But, you do not have the right to abuse and threaten other users here. You also do not have the right to incite violence. Whether that be upon other users here or people at large. You can call people names all you want, even though you shouldn't (You should attack the argument, not the user/person), but you can.
However, telling someone to straight up kill themselves will not be tolerated as that was the original rule when I joined the mods ranks. Attack the argument, not the person. I'm not going to tolerate that shit and you will be temp banned. Other mods can chime in or PM me about it if they agree or disagree.
We are supposed to be a community here who help each other spread and seek truth. The only people I can see doing this type of negativity here are nefarious forces that are against those of us who wish for a better future. If you see comments like these, report them. I'm not talking about name calling... I'm talking about straight up calls to violence and abuse of other users here.
You could have just dmed TallestSkil
I did once a little while ago. He felt justified inviting others to kill themselves since, in a classical liberal sense, it is not illegal to say such things. Since he had already been banned permanently before, and then re-instated after about 2 years per written request of another user, I decided not to ban and to go with his whole classical liberal reasoning, but warned him he will probably eventually be banned again if he keeps it up.
He such a consistent dickwad, i really thought he was a bot.
Based on my interactions with him, which would go quite far in length, I don't think he was a bot because he would, on rare occasions, use an apropos literary quote. He's a autist, I think, that can't quite grasp how others can possible think differently.
He's actually one of the most sophisticated minds I've met on win(This is a new account, I purged my old one). Anything he says he can back up with an army of sources, from state records to books from a few centuries ago.
I once saw him link a Spanish book from the 15th or 16th century that talked about a head Jewish rabbi telling the Spanish Jews to infiltrate Christian society by converting and taking over influential positions.
His ability to back up literally everything he says is remarkable. You'll rarely find someone else who does that here, and as far as I know, I've found no one who does it to the degree that he does. If only he wasn't so depressive and hostile to anyone he disagrees with.
Says the 6 day old handrub making up claims he’s black to somehow delegitimize his statements lmfao
Sophisticated? He makes a few insights now and again, but no, he's otherwise obtuse. His quote/response overuse of HTML coding style is impossible to engage with, at least on his terms. He expects you to reply to every question or quibble, and accuses you of being "nonresponsive" if you don't.
Not to mention he's utterly dishonest when "quoting" you, mischaracterizing what you say half the time.
His ability to be ignorant of things outside his wheelhouse, ignoring contrary facts when it doesn't suit his "argument" totally trumps his citing some obscure shit, when half the time he cites some post he made on conpro, as if that is a priori proof of something and not a tautology.
Dude shows all the classic signs of autism expressed in writing.
Yea, I just went through pages of the mod queue and that's literally all that user would post. Damn near contributing nothing, or if they did, they would end it with that bullshit. Really not sure Clems allowed that here or why they looked the other way. I have no idea who that mod is, tbh. I trust Axo, but, yea... Not looking too good on Clems part.
In my experience here most users have been demanding free speech and zero censorship of the mods here, contrary to their experience on reddit. So I only banned outright trolls and obvious spammers - users who only come here because they hate this website and all it's users for whatever reason (they are very easy to spot), and users who just spam self promotion or bots etc. All other discussion I permitted if it didn't seem illegal.
I personally find it a bit strange that users are all of a sudden happy for Tallestskill to be banned for his comments when they are such big proponents of free speech and anti-censorship. You will note that you are talking to a handshake account - it's likely one of the trolls who returns here time and again, like the "topMinds" or "Conspiritard" crowd.
I am also one of the original people who came here from reddit, and I have actively participated since then, And you can check my posting history to confirm that.
What makes me not trust you is your 5 day old account, yet speaking like you are a regular user here. If you truly were a regular user here, why didn't you start to participate when tallest skill was banned for almost two years? He was banned pretty early on in this forums history, and only unbanned relatively recently.
If you had an old account you previously participated on, what was it? If not, what you have described is that at best you are a sometime-lurker.
I'm going to be very fuckin' blunt with you... not sure when the fuck you were made a mod here, but the rules have always been the same. Attack the argument, not the user. Abusing other users here was never tolerated, nor will it ever be. I don't give one fuck if you think it's the "classical liberal sense" or it's a "figure of speech". Sounds like bullshit coming from someone who wants to harbor that shit here. What would be the purpose of that? What would be the purpose of letting someone like that user run amuck?
