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Goiter got big, went to the ER, they told me to wait months. Cut and paste blood work into chargpt, said it couldnt be a doctor. Asked it forbmathmatical averages, iodine popped up first. Ordered it, two days later full relief. They are trying to kill us and will make you wait and suffer while they do it.
Why the fuck would you ask CrapGPT for health advice when its been mostly trained on Rockefeller funded big oil pharma pseudo-medicine intent for lifespan and population control ? Stop to think about it deeply before you even consider answering.
Humanity has no hope, I tell you. We have given up independent intuitive critical reasoning faculties and turned them over to Large Language Brainwashing Models.
I've used it for a total of two things. It worked both times.
Funny how the number one thing worked so quick and I asked for a list of possibilities. I think it would tend to give better medical advice for a lack of bias compared to a doctor who has years if not decades of time getting used to killing people by accident or maybe on purpose after the whole covid debacle? All the doctors fell in line like sheep and became mass murderers in my eyes.
You sound like your from canada. The ol, lets wait and see approach.
Chances are you woulda been fine, and if you werent, meh who cares no one would be held responsible lmao. I feel your pain.
They are making me get my vitamin d up, even though it wasnt that low 2 years ago when I discovered my phosphorous was low as shit.
Assholes, criminals really.
I came across this very same 4chan post not long after it was written and just had it in the back of my mind. A while later, I had to pad an order to get free shipping and threw in a bottle of the cheapest iodine they had.
I had no idea what it was supposed to do. My short attention span and limited retention left only the message, "We're deficient in iodine because it used to be in Morton's iodized salt when no one knew what it meant and no one uses Morton's any more."
So I expected nothing and began to titrate with 1 drop a day. I never noticed any other effect, but after a week I began to sleep like a baby again. The stuff is powerful, and I'm only up to 5 drops of it in some water before bed. I've experimented backing off to 4 drops and I can easily tell the difference. Falling asleep is never a problem, nor is light, noise, etc.
As stated, I use the cheap stuff, about $7 for a 2oz bottle of "potassium iodine & iodide". That bottle lasts for longer than I can possibly remember when I bought it. Maybe there are better ones, but the cheapest stuff does the trick for me.
Holy shit. POSSIBLY IMPORTANT READ FOR FOLKS: This same thing happened to me. Long story short - saw similar post, was very interested for whatever reason and kept it buried in my mind. A year or two later, meet my current gf. She ditched the pill a year or two prior to us meeting and hadn’t had regular periods since. At that point in our relationship she HADNT HAD A PERIOD IN 7 MONTHS. I remembered the effects iodine supposedly had on the thyroid and therefore, hormones. She was seeing a gyno who was a little concerned (less than I thought they both should be but what do I know..) and wanted to try inducing a period with heavy meds. We very much want to have babies some day and I raised concerns to the gf of what these meds are exactly and what they do to her body. So I say let’s try this iodine stuff (Lugols solution, 4 drops to start in a small cup of water/day) before just to see. Also started eating a little raw beef liver. I am not bullshitting, within a week, maybe days (can’t remember exactly) she has a period… AND HAS BEEN REGULAR EVER SINCE while taking. If we forget (we’re not perfect) and she’s late, we get it back in our routine and boom- period. Actually insane. She told her gyno and gets the typical “oh good we’ll if you think it’s helping then go ahead” but my mind was blown and confirmed all of my doubts in the medical industry. Anyways for anyone who’s girl has any potential HYPOthyroidism symptoms including menstrual related, I hope this might help.
Great comment and great news!
I sometimes feel like we've been completely deceived and lost track of what normal health is for the human body. Like if you brought someone from a few generations ago back from the past with a time machine and showed them all the health problems we think are just "par for the course", they would think they'd actually been taken to Hell.
When I was a child no one had ever heard of anyone having any sort of problem making as many babies as they wanted (and then maybe one surprise after that). Fertility trouble was absolutely not a "thing".
So best of luck making some babies! We need all the people we can get to help get us out of this mess!
