Maybe cancer was unleashed on the world to study it in order to find a way to manipulate it for beneficial reasons. Beneficial for tptb
It's the rational action when actors realize the iterated prisoners dillema has an end in sight. Everyone begins to defect
Can I even believe those stories?
How do we know this isn't propaganda to the more folks spending money to lessen the blow of an inevitable economy crash?
They're testing new bots. Misinfo bots. Been rather obvious the past 5 days or so. Different breed from prior generation bots. Now, they're flooding misinfo, from completely fabricated events to mixtures of truth and make believe.
Hey, you're one of those DNC bots aren't you? I'm glad you don't care about your ideals anymore.
You'd probably start with China and India, given they're the most populated and have high birth rates
I wonder how many aren't citizens.
Yup. Really stupid people tend to be either all believing or all denying because they know enough to know they suck at judgement. The middle of the pack is your dunning Krugers of the world. Most easily manipulated types.
This is a shill post. You won't get an answer
VW - we lie about emissions. Trust us!!
Let me add this to my "Duh" files
Stop paying taxes. File exempt, get 1099 work and don't pay, or if you have savings, take the rest of the year off. Stop contributing to this.
Since when were those stories believable?
Leftist taking over here?
If u hate Elon, the left brainwashing engine is working on you
More about Musk. Definitely not a shill
Reddit bot / shill
Cabin pressure replicates 5k elevation
Man, don't shit on my nyquil. It's the only thing I take.
They're in exchange for small amounts of money, I'm guessing a few dollars a day in wages
I'm not really saddened by the Reuters 'journalists' part
It could happen by without trying, otherwise it would not had likely been discovered, which means the body likely has a build in defense