Thanks for this post, I was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer and have already had the right one out and currently halfway through chemo.
I wish I could read a post like this but about cancer, because I’m having a lot of the same revelations as you about the medical care being about creating customers, not cures.
Also something seems off to me about the treatments for cancer, and how to avoid it. But everyone seems to have their theory it’s hard to see the truth
I just take the blend from Lady Bee, see ingredients. She mostly uses Buhner herbs and a few Chinese herbs.
Although, the best way to fight antibiotic resistant infections and even fungal infections is EDTA. I prefer the nasal spray, but you can inject it or do a suppository as well.
To much potassium kills. Certain diuretics are potassium sparing so if you have this in your system if you collapse and the Medics give you the drip overdose some potassium which in turn will stop your heart. Happed in sport a few times. Ie bodybuilding and people making weight. You can also over dose on it by eating to many bananas. Happened to Peter Andre the singer.
Caffeine is the biggest issue for high blood pressure I'm in the minds of trials and researching it.
Excellent post! I had to save it also! The damage they have done to people thru pharmaceutical drugs is staggering. Especially depression/anxiety drugs. Doctors hand them out like candy and don't tell you how they can change you and what hell it can be to get off them! I've been on them 15 years, tried 2 other times to get off of them and after a year of slowly tapering, I am almost off them.
Damn, that sucks. I gots the beetus unfortunately, and I'm in that same boat of your fault trolls (type 1 here). I'd rather not go through this, but I'd be happy if anyone would know how to put together a survival kit for people in my circumstances so I can avoid that stupid jab!
All you have to do is get sick and go to the hospital.. to find out they are not there to help you and only want you on the treadmill of never-ending payments. They will have to send you to someone and that person will have to run some tests. But they never ask you about what you are eating and how you are sleeping. you can tell them but they will not care. Now if you can find a D.O. you will at least have a chance at fixing your issue but ill tell you now all the test they want to run is not covered by insurance. funny how that works.
Plus these tests don't look for everything so if they are not looking for what is really hurting you.. they will never find it. Like Testing Weed for pesticides. well if you have a new chemical they will not detect it as they were not looking for it.
You've been trolled by the medical community. The HIV/AIDS hypothesis is bullshit. Gallo announced HIV was the cause of AIDS before it had been scientifically verified. AIDS never spread like an infectious disease, ie it never spread from the original risk groups in the 1980s. Look at the transmission rates for HIV These are official numbers. That is not a sexually transmitted disease, if it is, it must be the hardest disease EVER to catch. AIDS in the west was a lifestyle disease, people died because of heavy drug use essentially, and they blamed it on a virus. (Cocaine and poppers etc). It only really effected a certain subset of the gay population that practiced a certain lifestyle. In Africa what they say is AIDS is just this other disease called poverty. If people died of pneumonia, and they said they had HIV they got money, so everyone suddenly had AIDS, even though no one was ever tested. In the 1980s they killed huge numbers of people by giving them an 'anti-viral' drug called AZT. Actually the drug was a developed as a chemotherapy drug, but was deemed too toxic for use and was rejected. It acts as a DNA chain terminator drug. It destroys every part of your body, your skin, your bone marrow, your immune system. Staying on this drug will lead to certain death. The logic was to kill 1000 healthy cells to kill that one HIV, it was beyond stupidity. Today's anti-viral s aren't so toxic so people aren't dropping dead like crazy. This is why an HIV diagnosis is no longer a death sentence. The inventor of the PCR test knew that HIV was bullshit, and he called them out on it.
Are a stack that reversed AIDS in 99% of people studied in a casual study in Africa
u/ghost_of_aswartz: sorry,but if you have AIDS - you have AIDS. Doubt it is fully reversed,but at least proper supplementation keeps you well despite of deficits of your immune system caused by the virus.
Thing is however proper nutrition you mention really could work, current medicine without proper nutrition and habits cannot help alone. And that means that despite those one sentence about "reversing AIDS" thing you wrote have BIG value.
