simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

"They arent even mad?" ... some are. Why do you think they needed 5,000 Swiss troops to provide security at the last WEF Davos Forum? I believe things are about to get very ugly and soon. As more and more normies are loosing loved ones and realize it was because of the poison jabs.

simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

"criminal khazarians" I saw people refer to these people as KM. Which can stand for either Khazarian Mafia or Khazarian Mob, same thing ... a criminal syndicate. I prefer to call them The Cabal, because I think it pre-dates the Khazarian Empire, or the Khazars (Askenazi Jews).

And it's more than money they use, also blackmail. Remember Jeffrey Epstein?

simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

They were normies. That says it all. About 70% of Americans are considered to be normies. Nearly 70% of Americans think things are bad in US: NYP poll. 70% of Americans say they are struggling financially. And also almost 70% of Americans consider Biden too old for 2nd term. Do you see a pattern here?

simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Papal Bloodlines are the secret, shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order controlling the Black Pope. These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese, and Aldobrandini. These five dominating families unite with the Borgia, Chigi, Colonna, Conti, Este, Medici, Pallavicini, and Pamphili to form the ancient 13th Saturnalian bloodlines.

Both Black Pope and the White Pope aren't of Papal Bloodline, they are both commoners. The real Pope is the Grey Pope, who is hidden, and he is Pepe Orsini. He is one of ancient Maximums clan of Rome. The Rothscilds were Jesuits, Sabbatian Frankist (named after the Black Pope’s baptized Jacob Frank) and that became the Jewish House of Rothschild.

Also, the Rothschilds married within the Black Nobility bloodlines. For instance David Rene de Rothschild, who is head of N M Rothschild & Sons, is currently married to a princess from the Aldobrandini family and they are also intermarried with the Bonaparte family and Borghese banking family of the Vatican.

simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was wondering about Shaquille O'Neal's meeting with the PM about 'The Voice'. And why Albo was endorsing the US betting ambassador when gambling 'destroys' Indigenous families in Australia. Shaquille O’Neal is a 33 degree Freemason.


simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would say the physical realm exists withing the "eternal consciousness" you described. Some people refer to this as Matterium, from matter. Although, there is nothing physical to speak of, atoms don't really exist. It's a concept, perhaps helpful in describing physics and chemistry and reactions, but at the end of the day the only thing that exists is consciousness. Nothing else.

simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

To me, in this photo her face looks like the face of a clown.

by DrLeaks
simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why? he has nothing else to do? I guess retiring must be boring when you get such a high pension.

simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

"how normies will ever come to terms with what's happened", they won't. Their heads would explode. That might happen anyway, we're about to be hit a new massive wave of information. I call this "secrets revealed period", the remainder of this year and next.

Just information about COVID hoax and vaxx alone. The normies believe what they're being told. That's why they're called normies. I think this time will be different. Some of them, who lost loved ones, will see what's happening and go WTF. Next they'll want to take revenge against the perpetrators. Same people who lied to them in the first place. It's going to be ugly. That's why Joe Biden, well his handlers and the people behind the curtain ... are so concerned about guns in America.

simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you. It's total garbage. I'm not going to Reddit to learn anything from them. If there's anything to learn, that will be from ME. I look for interesting articles and I do as much research as I can before before I make any comments. Many times I discover things I might have missed. All in hope I can get one normie to say WTF, "let me do some research on this. Maybe this comment is BS but let me check". I'm not trying to change anyone's mind or opinion, too hard at this stage. I just to encourage them to look at other things, other than MSM.

I haven't created a post yet. I know, no matter what I post on, I will be attacked by shills and bots, from all angles. I don't want to get into a fight, although I'm confident I can overcome any objection or misdirection, but just a waste of my time.

simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, fuck Reddit. The only thing I liked about the platform was the UI. The presentation and easy navigation, user friendly. But, even that didn't work well, often they collapsed the replies. Some because of downvoting, others I'm not so sure.

simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just to let you know Reddit suspended my account for 3 days. I haven't used anything offensive, even in the linked images. They just don't like not being able to scan the content of your messages or posts. It's obvious censorship of that platform is unbelievable.

simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're right on. Everything you say it's absolutely correct. They attack everything they can, leave no stone unturned. And I also think the human shills sometimes are one and the same person, with multiple accounts. And they come at you from different angles, starting with downvoting and continuing with insults and denigrating you "haven't you ever been to school", as an example.

What I'm trying to do with linking content is avoid censorship, at least my comments can go thru. I use a nice catch phrase, I know they'll open the link. Then the image can be an animated gif, or some composite image I can quickly put together in photoshop. Nothing offensive, just straight to the point and I know it won't be taken down automatically by the reddit engine. Very hard to post links on reddit, it's trial and error. After a while I kinda know which sites are blacklisted, like BitChute, Rumble, NewsPuch, Zerohedge, etc.

I'll give it a try for a while, and let you know how it works. So far seems to work well, the shills are opening the links, I can tell because I get replies back. That tells this is a human, a bot will not open a link and scan a JPEG or a GIF and then leverage an image cognitive service. It can be done just like OCR text recognition, but very complex.

simon_says_101 -2 points ago +1 / -3

I agree more bots than people. But, people still doing okay. I'm still posting there, I love a good challenge, it's like a Pokemon game, and staying alive.

simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was down for a while. It's up now, but many people complain their comments are not being seen. Just try to stay away from naming certain financial institutions, or Banks in the news lately. That may be the reason for the "Reddit Great Reset".

simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought you said "Aging increases your risk of death". Can you elaborate? will make it easier for me to get your point.

and with cancer seems like we skipped stage 1,2 and 3 and went directly to Stage 4 for vaxxed people. According to Ethical Skeptic cancer in 0-54 year-olds, is up 20%. As Covid deaths drop, the 20% Cancer-Death signal begins to emerge from the noise. here is the link: https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1635019923381698561

simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're saying "Aging increases your risk of death". So, all these young people and athletes died and are dying of old age, not because of Myocarditis caused by the poison jab? you do know after Myocarditis diagnosis there is a 60% chance of death within 5 years right? https://deeprootsathome.com/myocarditis-cases-keep-rising/

How about catecholamine surge, also due to "old age"? https://palexander.substack.com/p/dying-just-before-dawn-the-sudden

simon_says_101 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't think you will find that much gullible here, but there's plenty where normies live. Like CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc.

simon_says_101 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no such thing as "Random" in the Universe. The computer programming function random() doesn't really create a random number. It's another thing that's fake, you could say.

simon_says_101 4 points ago +4 / -0

Such a disgrace. Where do they find these people? in never-caring land?

simon_says_101 0 points ago +1 / -1

China has used AI Deepfake avatars as 'news anchors' to spread propaganda for a long time. Now US, UK and others are catching up. Just question everything, it's safest.

simon_says_101 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Jews are the chosen people", chosen by whom? the fake god they have created to chose these fake people, who spread fake information all over the World?

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