I'm curious as to how many US government shills post here. If they're " on the clock", the shills would not be here today because of the holiday. Occasionally I browse, comment or post during the work day. Today it's because of Sub-Zero temperature and snow so the construction site is closed. Normal Joes have the day off, so we may see more from them. Pay attention to who is absent today but is normally active. Just a thought...
Comments (43)
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OK, checkin' in
I never questioned you
Aha, that’s suspicious in and of itself! Clearly you’re the actual federal agent!
Ah comrade! You said that stayed between us
You're looking to the wrong government. You need to check the Israeli government holiday schedule. shill posts on 4chan dropped significantly in the days following the Palestinian attack
You mean jews would just lie on the internet? I'm shocked!
I have a feeling it's every government on earth. Not exclusive to one
I wouldn't trust any of the governments or their financiers
That would make them the most dedicated government workers by a factor of 10, since most of them can't be bothered to do work on days that aren't federal holidays
Contractors.....like everything...it's outsourced.
They're lazy too, who's going to check on them to see if they're working?
They are paid to post. They have systems to monitor them. It's literally saying to someone....type someone something and press the bell and money shows up...no note, no bell, no money
Also they get paid only up to a point. They also get paid to stop and if they go too far or appear too often out of place they can negate their commission.
If you don't think they can enforce this, then you shouldn't even imagine they exist....these are not people with morals....it's like working for a drug dealer....sure they can, but there are risks.
Hey now, it's not that bad working for a cartel.
Well old school loyalty still has its place. This is for the contractors who are deemed unworthy of loyalty based dealings (ie. They are not made men in mafia speak)
And some people get to a position of "take the gold or get the lead"
This ☝️
Yeah, but we can do the same thing on one of their holidays to narrow the field
Well, you missed biggest holidays in Russia, f.e., actually, from Dec 30 to Jan 13. There are some official working days in between, but people barely work, because New Year hangover, then Christmas is coming, then Christmas hangover, then Old New Year (don't try to understand :) ), all that stuff.
Next big Russian holidays will be May 1 - May 9, meanwhile. :)
Also sabbath is Friday at sundown until Saturday at sundown
The mods at TGA are especially undereducated. I taught them CAA (Creative Artists Agency aka CIA) and they banned me for my knowledge.
Some of the mods at GA are all about control of discourse. Odd how that matches the attitude of the Left, huh. But it's neocons in this case behaving like little nazis.
They act like they own the website. There'a already NO ONE here.
Am also waiting for the weather to improve so I can get back to construction.
His name was Robert paulson
The flaw here is thinking shills play by any rules.
I'm of the mind that they're lazy fuckers who wouldn't check in to see what's going on when they're off work
But couldn't they just slack message 'on call' make some post or comment and then get paid over time......just saying.... While it's true that some may not...it's certainly not a for sure.... You assume they aren't contracted.... employees are taxed.....
Just posted a ZOG link so I guess I’m good.
Yep. Works for Russian holidays too.
I'm not a shill. I'm too reactionary and undereducated to post good content so More lurker then anything else but I pop in more then a few times a day and share alot of this stuff on FB.
i drew the short straw at work so had to come in today to monitor you faggots. it's weird how quiet this office is without everyone here sucking jew cock.
...the carpet isn't any less sticky, though.
What are you guys doing messaging me on my favorite BLM holiday!
No but real talk: who are some of the peeps missing that you're talking about?
Watching for them. If they suspiciously start posting or commenting tomorrow, we can put that in the mental notes
Most people post on any social media at work, regardless of their status, because they're rat race cubicle dwellers.
There's been a few posts in this topic in the past. For instance in the days surrounding the hamas attack on Gaza
I guess this confirms I'm not a shill, if that's all it takes! I'll save this for future reference!