I would add also that PROPER DIET could also be the key. Yes,the main problem is choosing good one diet,affording it and respecting it rules but results might be worth it.
And the problem with medical care - not only in USA - is despite medicals are well paid, not all of them are worth it. Still medicine is rather kind of art than science really. Not mentioning pharmaceutics industry and its drugs.Sheeple claim "trust the science". But medicine isn't so rock-stable and easy as physics or chemistry, medicine is COMPLEX.
Personally I would start looking into the possibility of Ivermectin and HCQ being effective, I mean there seems to be some indication of them being effective against some forms of cancer so it might not be too much of a stretch that they proved to be effective as HIV treatment as well...
Yeah I was referring to Ron Jeremy's exclamation along with being told by the NHS sex clinic after certain situation that I couldn't get antiviral HIV medication as the situation was with women even if she had hiv the antivirals was only for mam v men sex. And no mater what my risk was its not prescribed here for any men v women risks.. And then I got told to se safe ect. And I wasn't in harms way. Long time ago
I ordered $270 worth of supplements from pure formulas
Dr. Rhonda Patrick (she does podcasts with Joe Rogan) and has a website for recommending brands/dosages for vitamins/supps says to use that site and has a list to reference. I trust her more than my own doctor.
My own doctor has to be pressured into taking a blood sample for vitamin level testing. My own doctor says "being a little vitamin D deficient isn't a big deal"
It makes me so mad that the ONE person in my life I PAY to look after my health doesn't give a single fuck, that is until I require a prescription or surgery.
2 days ago I stumbled on a man named Rene Quinton. He healed with seawater. It is like blood, only 4x more salt. But every chemical element is in there. Quinton was a genius. I am trying it out now for myself, easy, because I live next to the Mediteranian sea.
My wife had severe hyperemesis (severe morning sickness). After finally being hospitalized and made better, one of the anti-nausea meds they gave her was compazine.
Compazine is a mild antipsychotic, usually used as an intermediate when switching people from one harsh antipsychotic drug to another. Long-term use can cause neurological problems like pseudo Parkinson's. Before the super scary shit starts, there is a time window where mild dystonic symptoms show up. Eventually most people will develop dystonic symptoms after months of use. Normally this isn't a problem because pregnancy is over before they usually show up. For my wife, she started developing a lisp within days.
Normally people ween of anti-psychotics to avoid withdrawal. For those that need to be off the drug immediately, they can give another drug (can't remember name) to avoid the side effects of quitting. Unfortunately, that drug is a Pregnancy Category X Medication. Pregnant people get to quit cold-turkey. Withdrawal for anti-psychotics isn't like quitting smoking where you have an urge to smoke, or going on a diet where you think about cookies. Oh no, she went full on batshit crazy. Pacing up and down, constant anxiety attack, couldn't sit still, talking in tongues, etc. ... So that whole shaggy dog story to say: I can relate to you becoming insane.
K2: This is only optional for lower doses of D3. You are taking a very high dose of D3. At your point, I would say its mandatory. I do think MK4 is the better than MK7... but why not take both? When my current D3 + K2 supply ends, I will be switching to Life Extension Vitamin D and K with Sea-Iodine . As a 5000iu daily, this would be the simplest for me.
Ivermectin. During my Covid research, I stumbled upon several HIV Studies. Here is one. It is definitely worth investigating. Not relevant to HIV (unless you believe cancer is caused by a virus), but you look like someone that would enjoy the read. He attributes his anthelmintic stack to his cure, but I do wonder how much his decision to go on a starvation diet during chemo played a role.
Personally after more than 30 years of self-trialing, hundreds of nutrition textbooks (mainstream, alternative, holistic, functional, ayurvedic, historical, TCM), thousands of research papers and subscription to several biochemist & metabolism subscription services and hundreds of personal "trials" gone wrong later, I can summarize the following:
-Get your compounds 90-95% from real whole organic seasonal local foods you yourself make into foods, unless you are chronically sick
-Take into your individual biochemical, genetic and microbiotic variance - what works for some may not work for you (you will find this out, I guarantee you this)
When supplementing, always think in terms of systemic processes: A may increase B ,but it may rate-limit C or decrease D.