Thank you! My thoughts exactly, I want good people to make as many good people as possible. Maybe an over simplification but you get the point! Just hope we’re fortunate enough to do so and like you said, crazy how that’s even common concern yet people aren’t asking why…
Update because I’ve been thinking a lot about this and attributing it majorly to our success! Baby on the way and doing great. Thanks again for the well wishes. We’ve been promoting this simple regimen to all friends/family we know who are having any trace of difficulties in getting pregnant. What a turnaround it provided for her. Very fortunate to have stumbled upon a fricken 4chan screenshot that in all likelihood changed our lives forever
Thanks for the update and the fantastic news. I'm very glad to hear that it worked out for you and that you're keeping the knowledge flowing forward. Make America Healthy Again seems to be the catchphrase of the season!
All blessings to your family and forthcoming addition. I've really only recently come to the understanding of what a wonder a child really is: hope for the future and unlimited possibility. Seems like as a society we should be more aware of that, right?
I feel certain your child will grow up in a better world than we live in now, as long as we keep working at it. Stay strong and take care!
I love the positivity and it sounds like we share a very similar mindset and outlook on life. the idea of creating a better future for whoever comes after us and providing a better life/opportunity than we had is exciting and should be shared by everyone! Whether or not people are fortunate enough to start a family of their own I think that sentiment can/should hopefully still apply.
Best wishes and merry Christmas to you and you family as well!
Sometimes feel? That's exactly what is happening.
Meanwhile... I've always used iodized salt and still do, no goiters or other issues.
I also don't drink fluoride.
Lugol's is what everyone recommends but i've never tried it. despite the anti-onion /pol/ meme, i like getting my iodine that way. that and seaweed. but with seaweed there's, uhh, shall we say 'laxative' effects.
The thing is, even though Lugol's is twice the price of the cheap stuff, that means (drum roll)... an extra $7 a couple of times a year. A bottle lasts a helluva long time.
As rough as Bidenomics is on all of us, I feel everyone should splurge on any kind of iodine they feel they want... lol
Theres quite a bit of iodine in green vegetables. Specifically spinach and other greens.
If you supplement with iodine, make sure you get your T3 and T4 levels checked.
I started down this road and royally screwed my thyroid. My doctor is very patient with me and let's me do shit like this under his care (without him condoning it) and in return i am always 100% honest with him. He just asks to run full blood work on me to make sure I'm not killing myself.
With the iodine I wasn't killing myself I don't think, but I felt like SHIT. My thyroid was several times higher than it should have been. Suffice it to say any perceived effects weren't worth it.
That being said, you do you people, just get some blood work every now and then.
Agreed 100%.
You need to make sure you do NOT have TPO or thyroid antibodies. If you have Hashimoto's then pouring extra iodine on top of that without treating the underlying cause of thyroid autoimmune disease will just kill the thyroid faster.
If you start doing over 1mg/d starting from zero, you need to ensure enough other minerals for enzymatic action to balance the thyroid iodinases. Most important ones are Se, Mg, Zn, Na , Fe, Ca and P. Selenium being perhaps the single most important.
Start slow, and go up slow, give body time to adjust.
Measure tissure saturation (blood, skin absorption test) regularly and when saturated , go to your maintenance dose.
Imho, the safest forms are seafood (esp. shrimps , mussels), purified sea water (e.g. Quinton) and standardised seaweed pills (Kelp, radioactivity free).
Hell, its proably not terrible to have some liquid of the stuff in case the nuclear bombs ever go off. The shelf life on the blue stuff is pretty long I guess.
But your right. I dont use table salt, I just dont find it as tasty as kosher salt. Maybe the difference is in my head. I know kosher salt/sea salt/pink salt as well have larger crystals that make a difference with your taste buds. I just think there might be some more nutrients in those salts than the really processed stuff.
I was worried my thyroid levels were off, but I dont really have any of those symptoms. Most of mine line up with low phosphorous or high calcium, since they work closely together they have pretty much the same symptoms.
Anyway, dumbass endo tested my thyroid function. It was fine. So I dont think iodine is a issue for me. Asshole is making me take vitamin d even though it was barely low like 2 years ago. I mean what are they going to do, give me a bone density scan before and after the treatment, rofl, im not worthy of such treatment.
