turtlebam 8 points ago +8 / -0

Source: https://x.com/Resist_05/status/1821342661233528868

Scott Ritter has shown support for the Palestinian resistance against Jewish militias since October 7th in addition for reconciliation pleas with Russia and they let him be. As soon as he mentions the Talmud his home was raided. Did he cross the real lines?

turtlebam 5 points ago +5 / -0


The catch of course is that they do actually rape in an institutionalized way! They have done it to the Ukrainians in the Holodomor and to the Germans in WW2. To the Palestinians in 1948 onward and now in Gaza.

What's novel I suppose is that they started doing it in mass to male prisoners. (Also notice the fag rainbow logo of their news channel)

Edit: Every accusation is a confession when it comes to Jews. This: https://conspiracies.win/p/17siNzNyw0/jewess-behind-hamas-rape-story-e/c/

turtlebam -1 points ago +1 / -2

You don't make much comments anyway because your job is to forum slide with useless posts. Could you possibly be just the Christian Zionist dupe you pretend to be?

Repost: You said you were not Jewish (Which is highly doubtful). So you are playing the Christian cuck card?

Why don't you go pick grapes for your chosen people's wine? https://www.bitchute.com/video/ybzg2ep0Nezt/ Make sure you don't touch them because you are dirty to Jews. (I mean your persona. After all you are most likely Jewish)

"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

So the above means that those Jews who curse Jesus daily are also cursed? How come you "pretend" to support them? (https://conspiracies.win/p/13zfvWer8H/know-thy-talmud-1-the-talmud-con/)


turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you only saw this now? I still stand by my earlier assessment BTW.

Why didn't you reply to this BTW? https://conspiracies.win/p/17txVxLQI4/x/c/4ZDsCDZOAoY

and why do you publicly support Jewish Israelis and actively promote them here along with your filler posts?

Edit: also, thank you for the compilation. It's really kind of you.

turtlebam 4 points ago +5 / -1

The opening ceremonies are and which country to host.

If by events you mean the matches, who wins the races, the medals etc.. I do not think that's the case. There is really no need and a lot of effort will go into it with no ROI. Maybe some of the soccer matches in world cups and maybe Olympics are manipulated in various ways (Some might be so subtle as just allowing one team to use steroids and the other not to, etc..) but again it's no biggie to be honest.

The way Jews control things is through changing mindsets (your brain OS) and through Macro that may trickle into Micro.

I think we are missing the bigger picture here. The Olympics help achieve several goals:

1-Sports are just a distraction. Adults doing kids activities and making a big deal out of it.

2-Subtle brainwashing. For example, modesty standards being lowered with every Olympics (from long shorts for women into track "suites'. Pushing feminism by letting women engage and engage in manly sports. Darwinian mindset push of survival of the fittest instead of a spiritual outlook. A lot goes on under the hood that on one notices.

Let the Chinks, the Yanks, the Russkies fight it out. Who care who gets the medals as long as you buy in Darwinian evolution, feminism and hyper sexual outfits.

Same goes in war I believe (Including world wars and the coming next one). Let them fight it out as long as the bigger picture is achieved. No need to worry about the details.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

You said you were not Jewish (Which is highly doubtful). So you are playing the Christian cuck card?

Why don't you go pick grapes for your chosen people's wine? https://www.bitchute.com/video/ybzg2ep0Nezt/ Make sure you don't touch them because you are dirty to Jews. (I mean your persona. After all you are most likely Jewish)

"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

So the above means that those Jews who curse Jesus daily are also cursed? How come you "pretend" to support them? (https://conspiracies.win/p/13zfvWer8H/know-thy-talmud-1-the-talmud-con/)


turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

So while we are at it, quick couple of questions:

1-Who did September 11th?

2-Is Jewish over representation a problem?

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I see your vocabulary has no other ad-hominem words other than buffoon?

Anyone else can look up DrLeaks2 account and see he has posted nothing but irrelevant borderline normie links since he started and with great consistency.

DrLeaks2 will never see the Jew because he is promoting the Jew!

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did the news of the monopoly practice really change anything? Did it surprise anyone? Nothing will come of it.

The issue isn't that Google is a big corp engaging in monopolistic practices. Everyone knows that hence DrLeaks2 is spreading it. Again, yes it's an irreverent piece of information. What matters is who is behind it and for what reason. DrLeaks2 will never publish anything regarding the real problem which is Jewish head to toe.

turtlebam 2 points ago +4 / -2

For those who want the real deal about Google and not DrLeaks2 irrelevant piece of information that this Jewish DrLeaks2 account has posted you can check these 2 links:

How the CIA made Google

The Jewish Hand Behind the Internet

turtlebam 0 points ago +1 / -1

Reminder: DrLeaks2 is a Jewish Hasbara account. It would be interesting to view their post history to know what type of posts these shills make.

Look at what he is doing here. He is promoting that Americans become cucks to Jewish Israelis by blogging for the twitter account of: "Israel & USA forever"

Observe how he also tries to make it a dumbed down democrat vs republican omitting the fact that Pelosi is herself also working for Jews: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53x_zrkJwDs

Jews like DrLeaks2 and his other alts BTW want everyone fighting everyone else but without realizing the Jew is behind it all: Democract vs republican, Christian vs Muslim, white vs black, etc.. all while the Jew rubs his hands in ecstasy.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Much appreciated. If you want a quick book regarding the actual coup in Britain you can check The Nameless War by Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay.

