But, you do not have the right to abuse and threaten other users here. You also do not have the right to incite violence. Whether that be upon other users here or people at large. You can call people names all you want, even though you shouldn't (You should attack the argument, not the user/person), but you can.
However, telling someone to straight up kill themselves will not be tolerated as that was the original rule when I joined the mods ranks. Attack the argument, not the person. I'm not going to tolerate that shit and you will be temp banned. Other mods can chime in or PM me about it if they agree or disagree.
We are supposed to be a community here who help each other spread and seek truth. The only people I can see doing this type of negativity here are nefarious forces that are against those of us who wish for a better future. If you see comments like these, report them. I'm not talking about name calling... I'm talking about straight up calls to violence and abuse of other users here.
You left for a year. Axo practically did to. You should be grateful that Clem kept this place going as smoothly as he has.
Running smoothly is one way to call it. The mod queue dates back years and you have users running around telling other users to kill themselves. I can only imagine how many people have been turned off to this place because such shit was the norm here.
Oh jeez, wouldn’t want people to see someone write “kys shill”, that might be off-putting to reachable normies...
Anyway, the whole site has been suffering, what’s been happening at c/conspiracies has been happening in all the communities, so I’m glad you’re back, maybe you can take some of the load off Clem for a while
You're missing the point. I don't really give a shit what you say minus calls of violence. However, I do care and will not tolerate attacks, abuse, and violence towards other users here. The only people who wish to do that, IMO, are bad actors.
Or, you know... Maybe actually do something around here....
Who cares if someone tells literal shills to kill themselves? I don’t think most here do.
Look at this very thread. You have a handshake cheering you on, who’s account is 6 days old, while he refers to things Skil supposedly posted “years ago” on other forums. If anyone had shills stalk and harass them for literally years because of the truths they were telling you can be pretty damn sure they’d respond with “kys” now and then.
Yeah dude, more power to your elbow!
Cool story handrub
You “personally believe” you shouldn’t be allowed to write kys on an anonymous web forum. I “personally believe” that people who buy into flat eartherism gung-ho are almost always retarded shills.
Project harder though