superspathi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cool. Genocide the sand niggers. Do it with style. Do it like you'd like to do to the kikes.

superspathi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not jewish. I just notice the same hatred for others expressed by all the major religions. The christian bible has passages calling for the killing of all non-believers, and obviously the koran does. The israelis are locked in a war with their muslim neighbors and I don't care. Fuck the muslims. They've been at war with every non-muslim since mohammed raped his first goat. How many europeans were enslaved by muslims? It's millions. There's no history of jews enslaving whites. There's all kinds claims about the nefarious stuff jews have done, but not really much solid evidence of anything. Oh here's a medieval painting of creepy jews! They must be bad because all the christians hated them! They blew up a ship in 1967! I don't really know, I just don't find the negative claims about jews to be anywhere approaching the shit I've seen from muslims and niggers with my own eyes. They may be kind of creepy, but I think christians are pretty creepy too. I'm willing to ignore that minor creepiness as long as they're not chimping out and actively ruining my home like the niggers do.

And I just want to preemptively tell you to fuck yourself, because like all the fucking nazis all you know how to do is call anyone who disagrees with your shit a kike and that's fucking gay. Kiss my ass and die in a fire you stupid sand nigger motherfucker.

superspathi -2 points ago +3 / -5

And I should give a fuck? You faggots that want to murder every jew on the planet are outraged about the jews murdering someone? Give me a break.

superspathi -2 points ago +1 / -3

That's art of war shit. Give your enemy the appearance of an escape route that is really a kill zone.

superspathi 0 points ago +3 / -3

They're bad for being genocidal while you only aspire to be genocidal.

superspathi 0 points ago +2 / -2

Let the niggers starve. Save us the trouble of killing them.

superspathi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought the pedestrian only town centers in Swiss towns were great. They typically had underground parking so you could drive to the area.

superspathi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why not? If I had infinite money I'd build an apocalypse vault too.

superspathi 1 point ago +1 / -0

More believable than a flat earth on the back of a large turtle.

superspathi -1 points ago +1 / -2

Up is meaningless unless you are in a gravity well, in which case the direction of gravitational acceleration is down and the opposite is up. In a region of microgravity there is no such thing. Well technically there is still a tiny gravitational acceleration but its so insigificant as to be unnoticeable.

There's two options here, you're either a fool or you're a kookifier dispatched here to poison the site and make everyone appear retarded by association.

superspathi 0 points ago +1 / -1

The moon could escape earth orbit if it were constantly being accelerated away from the earth like a rocket. But the moon doesn't have a rocket engine, retard.

superspathi 0 points ago +1 / -1

It wasn't pressurized to sea level pressure. The interior pressure was much lower and they compensated for that by having more oxygen in the mix. They openly say that parts of the lander hull were nothing more than a few thin aluminum sheets that a man could poke holes in with their hand. It didn't need much overall strength because it was only designed to operate in a vacuum.

superspathi 4 points ago +4 / -0

Those aren't yachts, that's the Ukrainian navy.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
superspathi 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, I never took the vax and I never got covid. Your employer didn't ask you to get vaxxed? If so it's only because they don't do any business with the US gov.

superspathi -5 points ago +2 / -7

How the fuck would you know anything about it? You said yourself you've never worked at any tech company. You just made this post because you want to look down on people and feel superior to the "npc tech workers that have no self-respect". Fuck you. You sound like a complete asshole trash talking people you've never met and never will meet because you could never get a job at one of these places by calling the interviewers faggots.

superspathi -2 points ago +1 / -3

The irony is that my current employer was founded by an Indian that immigrated to the US to start the business. The place is, like many tech companies, full of Indians. We've got offices in India too. Got offices all over the fuckin world, and employees from everywhere.

And do you feel immune to the possibility of being replaced? You don't think your employer could choose to eliminate your position or replace you with someone who will work for less? Entire manufacturing companies have uprooted and moved their factories overseas. You don't think that could happen to you? Will being able to call your boss a faggot stop your employer from going bankrupt and shit canning everyone?

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