wereonit 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good point. Getting sick sucks but not nearly as much as death. Reducing the benefit of these vaxxes. This impacts the risk/benefit analysis a lot.

by pkvi
wereonit 2 points ago +2 / -0

$ is enough for some to do evil.

by pkvi
wereonit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pharma wants to make money. If the FDA, CDC, MSM, and populous don't get in Pharma's way, Pharma will make money. Injecting kids opens up a huge opportunity for additional sales. Sales drive stock and bonuses up. Everyone with a modicum of power in every department of Pharma knows this and are financially rewarded personally with larger bonuses.

wereonit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exponential growth is not fast enough anymore.

by pkvi
wereonit 1 point ago +1 / -0

VHS, DVD, internet images and video were tech that was pushed forward by porn. This is a powerful force.

The second force is the "equivalent physical document". With more paperwork going online, there could easily be extra fees and delays for only having physical ID. Delays like, needing to go to the DMV with even worse service or needing to pay a lawyer for an application that is free with the digital ID.

wereonit 2 points ago +3 / -1

Interesting point. However, I don't have a lot of confidence in MSDS to not over state dangers. Not saying that you are wrong. Look up the MSDS for sand or play sand. That stuff is really dangerous if you trust the MSDS.

wereonit 2 points ago +2 / -0

How did the fire start?

Where in that building did the fire start?

wereonit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cannot prove that no one, even military, hasn't flown over the south pole, but I'm not saying you are wrong on that point.

When I dug into this before the explanation was the grave risk of death if anything goes wrong. Engines fail. This is why many planes have 2 engines. On that long flight, if 1 engine fails you would dies since your range is greatly reduced. With just 1 engine there are no emergency landing spots within range.

The fact that you haven't heard this counter argument makes me suspect that you are only listening to your side of the argument. You need to learn the other side as well or better than your side. I don't give a half shit flat or round earth, but you do. Why do I know counter arguments better than you do. It isn't a good look. If you are serious you can do better. If you cannot do better you strengthen the argument that you and people like you are a CIA disinformation conspiracy to make all conspiracy theories crazy looking to normies.

wereonit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, they are within range. That is why there are commercial flights over the top but not under the bottom.

wereonit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a lot of places to do an emergency landing in Antarctica.

wereonit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shit. I never heard of this. The line was that "The best place for a German male was a POW camp in the USA."

wereonit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Making experimental treatment available is one thing. Forcing people to take them to keep their jobs and freedom with out informed consent is a very different thing.

The roll out was bungled for an experimental treatment. Informed consent would have been "We don't have data to show this works, or that it is safe. We only tested safety for 6 months and more people died in the treatment group than the placebo. We don't know how much spike will be made, where it will be made, or for how long. We didn't even try to test if the treatment prevents infection."

by DrLeaks
wereonit 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Too little"?

What did they do? Did they apologize or punish anyone?

wereonit 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many healthcare workers were fired for not taking the injection over there?

wereonit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Young kids in day care have similar stress levels (blood work molecular markers) as those growing up in a war zone. All the adult family are gone. Every few weeks it is a different adult watching you.

wereonit 3 points ago +3 / -0

It also severely weakens local communities. Woman are more social by nature and would set up all sorts of Church picnics, concerts in the park, and other small to large community events. Most of these are dead now with the exception of when the carnies set up their rides and deep fryers.

wereonit 1 point ago +1 / -0

If an EMP took out those computers, our water system, refrigeration, transportation, basically everything would be f-ed. Lack of coin and paper cash would be a small issue.

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