Some of you have probably heard about the FE advocate, Jeranism, going to Antarctica and realizing the FE model is nonsense.

I think Jernism truly believed in Flat Earth once. He was a brain washed Jesuit cult member / patsy. Far fetched?

I do have evidence, but unfortunately it is only from my memory, however it is a strong memory.

In a random video I watched by Jeranism he admitted to being "Jesuit trained", that they taught him the Earth was flat, and that one of these teachers he was convinced was over 200 years old. In other words this guy was brainwashed by a secret society to be used for their purposes (I don't believe for a second the guy was over 200 years old, but the fact Jeranism did speaks volumes).

If we are to believe he is merely a dishonest agent, he would never have admitted to being trained by Jesuits. That would only raise eyebrows from his audience and lose trust with them. I think he was telling the truth.


Yet Flat Earthers will never admit that.

posted ago by Jim_donald ago by Jim_donald

1.The design of this deeply hidden plot has been to change the perception of the masses, undermining the authority of the Bible, the correct shape of the earth, the layout of the universe and the creator’s position in it.

2.It means that the origin of man is deliberately being covered up from us. Man, woman and child, you are being deceived on a massive scale.

3.It means that this place was created, that you were designed, you were crafted, you are special and with purpose. A purpose being hidden from you on purpose. We are supposed to know our world, and our reason for being.

We’ve been swallowed whole by this economic fiat money system that controls absolutely everything and fuels this manufactured reality. Most of us know that we are slaves, and it’s no wonder that we desire to escape through movies, tv shows and video games, that happen to also further our programming and mental conditioning. We were never meant to live like this, and knowledge of our flat earth is a step in the right direction. Embrace this flat world of ours, and free your mind from this deception which is being purported by Satan and his legions of demons.

The primary target of Satan's malevolence is the true church of Jesus Christ. Satan has a secret army of devil possessed adversaries of Christ who do Satan's bidding in working to suppress the gospel of Jesus Christ and to enslave the world. To achieve those ends, Satan must control the minds of the masses. He must enslave our minds, before he can enslave our bodies. Heliocentrism is a foundational belief for enslaving the minds of men.

So, I urge you all: diligently study God’s word in the Bible, repent of your sins, believe the Gospel, and put your faith in Jesus Christ; for the kingdom of God is at hand.

posted ago by DrLeaks2 ago by DrLeaks2

Predictions: at best some incoherent rant that they can but won't do it for some bullshit reason


Why do you suppose that is?


If you were taught about Christopher Columbus and/or Ferdinand Magellan in school, then you were officially introduced to FLAT EARTH THEORY during the course of your "compulsory education"...

Theres nothing "fringe" or "extreme" about learning about CC or FM in school,

And these two particular aspects of FLAT EARTH THEORY are 500 years old, so they are nothing new, and have been around a lot longer than most other "conspiracy theories" like JFK or 9/11...

So, lets stop pretending that anyone who talks about FLAT EARTH is some kind of weirdo who is into "fringe" ideas... because FLAT EARTH is in-fact a standard part of every Americans so-called "education".

EVERY American grade school graduate knows that CC sailed in the year 1492.

But what is weird about FLAT EARTH, is how EMOTIONAL people get about it.

Like, i can bring up 1,000 other contentious issues, from Ford vs Chevy, or Chiefs vs Eagles, and most people will have a mild opinion, but they won't have a meltdown.

BUT there are certain topics, like VACCINES, where people get oddly EMOTIONAL,

And when people get oddly emotional about a certain topic, it always catches my attention, because i always know theres more going on under the surface, and i want to know what it is...

So for me, my interest moves away from the nuts and bolts of which truck is better, and toward the psychology of why this man is so oddly emotional about it.

And what i have discovered,

Is that people have 2 very distinct brains,

one brain that is highly logical,

and one brain that is highly ethical.

to illustrate what i mean, lets use the following example:

  1. its highly LOGICAL to invest your money in a savings account, and get 5% INTEREST on your savings.

  2. however, its highly UN-ETHICAL to engage in USURY.


we ALWAYS talk about INTEREST,

and NEVER talk about USURY!

because if we talk about USURY, we are using the ETHICAL part of our brain,

and if we talk about INTEREST, we are using the LOGICAL part of our brain.

So, what needs to happen is, we need to START talking about USURY,

Every time INTEREST comes up!

Anyway, this DUALITY of the mind exists in many other dimensions,

And so the powers that be, who always dictate the pop culture from the top down,

frame every issue in a way that appeals to one way you think,

at the expense of other ways of thinking of an issue.

Fake shootings on TV.

We all know the drill.

Next comes "common sense gun controls"

Every time they need a distraction from Jan 6 revelations, they have a fake shooting,


There emerged TWO very distinct groups of people,

Those who GOT vaccinated,

and Those who DID NOT get vaccinated,

And it was a very EMOTIONAL situation,

and it cost of a lot of friendships,

and caused many family problems.

How many people do you know who lost a friend over vaccine debate?

And Then Theres The MOON LANDING HOAX duality,

There are people who believe that white men have walked on the moon,

And there are people who believe that this story is a hoax.

But why do people get so EMOTIONAL?

And the moon landing hoax is usually lumped in with flat earth,

And both issues get people very emotional, to the point of losing friends,

Something very strange going on at


Our favorite Flat Earther claims that the distance between the two cities is:

my calc: Distance between Sydney and Santiago is 11,246km on globe and 14,169km on FE map.

A direct flight from Sydney to Santiago takes 12.5 hours

That means that the plane would have to fly at Mach 1.13 the whole time.

Flight QF 27 is currently en route flying 925 km/hr

Can any Flat Earther explain how it can make the claimed distance in 12.5 hours?

Edit: note how the flat earthers show up here but as predicted, cannot provide any explanation. As usual.

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