Furthermore, I don't need you to try to inform (or enlighten) me about who I may or may not be speaking to.
People want free speech, but, they also don't want to be constantly berated and told to kill themselves. May seem normal to you and your generation of COD online gamers, but, most people don't.
I was here before you, and I guaran-fuckin-tee you I will be here longer than you. I ain't happy with what I've been seeing here, tbh.
I'm sorry, but like many users have pointed out, we currently have no rules here, beyond what the the admin have laid out. What your describing are the general rules of effective debate, which I totally agree with and generally strive to abide by myself. But they have never been deployed as the explicit rule set here - ie. set out as rules in the sidebar.
I didn't feel right to lay out rules, being the only regularly active mod for over a year, so I left the rules undefined, despite some users demanding it. The majority of users have been happy to not have a set of rules explicitly laid out by the mods though. The admin have laid out their rules, and I added the link to them in the sidebar.
I'm often not happy with what I see here either. But is it the purpose of this forum and what it's users post here to keep me happy? For example, the flat earth shit here really bothers me, so I polled the community if they wanted me to get rid of it - but they demanded zero censorship, as absolute free speech as legality permits. I've have tried to abide by that.
You are incorrect. We have always had the golden rule here along with site wide TOS. This was decided before you were even made a mod. I had this discussion with Axo on what rules we were going to enforce. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure we even had that on the sidebar at one point. This was never meant to be a place with zero rules, just very lax one. If you truly feel like you (or users) need the right to attack and abuse other users, then, I'm not sure if you should even be a mod here. Who the fuck wants it's user base constantly being attacked and abused? Like, what the fuck?
Ya i remember when you lost that Flat earth ban vote. so you just took it upon yourself to run a vote because someone was posting FE too much? i think there are only a few of you die hard cog dis globies here. most of the FE people i met here took off because of the FE narrative you and few regulars perpetuate.
Flat earth shit only bothers you because you are too stubborn to take it seriously. I have seen you get schooled by flat earthers and you dont even reply. If you actually applied yourself, and truly looked into it, it would warp you so hard you would be crying in the corner.
You are incorrect about the established golden rule. See here: https://conspiracies.win/p/16bPePrnia/x/c/4Tv8bOLLsxh in my reply to Clems. As far as the end of what you said, I'm waiting on hearing back from Axo.
There is nothing "boomer" about having one rule, the golden rule: Attack the argument, not the user. We (me and Axo) have always abided by that. That was the only thing we carried over from /r/conspiracy, lol.
Yea, I don't know. I've been away for personal reasons. I thought I left this place in good hands and that the stigma of my username (much of which, are false accusations and smears) would be for the best. Not sure WTF happened. I'm here now, though. I've reached out to Axo, so I'm awaiting his response on a few things.
I never joined the ranks to baby sit. Y'all are adults and can speak freely, and I've been hands off for the most part. But, we do have some rules here, and the whole point is building a community for the betterment of us all.
I didn't ban him originally
Banne Erotique?
I'm not his father. I'm not about to sit him down and explain to him why he cannot go around acting like a monkey flinging shit everywhere getting it on everyone and himself. Plus, Clem already said he was banned and warned before. I didn't perma ban him, it was a temp ban.
after being MIA for a while, I just want to welcome PutinLovesCats back.
Cheers, it's been a while.
Pfffftt, so now a figure of speech is being used as a tool.
At the end of the day, a large variety of mental midgets and ridiculous beliefs frequent this place resulting in a plethora of individuals not worth the comments made.
I think policing this type of a statement is just weakness in general. Who gives a shit how people communicate. What makes one think that this is worse than the retarded leftism that often is associated to the people that receive such statements.
I could give a shit, I find less and less value in this site as more and more reddit leftism is taking over.
Interesting to finally catch a post from 'putin'
Not impressed, you are nothing like putin.
Telling someone to kill themselves is not a figure of speech. You sound like a mental midget or man child who plays Call of Duty too much.
It's always been the rule here. Attack the argument, not the user. This stems from the constant abuse many of us dealt with on Reddit. Low IQ people need to resort to ad hominem attacks when faced with an argument. Don't be low IQ.
I could give a shit what you think, tbh. It's also laughable that you think I'm a Leftist because of this. I'm a fuckin' Anarcho-Capitalist (Voluntaryist). Being that, I believe in the Non-Agression principle. Telling someone to kill themselves goes against that and it's just bad manners, to boot.