When supplementing, always think in terms of inverse U dose/response-benefit curves: zero input of an essential nutrient may be harmful, then it starts to give more benefit as you increase the dosage - then it peaks at the top of the inverse U, and then it's all downhill from where until you hit actual damage/risks from more
When supplementing think in terms of anabolic/catabolic, mTOR/AMPK cycles - every now and then take total breaks off supplementation, preferably fast (only water + electrolytes) for a while, to trigger autophagy, mitophagy and general body clean-up. Again, this may not apply to you if you have serious (auto)immune or wasting related disorders (again, individuality, individuality, individuality)
Now for a quick summary of some of the actual supplements and ranges you mentioned:
high levels of continuous NAC can downregulate the protective function of your leukocytes and eosinophils
IMHO, your tryptophan, glutamine and glycine are within safe levels, but in some case, I'd take even clearly more of glutamine up-to 5-10g (yes grams) (If it does NOT excite/make you nervous) and glycine 2x5g glycine (as this is a great buffer against glyphosate, the shit that it is impossible to avoid in the USA)
Your choice of NAC-is great
If your glutathione synthesis is for some reason rate-limited or impaired, I'd suggest trialing with either S-Acetyl L-Glutathione or liposomal forms of L-glutathione
Always take Vitamin C with additional bioflavonoids for improved synergic effects
D3, always take in fat soluble form, pref. in lanolin, skip the "Made in China" sources and at that level 15-25kIU always take with vitamin K complex (LEF Super K is decent), so you don't mess up the calcium transport
Vitamin As (multiple) can be overdosed, some people start to get issues with 5000IU doses, some earlier/later. If you go higher, always combine with Vit D3, Vit E (complex) and Vit K (see above)
Vit Bs can be messed up (esp. detox/methylation cycles) if taken separately. A safer way is to take coenzymated B-complex with all the B-vitamins in the right form (i.e. take Jarrow B-Right, or Country Life Coenzyme B-complex). Just 1/4th to 1/2 a dose of that is more than enough to most
Vitamin C, why so low? Yes ,some (older) studies say VitC plasma levels can be saturated with 500mg in a healthy normal weight adult, but esp. people with severe oxidative stress and/or pathogen attacks can benefit from higher amounts (esp. temporarily). I'd first test my bowel tolerance :take several grams in a single dose and see if your stools become loose. Back off the dose 1g at a time until no more loose stools. That is your current (changes depending on body load/inflammation/attacks/immune deficiency) body upper limit. Use that as a guidance. Personally I take 1g/day, because I have no kidney stones, no heochromatosis risk, but if I get any symptoms of coming down with something, I can go up as high as 12 000 mg (12 grams) a day, divided to 4 doses
Vitamin E - this is a complex. I have found out that high using natural form (A.C. Grace Unique E, at no more than 145 IU /161mg) seems to be the best bet. You can get additional effects from tocotrienols (for that use DeltaGold tocotrienols, taken separately from tocopherols mentioned previously). This can have profound effects in older (>65yrs) immuno-compromised. Literature says that for normal people (not chronically sick) taking more than 20 IU /d of mixed tocopherols (natural form) doesn't seem to help a lot, and higher doses can be dangerous. NEVER use synthetic (dl-alpha-tocopherol).
