wing.