He's being championed as "anti-woke" but also seems committed to the dollarization of Argentina, and his rhetoric is very subservient towards Israel. What's the deal? Any Argentinians want to weight in?
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He's being championed as "anti-woke" but also seems committed to the dollarization of Argentina, and his rhetoric is very subservient towards Israel. What's the deal? Any Argentinians want to weight in?
Exactly https://www.bitchute.com/video/SXo9RkfjHVJL/
Yeah - https://pasteboard.co/dsDWEdA5Twxj.png
Yet another Zelensky. Will do shit with the country and then will be thrown under the bus.
Argentina is resource rich and relatively developed country, but political establishment continously do everything to keep it close to the bottom. Only 100 years ago Argentine was succesfull country with good perspectives. Somebody didn't like that.
"Any Argentinians want to weight in"
Please, someone from there give some insight based on particular experience, because it's the usual suspects here saying the same bromides.
He's just another luciferian WEF puppet of Klaus "illumiNazi" Schwab, same goes for Zion Don Trump which the media is pushing right now.
I don't know a single thing about him, but I am sure he is another puppet. As they all are
Milei interviewed by Tucker:
just another zionist jew
Everyone will repeat this:
Presidential frontrunner reveals Judaism conversion plans (RT 11/19/2023)
But they won't have read as far as the 6th paragraph to this:
The thing is, when do you ever hear Zionists talking about religious precepts? I doubt the guy has much idea what's really going on and he's actually interested in the religion of Judaism, which is diametrically opposed on Zionism.
But hey, it's the easy blackwash, and a demonstration of just how deep most "conspiracy theorist's" analysis actually goes.
Judaism is not diametrically opposed to Zionism. The difference is a mere technicality of should we kill the goyim before the mashiach comes or after.
Original Judaism was of the opinion that it should be after, but Herzl won them over and changed their minds that we should "prepare" for his coming. Neutari Karta sort of still in that phase pre-Herzl
Judaism is based on the Talmud. A truly nasty book on all accounts.
Sure it is. Here's a rabbi who explains it in excruciating detail and (IIRC because it's been years since I watched it) it's exclusively from contemporaneous statements by the founders of Zionism itself:
Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro (YT 1:30)
It's long, but I found it riveting. Zionism would fall apart in a week if it was widely known.
The original Zionists despised Jews, and Shapiro doesn't state it so plainly as I would, but in my mind the triumph of Zionism means the extinction of anyone who would confess the faith of Judaism. Such people would have been rendered as useless as any goy.
And Judaism is not based on the Talmud, any more than Christianity is based on the heretical Scofield Reference Bible. The primitive trick is, "You don't need that original book, since this is improved! Just ignore that other one!" People that are manipulated by accepting such crude disinformation I consider to be a huge part of the problem.
Thank you for the video, I will check it out.
The way I see it, even if "original" Judaism does not take into account the Talmud which it doesn't of course because the Talmud is relatively new. It's a safe generalization to say that Jews of today are Talmudist for the most part, even if they don't follow their religion or know much about it. The way of the Talmud has seeped into every facet of their lives.
Prior to Hitler rise to power there may indeed have been a chance of "original" Judaism triumphing over the sick and demented Talmudist Rabbis, and other forms of modernized and humane Judaism evolving but you know what happened to those. Zionist/Talmudic form of morality won over and we now have the standard Jewish Israeli saying Israel has the right to genocide other non-Jews and celebrating the killing of children.
A few quick notes:
The very reference "Jew" has become virtually meaningless. Paraphrasing the characterization Benjamin Freedman used: "If Jews are what we call Jews today, then Jesus was not a Jew. And if Jesus was a Jew, then there are no Jews left." So what is a Jew, right?
I might call them "rabbinic Talmudic Sabbatean-Frankist Zionists" (which I mean in a specific and strictly technical sense), but let's be honest: you simply cannot even begin to have a conversation like that with virtually anyone.
The "Jews" in basically any sense you wish to use are a very recent deliberate artificial construction. The basic thesis is given in a book by Shlomo Sand (<- yes, a mainstream Israeli academic Jew) called The Invention of the Jewish People.
I would say it's beyond what Sand says because, among other things, did you know they even constructed for these new Jews a language that had been dead for thousands of years? It's called Modern Hebrew, as distinct from Biblical Hebrew. That's like saying I'm English because I speak English. (I'm not.)
The truth is plain and you see that you can put all together right from wiki. But They are not worried about this because no one does.
you have a point there. One guy coined the term: Joo to differentiate "rabbinic Talmudic Sabbatean-Frankist Zionist" from Jew.
Oh, so it was "da Joos" all along!
He is a puppet of the usual criminals.
He's a shabbos goy golem who will sell out his people.
The aspiring jewish convert who worships Israel and the US dollar, you mean? The fag-lover who thinks trannies are just fine? What about him?
a) 'ARGENT, noun (Latin argentum; Gr. silver, from white) + TINA aka CHRISTINA - "christian".
Sleight of hand: "Don't cry for me; white christian"...
b) suggested "new" (implies out of nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable "now" (implies within everything).
c) rhetoric aka "art of speaking" implies artificial suggestion (word) over naturally perceivable (sound).
d) nature moves life from inception towards death, hence life being presided over, while being set into, hence PRESI'DE, verb (Latin proesideo; before setting.) aka PROE (inception towards death) SIDEO (life).
Edit: https://files.catbox.moe/ce13nm.jpeg