Multi-mineral with microminerals - yeah this is highly important. I've only found a couple that I like and even they are not ideal (AOR Ortho minerals and Blue Bonnet chelated minerals without Iron). has an excellent fulvic/humic combo of 73 ionic minerals, but it gets way too expensive fast
I would defintely keep Ubiquinol in the stack, esp. if you are lacking in energy
50mg zinc without copper can really skew your mineral balance. For every 10-15mg of supplemental zinc, add 2mg of copper. Copper is also needed for energy metabolism and immunity
EGCG does not work well as a zinc ionophore, but quercetin does. Out of the current easily available ones, zinc ascorbate (not the same as taking ascorbic acid and zinc together). You can get Zinc Ascorbate from NOW Ascorbate Mineral-C, InterPlexus Zinc Plus, Source naturals Ultimate Ascorbate C. Additionally Pyrithione and hinokitiol would also work as zinc ionophores, but are not easily/widely available. Pyrithione you can get from Persian shalots in some amounts
Berberine kills of microbiota, be careful with that. Also Berberine is a powerful antidiabetic drug, with profound blood sugar lowering effects. If one has a crap diet (too much carbs/sugar/processed crap) it can work wonders. personally for me on a cyclical ketogenic diet, it crashed my blood sugar too low. The therapeutic dosage for adults is 900mg-2000mg/d in several doses (usually after meals due to gastric distress issues)
Thieves oil, this is top notch, I have my own mixture from essential oils as well. Can get expensive, but I rarely need to use it. When I have to use a mask (hate those), I spray inner and outer surface of the mask with my own concoction
For an acute respiratory infection, I suggest using an compressor nebulizer with NaCL solution with 0.1% (some people go up to 2%-3%, but that can be damaging!) of hydrogen peroxide. This just kills bacteria and viruses on contact. Most people with initial first 5 days after contagion of COVID-19 in their lungs have immediate clearing of symptoms within 1 day. Of course, it also works against other viruses.
I really commend you for you work, finding a solution for yourself and taking charge of your own health. That alone makes you a fucking Thor in my book.
Caveat emptor - I don't know a lot, but I know enough to be dangerous.
Always test carefully on yourself, go easy first, when trying a new supplement regime. Listen to and honour your body.
This is what happens when we allow the globalist cabal to control and loot the monetary system. There is no industry or institution that cannot be corrupted. Welcome to SorosRothschildBloombergistan!
Thanks for this post, I was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer and have already had the right one out and currently halfway through chemo.
I wish I could read a post like this but about cancer, because I’m having a lot of the same revelations as you about the medical care being about creating customers, not cures.
Also something seems off to me about the treatments for cancer, and how to avoid it. But everyone seems to have their theory it’s hard to see the truth
You mean knekkebrod? They sell it at some walmarts for gluten free customers
Great stuff
hey, please, can you share the content of the post, because it is deleted right now and i remember it was so useful
Wishing you good luck and that that intake regime pays off.
Tomorrow is promised to no one. Sounds like you take that serioisly.
Thanks for sharing dude
This is similar to my stack for Lyme disease + toxic mold exposure. Been battling toxins and antibiotic resistant bacteria for years now.
Only major difference is I’m on several anti-Lyme herbs and anti-inflammatories.
Lyme disease is also the result of bioweapons research. In fact, it predates HIV.
Can you share those herbs?
I just take the blend from Lady Bee, see ingredients. She mostly uses Buhner herbs and a few Chinese herbs.
Although, the best way to fight antibiotic resistant infections and even fungal infections is EDTA. I prefer the nasal spray, but you can inject it or do a suppository as well.
Potassium can kill you. Rock salt is a good mix
To much potassium kills. Certain diuretics are potassium sparing so if you have this in your system if you collapse and the Medics give you the drip overdose some potassium which in turn will stop your heart. Happed in sport a few times. Ie bodybuilding and people making weight. You can also over dose on it by eating to many bananas. Happened to Peter Andre the singer.
Caffeine is the biggest issue for high blood pressure I'm in the minds of trials and researching it.
No, no, nO.
No, no, nO.
Eat some natto every day for breakfast. Its acquired taste for some, but delicious to others and a natural source of nattokinase (hence, the name)
I like milk thistle for liver health.
Excellent post! I had to save it also! The damage they have done to people thru pharmaceutical drugs is staggering. Especially depression/anxiety drugs. Doctors hand them out like candy and don't tell you how they can change you and what hell it can be to get off them! I've been on them 15 years, tried 2 other times to get off of them and after a year of slowly tapering, I am almost off them.