History and Jewish influence is in a way not easy to discern. While Jews pull the strings. They do it in a clever and a subtle way. Nations are not swayed easily.

The book "Nameless War" shows how while they controlled Britain for example, their control is certainly not god like. They have to trick nations into going with their goals and then move on to the next.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

This disregards a lot of obvious points and is actually disinformation spread by Jews through disinformation books like the "Committee of 300" (Eustace Mullins exposed the author).

You can easily disprove the "crown" by the mere fact that it was Jews who appointed the British crown. You can read about Cromwell and later events.

turtlebam 4 points ago +4 / -0

It was a sad spectacle. Shows that a real revolution or uprising by an oppressed people rarely succeed if no organized power is behind it. People randomly revolting does not achieve results.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a feeling they are already preparing for that and have been for a long time. They have been building Turkey's military for years. Same goes with Iran. The Ayatollahs of Iran are quite possibly in league with Jews (As opposed to the Iranian presidents who may not know the full extent of things hence the last one who was assassinated. The Ayatollahs are the deep state of Iran.)

Saudi Arabia has been completely subverted with Bin Salman and won't be able to defend itself from ANY invasion. Egypt could face total collapse, drought and starvation at any moment. All countries around it have been taken out already.

The Taliban's are being built up as we speak and funded by America (Through Qatar) (One example, and there are many. Even grand river routing projects and large apartment complexes in Kabul. The Americans even left their weapons intact for the Taliban)

Interestingly, the Taliban wants to join the fight against Israel: https://www.afintl.com/en/202406169308.

Pakistan being built up by the Chinese and Yemen prepared to destabilize Saudi Arabia.

Jordan is just an American colony that would collapse as soon as the Americans decide to.

I think major powers will join the fight. Not sure if this is all the case. But Jews have some crazy messianic prophecies and American Christian Zionists have the same. So you never know.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hezbollah, Iran and Turkey do not want war but they will be forced into it. The threats they make is for local consumption. Israelis have been pushing Hezbollah into all out war forever but Hezbollah just play it safe.

The resistance axis are worried about American nuclear bombs. That's why.

Jews are crazy and are following through with crazed plans put by their Rabbis with dreams of the mashiach. If Jews only wanted money and power the world would have been a lot better place. Evading a larger war to fulfill their messianic prophecies is not going to be easy and IMO not going to happen through someone like Trump. If he ever disobeys which I don't think he will, the fate of Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon is not too far (Sharon was killed (slowly albeit) because he withdrew from Gaza)

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some of it are fake: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dead-sea-scrolls-face-museum-of-the-bible-washington-artefacts-a8596636.html

Others falsely interpreted in a way to back the Jewish story AND most interestingly if you didn't know this. A lot of it actually changes the so called Jewish history and shows there are multiple texts that changed during time.

The Dead Sea scrolls forgery is actually a good example of how Jews operate. They hide some parts which are inconvenient, reinterpret others to fit their narrative and add some parts to fill their stories.

For example the book of Esther was never part of the dead sea scrolls so they just tried to add small patch here and there.

Anyhow, all dead sea scrolls content must be taken with great caution since Jewish militias stole the land they were found in after 1967 and could start making their own "discoveries" ehm "additions". Worthy to note that the Jordanian government also works for the Jews and the findings made during their rule also cannot be completely trusted.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice catch!

I feel all sides have been preparing for this war for a long time. I've been observing the military build up of Turkey for a while and I could see this one coming. The Jew is going to shuffle the cards.

If anyone wants the perspective of Turkish intelligence on things I think this YT channel is close to the mark: https://www.youtube.com/@GZT

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their power has peaked around the covid hoax and the mandates. Only downhill for them now although it's not going to be easy for everyone.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

XxxxRDTPRNxxX likes to erase his history so that people don't easily find out that he is Jewish and does nothing but be a mouth piece of Jewish Hasbara.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jews are so brainwashed they could never get over lies made up by crazed and demented rabbis over centuries.

Jewish scholars (and Christian Zionists) are known to fake findings and reinterpret findings of other civilizations and claim that it's theirs. As a matter of fact. Jews CONSTANTLY steal other things and claim that is "theirs" and from their so called "ancestry".

Take a light example, Jews took the standard foods of the middle east region and claimed that it's "Jewish" (Flafel, Homus and even so called Ben-Gurion rice which is really funny for anyone who knows the insides of their chutzpah but I suppose the Jewish brain is greatly affected by early circumcision by a Rabbi's mouth)

Jews basically literally make up stuff, take other stuff and reinterpret it etc.. (Thank you for the interaction, maybe later I will make a post and maybe a short video documentary on some of the instances Jews have been caught fabricating stuff. "Suleiman's stables" is quite a recurrent lie that they keep trying to pull off. Google and wikipedia really knows how to memory hole certain events) This practice is actually more common than you think.

Having Jewish lies match their "religious" textbooks is nothing really. As I said. This can be easily achieved by some forgery and some clever reinterpretation. Especially if Christians have been so cucked that they so badly want to believe God's chosen people myth.

AND on top of ALL the fake history they claim one must also consider that so called ancient "Jews" have nothing to do with current "Jews". So a Kaifeng Chinese Jew is coming back to his "ancestral homeland"? Or a "Falasha"? Or a khazar with unique genetic defects?

One would feel sorry for Jews for how they have been hoodwinked if they were not such psychopath criminals.

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