Do you want a discussion or do you just want to sling shit around like a monkey?
When did I attack the user?
I for one like posting here, and seeing how r/conspiracy seems to be in read only mode for a while, we will proably start to see a small influx of users.
I would rather the sub/site not get shut down for inciting violence or anti semitism.
Thank you.
You are clearly a moron to try to suggest 'neck yourself' or 'kill yourself' are anything other than a figures of speech.
Begone sad waste of skin loser, you are obviously a leftist piece of shit.
I missed all the fun.
Dafuq you talking about?
They hire from the same bot farm...
I think many peoole have lost respect for themselves. Being bullied and constantly feeling scarcity, they are so disappointed in the way their life turned out, that they abuse strangers online.
Sucessful, happy people, dont hang out here....for the most part
Its from loss of control.
These people absolutely have no control over anything in their own life, so they seek to control others to make themselves feel better.
On a side rant, remember when it was just weirdos who used the internet?
I remember decades ago, it was mostly nerds and weirdos who went online to escape the bullshit of reality.
After corona, it become nothing but a bunch of retarded normal people trying to live their lives vicariously through the internet.
Can we post funny pictures of muhammad and jesus split roasting satan?
I would guess so, but Mohammad was tricked by Satan, so it wouldn't quite fit I suppose.
Sounds like a party.
There is no issue with that opinion.
What if our enemies are here?
Does that only count for other users or people in general?
Users, but inciting violence against others is not tolerated here, nor has it even been. Remember, we are mods and there are admins here as well and they have their TOS. More lax than Reddit, but they still have one.
Where do we stand on memes telling someone to go kill themselves?
Man I remember so vividly as a kid having it drilled into me.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
But who the hell says this anymore lmao.
Not to mention when you go into bootcamp one of the first things they do is start yelling obscenities and hateful shit at you.
I really think this is because you are being trained to ignore anything the enemy could say that could cause you to pause.. proably also serves to break down a person emotionally, but I dont know where/when I grew up, people said what they feel and that does harden you eventually.
I found out as a young adult, people are always going to hate you, its just a fact of life. Only recently has everyone become so weak that they actually care what a stranger thinks about them. And clown society has enabled people with money to do whatever they want essentially.
Do you have an example of such a meme?
I don't know which one he's talking about, but this is probably the most well known for years:
I used to regularly see it even on reddit back in the day.
After a couple of weeks with the new rules: how many warnings and removed posts are required before someone gets banned?
Well, if you listened to anything I said of the numerous convos we had, then you'd already know. Again, I'll refer you to the disclaimer:
The golden rule is a part of the ethos, and I've told you that. If it's reported, I'll give the user a warning or two. However, if it turns into trolling, stalking or abuse of other users here, then they will be temp banned.
You don't have to report everyone who called you a name, nor was that my intent. The goal is to prevent targeted harassment of users here and bad actors from shitting the place up.
You left for a year. Axo practically did to. You should be grateful that Clem kept this place going as smoothly as he has.
Running smoothly is one way to call it. The mod queue dates back years and you have users running around telling other users to kill themselves. I can only imagine how many people have been turned off to this place because such shit was the norm here.
Oh jeez, wouldn’t want people to see someone write “kys shill”, that might be off-putting to reachable normies...
Anyway, the whole site has been suffering, what’s been happening at c/conspiracies has been happening in all the communities, so I’m glad you’re back, maybe you can take some of the load off Clem for a while
You're missing the point. I don't really give a shit what you say minus calls of violence. However, I do care and will not tolerate attacks, abuse, and violence towards other users here. The only people who wish to do that, IMO, are bad actors.
Or, you know... Maybe actually do something around here....
Who cares if someone tells literal shills to kill themselves? I don’t think most here do.
Look at this very thread. You have a handshake cheering you on, who’s account is 6 days old, while he refers to things Skil supposedly posted “years ago” on other forums. If anyone had shills stalk and harass them for literally years because of the truths they were telling you can be pretty damn sure they’d respond with “kys” now and then.
Yeah dude, more power to your elbow!
Cool story handrub
You “personally believe” you shouldn’t be allowed to write kys on an anonymous web forum. I “personally believe” that people who buy into flat eartherism gung-ho are almost always retarded shills.
Project harder though