Amazing stuff. Its like keto can cure most cancer along with vit c intravenously and this scares the medical industry.
The machine is not here to help
The Flexnor report fucked us badly.
Notice the families that supported the work.
Damn, that sucks. I gots the beetus unfortunately, and I'm in that same boat of your fault trolls (type 1 here). I'd rather not go through this, but I'd be happy if anyone would know how to put together a survival kit for people in my circumstances so I can avoid that stupid jab!
Invaluable information.
All you have to do is get sick and go to the hospital.. to find out they are not there to help you and only want you on the treadmill of never-ending payments. They will have to send you to someone and that person will have to run some tests. But they never ask you about what you are eating and how you are sleeping. you can tell them but they will not care. Now if you can find a D.O. you will at least have a chance at fixing your issue but ill tell you now all the test they want to run is not covered by insurance. funny how that works.
Plus these tests don't look for everything so if they are not looking for what is really hurting you.. they will never find it. Like Testing Weed for pesticides. well if you have a new chemical they will not detect it as they were not looking for it.
You've been trolled by the medical community. The HIV/AIDS hypothesis is bullshit. Gallo announced HIV was the cause of AIDS before it had been scientifically verified. AIDS never spread like an infectious disease, ie it never spread from the original risk groups in the 1980s. Look at the transmission rates for HIV These are official numbers. That is not a sexually transmitted disease, if it is, it must be the hardest disease EVER to catch. AIDS in the west was a lifestyle disease, people died because of heavy drug use essentially, and they blamed it on a virus. (Cocaine and poppers etc). It only really effected a certain subset of the gay population that practiced a certain lifestyle. In Africa what they say is AIDS is just this other disease called poverty. If people died of pneumonia, and they said they had HIV they got money, so everyone suddenly had AIDS, even though no one was ever tested. In the 1980s they killed huge numbers of people by giving them an 'anti-viral' drug called AZT. Actually the drug was a developed as a chemotherapy drug, but was deemed too toxic for use and was rejected. It acts as a DNA chain terminator drug. It destroys every part of your body, your skin, your bone marrow, your immune system. Staying on this drug will lead to certain death. The logic was to kill 1000 healthy cells to kill that one HIV, it was beyond stupidity. Today's anti-viral s aren't so toxic so people aren't dropping dead like crazy. This is why an HIV diagnosis is no longer a death sentence. The inventor of the PCR test knew that HIV was bullshit, and he called them out on it.
Just avoid the drugs, illegal and pharmaceutical and you'll be fine.
One should always research and take their health seriously.
u/ghost_of_aswartz: sorry,but if you have AIDS - you have AIDS. Doubt it is fully reversed,but at least proper supplementation keeps you well despite of deficits of your immune system caused by the virus.
Thing is however proper nutrition you mention really could work, current medicine without proper nutrition and habits cannot help alone. And that means that despite those one sentence about "reversing AIDS" thing you wrote have BIG value.
I would add also that PROPER DIET could also be the key. Yes,the main problem is choosing good one diet,affording it and respecting it rules but results might be worth it.
And the problem with medical care - not only in USA - is despite medicals are well paid, not all of them are worth it. Still medicine is rather kind of art than science really. Not mentioning pharmaceutics industry and its drugs.Sheeple claim "trust the science". But medicine isn't so rock-stable and easy as physics or chemistry, medicine is COMPLEX.
Like keto is known to stop cancer. But there is no money in a cure
Personally I would start looking into the possibility of Ivermectin and HCQ being effective, I mean there seems to be some indication of them being effective against some forms of cancer so it might not be too much of a stretch that they proved to be effective as HIV treatment as well...
I thought a mam couldn't catch hiv from sex with a women even if she had it? I may miss understand. You?