Besides, its easy to get enough of it if you eat leafy green stuff.
I hate taking this vitamin d, id rather lay out in the sun for a few days every week, but Im not being left with any choice. Its gonna be a month or two before the uv index is high enough, and they arent going to do anything if I dont take the vitamin d. Like I said in another comment.
Chances are, ill be ok. And if im not, oh well, its canada. No one will be held responsible.
Id love for you to come here to the largest city on canadas east coast and go into a walk and ask for some blood tests just to "check up".
They would laugh at you and tell you to leave.
Fucking bonkers.
These are the same doctors who tried to claim that refrigerant cant cause irregular heartbeat or that I didnt have it. If I had trusted these people, I'd be dead.
Im not sure what is wrong with these people.
Might have already had hypERthyroidism… but yeah smart to keep an eye on those levels since everyone is different. My gf had the opposite results, I’ll type in another comment in hopes of everyone seeing it.
I've found iodine works for me. Though people need to find their proper dose. I believe Dr. Brownstein's recommendations are too high and work better for short term detox.
1-10mg is optimal for me.
edit: It is still worth reading his book to get more information.
If you are a carnivore or on a paleo diet, you should get enough iodine. Lugol’s is good but try to get as much through food as possible. You can get iodine in foods like eggs, liver, and fish, which are all on the carnivore and paleo diets.
Sadly, the feds banned most iodine products from pharmacies because it can be used as a stage in meth production. You can't easily even buy iodine crystals for chem labs without serious paperwork. The old days of making nitrogen triiodide for fun contact explosives are gone too. It's that neat stuff so unstable that if you touch it, it blows up. A little goes a long way.
Table salt however is available containing enough iodine to be of nutrient use.
Thank you for this post. Iodine on its way.
The rabbit hole is much deeper on iodine. Ask the Japanese with their daily intake of ~ 13mg/d and next to no thyroid, breast and prostate cancer and 10+ higher IQs.
Yes, do take some. I am and have been taking it with good results. Once tissue saturated you don't want to go back unless you've got Hashimoto's that's out of control. And do make sure you get enough selenium anf magnesium and sodium when you start upping your iodine game.
Take iodine, prefer in Kelp (standardised, non -radioactive ) or potassium iodide (not as good ) form.
Start slow, a 200-500 mcg/d. Give body a few weeks to adapt. Go slow.
3..combine with sources of esp. Se, Mg, Fe, Zn, P, Ca. If you can do it, do blood test measures first. Aim for upper bound or last quartile of healthy range as minimum, not lab test range average.
Go slowly up towards 10 000 - 15 000 mcg/d stepwise, always giving body time to adjust to new dose and ensuring other minerals.
If you feel like shit, take a break and FULLY test your whole thyroid panel , T3, fT3, rT3,T4, fT4, TSh, TPOAb, TgAb, TrAb, TSHab and I/Se/Mg levels (pref intracelllular, not plasma for the minerals). If your Doc says you don't need these, tell him to fuck himself and get one who fully understands all range of thyroid issues.
If you have antibodies, treat the autoimmune disease first (with specific food avoidance diet for life, get wide ranging ELISA panel for clues).
If no autoimmune , check for functioning of Pituitary (again full functional panel with Abs).
If pituitary ok, then check hypothalamus. Same routine.
If all ok, check tissue iodine saturation If saturated , just try to find your personal safe maintenance daily intake level where you feel good.
If not saturated, if all above OK and taking Iodine makes you still feel bad, check ALL critical mineral levels (esp..RBC intracellular). Do Not be happy of "low normal" or "average", those are normalised results of a Sick population ..aim for upper range.
If all above ok and not saturated and still feel bad ln iodine, then take even smaller amounta at a time , always with whole food.AND try different forms (esp. Seafood and kelp as standardised to certain mcg/pill ).
The above just saved you few years of reading, distilling, analysing , testing and trialling on hundreds of people . Yreat it accordingly.
especially those trace minerals.
Include a quick summary plz