Is this a talk or more info than just that page?
I can't seem to find any link to click on.
Is there a way to predict who'll they'll make win games? Due to a story line? 'Conspiracies', etc.?
This makes sense. Thanks
Pardon my ignorance I don't know who he is. But it sounds like he's being critical of science, not supporting it?
How does it work? Like in the astral you'd see just such dark energy being emitted from the brutality?
Aren't there videos of people intentionally lighting fires?
I've seen more convincing evidence posted elsewhere I think. These pics look almost identical.
That said, I don't put it past "them" that they are capable of such a thing, but these pics aren't selling it.
Can you recommend some interesting fiction books to read?
What do you mean by "rises above Jung"?
Don't need The Experts to tell me this.
This makes sense. Thanks
Hmm. They circumsize in that religion. Weird.
Thanks for the reply.
I hear what you're saying. I'm aware of the concepts and also its risks. I'm not interested in it but I am interested in developing psy abilities.
Increased intuition, energy work, these kinds of things.
I know reiki to be bad. I'm thinking more chi gong, breath work, meditation, etc.
I have a lot of sleep paralysis, way too many weird synchronities and life events that have occurred that I know there is more going on and want to be able to protect myself.
There must be some practice that is the opposite of black magic where your 'power' is given by God rather than satan.
Also, being diagnosed with different things I believe are spiritual in nature rather than a 'chemical imbalance' I'm wanting to defeat whatever it is that is causing it.
The parasite cleanse looks to be very helpful, I'm going to be starting that soon.
I read a bunch of your comments, I resonate with what you've said in some chains.
What did you notice when changing out music to non-lyrical?
I don't have a desire to practice black magic but what kind of stuff were you doing? And what what of ways were you generating income and status?
Ya, the "assassination" was another joke.
Add a sinus rinse into the mix with iodine, xylitol and salt.
Yup. Unless a person "denies" the holocaust, I don't care about any of their "conspiracy' opinions.
"It's no mark of sanity to be well adjusted to a sick society."
Haha. Landing on the moon.
Written about in 1984?
What are you implying by your comments?
What's the end goal? Inflate the price of his art to profit?