Yeah I was referring to Ron Jeremy's exclamation along with being told by the NHS sex clinic after certain situation that I couldn't get antiviral HIV medication as the situation was with women even if she had hiv the antivirals was only for mam v men sex. And no mater what my risk was its not prescribed here for any men v women risks.. And then I got told to se safe ect. And I wasn't in harms way. Long time ago
It was ment to say man
God bless you, G.
Glad you're still with us, and willing to document all of this 4 us.
Respect to you, sir.
May your health only grow.
The CDC is run by two Jews.
Explain what your saying?
CDC Director:
CDC Principal Deputy Director:
I ordered $270 worth of supplements from pure formulas Dr. Rhonda Patrick (she does podcasts with Joe Rogan) and has a website for recommending brands/dosages for vitamins/supps says to use that site and has a list to reference. I trust her more than my own doctor.
My own doctor has to be pressured into taking a blood sample for vitamin level testing. My own doctor says "being a little vitamin D deficient isn't a big deal"
It makes me so mad that the ONE person in my life I PAY to look after my health doesn't give a single fuck, that is until I require a prescription or surgery.
Checkout her list:
You NEED fish oil and Vitamin D bare minimum
2 days ago I stumbled on a man named Rene Quinton. He healed with seawater. It is like blood, only 4x more salt. But every chemical element is in there. Quinton was a genius. I am trying it out now for myself, easy, because I live next to the Mediteranian sea.
My wife had severe hyperemesis (severe morning sickness). After finally being hospitalized and made better, one of the anti-nausea meds they gave her was compazine.
Compazine is a mild antipsychotic, usually used as an intermediate when switching people from one harsh antipsychotic drug to another. Long-term use can cause neurological problems like pseudo Parkinson's. Before the super scary shit starts, there is a time window where mild dystonic symptoms show up. Eventually most people will develop dystonic symptoms after months of use. Normally this isn't a problem because pregnancy is over before they usually show up. For my wife, she started developing a lisp within days.
Normally people ween of anti-psychotics to avoid withdrawal. For those that need to be off the drug immediately, they can give another drug (can't remember name) to avoid the side effects of quitting. Unfortunately, that drug is a Pregnancy Category X Medication. Pregnant people get to quit cold-turkey. Withdrawal for anti-psychotics isn't like quitting smoking where you have an urge to smoke, or going on a diet where you think about cookies. Oh no, she went full on batshit crazy. Pacing up and down, constant anxiety attack, couldn't sit still, talking in tongues, etc. ... So that whole shaggy dog story to say: I can relate to you becoming insane.
About your stack:
hey! If someone can send the content of this post I will be so glad, because it is deleted right now and i remember it was so useful!!
"Little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
I commend you on your approach.
Personally after more than 30 years of self-trialing, hundreds of nutrition textbooks (mainstream, alternative, holistic, functional, ayurvedic, historical, TCM), thousands of research papers and subscription to several biochemist & metabolism subscription services and hundreds of personal "trials" gone wrong later, I can summarize the following:
-Get your compounds 90-95% from real whole organic seasonal local foods you yourself make into foods, unless you are chronically sick -Take into your individual biochemical, genetic and microbiotic variance - what works for some may not work for you (you will find this out, I guarantee you this)
Now for a quick summary of some of the actual supplements and ranges you mentioned:
high levels of continuous NAC can downregulate the protective function of your leukocytes and eosinophils
IMHO, your tryptophan, glutamine and glycine are within safe levels, but in some case, I'd take even clearly more of glutamine up-to 5-10g (yes grams) (If it does NOT excite/make you nervous) and glycine 2x5g glycine (as this is a great buffer against glyphosate, the shit that it is impossible to avoid in the USA)
Your choice of NAC-is great
If your glutathione synthesis is for some reason rate-limited or impaired, I'd suggest trialing with either S-Acetyl L-Glutathione or liposomal forms of L-glutathione
Always take Vitamin C with additional bioflavonoids for improved synergic effects
D3, always take in fat soluble form, pref. in lanolin, skip the "Made in China" sources and at that level 15-25kIU always take with vitamin K complex (LEF Super K is decent), so you don't mess up the calcium transport
Vitamin As (multiple) can be overdosed, some people start to get issues with 5000IU doses, some earlier/later. If you go higher, always combine with Vit D3, Vit E (complex) and Vit K (see above)
Vit Bs can be messed up (esp. detox/methylation cycles) if taken separately. A safer way is to take coenzymated B-complex with all the B-vitamins in the right form (i.e. take Jarrow B-Right, or Country Life Coenzyme B-complex). Just 1/4th to 1/2 a dose of that is more than enough to most
Vitamin C, why so low? Yes ,some (older) studies say VitC plasma levels can be saturated with 500mg in a healthy normal weight adult, but esp. people with severe oxidative stress and/or pathogen attacks can benefit from higher amounts (esp. temporarily). I'd first test my bowel tolerance :take several grams in a single dose and see if your stools become loose. Back off the dose 1g at a time until no more loose stools. That is your current (changes depending on body load/inflammation/attacks/immune deficiency) body upper limit. Use that as a guidance. Personally I take 1g/day, because I have no kidney stones, no heochromatosis risk, but if I get any symptoms of coming down with something, I can go up as high as 12 000 mg (12 grams) a day, divided to 4 doses
Vitamin E - this is a complex. I have found out that high using natural form (A.C. Grace Unique E, at no more than 145 IU /161mg) seems to be the best bet. You can get additional effects from tocotrienols (for that use DeltaGold tocotrienols, taken separately from tocopherols mentioned previously). This can have profound effects in older (>65yrs) immuno-compromised. Literature says that for normal people (not chronically sick) taking more than 20 IU /d of mixed tocopherols (natural form) doesn't seem to help a lot, and higher doses can be dangerous. NEVER use synthetic (dl-alpha-tocopherol).
Multi-mineral with microminerals - yeah this is highly important. I've only found a couple that I like and even they are not ideal (AOR Ortho minerals and Blue Bonnet chelated minerals without Iron). has an excellent fulvic/humic combo of 73 ionic minerals, but it gets way too expensive fast
I would defintely keep Ubiquinol in the stack, esp. if you are lacking in energy
50mg zinc without copper can really skew your mineral balance. For every 10-15mg of supplemental zinc, add 2mg of copper. Copper is also needed for energy metabolism and immunity
EGCG does not work well as a zinc ionophore, but quercetin does. Out of the current easily available ones, zinc ascorbate (not the same as taking ascorbic acid and zinc together). You can get Zinc Ascorbate from NOW Ascorbate Mineral-C, InterPlexus Zinc Plus, Source naturals Ultimate Ascorbate C. Additionally Pyrithione and hinokitiol would also work as zinc ionophores, but are not easily/widely available. Pyrithione you can get from Persian shalots in some amounts
Berberine kills of microbiota, be careful with that. Also Berberine is a powerful antidiabetic drug, with profound blood sugar lowering effects. If one has a crap diet (too much carbs/sugar/processed crap) it can work wonders. personally for me on a cyclical ketogenic diet, it crashed my blood sugar too low. The therapeutic dosage for adults is 900mg-2000mg/d in several doses (usually after meals due to gastric distress issues)
Thieves oil, this is top notch, I have my own mixture from essential oils as well. Can get expensive, but I rarely need to use it. When I have to use a mask (hate those), I spray inner and outer surface of the mask with my own concoction
I really commend you for you work, finding a solution for yourself and taking charge of your own health. That alone makes you a fucking Thor in my book.
Caveat emptor - I don't know a lot, but I know enough to be dangerous.
Always test carefully on yourself, go easy first, when trying a new supplement regime. Listen to and honour your body.
This is what happens when we allow the globalist cabal to control and loot the monetary system. There is no industry or institution that cannot be corrupted. Welcome to SorosRothschildBloombergistan!
"I have hiv..." - The link below is something you need immediately! - Watch it NOW, thank me later. :)