savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why yes, yes it does. Do you know why? Because it's true.

savman 2 points ago +3 / -1

The earth is like a big record player. If you go to the center, you will see a long metal rod that reaches skyward and is attached to the moon which is hollow and holds huge quantities of liquid vinyl. The sun is actually a big glowing diamond and is attached to a perpendicular armature that moves towards and away from the north pole (moves with the seasons). If you travel to the center of the flat disc and run backwards, you can hear Stairway to Heaven played backwards.

by DrLeaks
savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

OMG!!! The river at Cairo, Illinois, at the Mississippi’s confluence with the Ohio, was approaching its lowest level since 1901

THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEF... oh, never mind.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP is a lazy faggot for not knowing this;

Folks- all you have to do is watch the AS-16 lunar liftoff TV images and you can see it happen. I noticed it live on TV back in 1972 (and I was just a 14 year old space nut then)... today you can see it on the Spacecraft Films Apollo 16 DVD set- disk 5. Oddly, over they years I've read it described as "mysterious damage." ... there's no big mystery at all.

The Apollo 16 post-mission report does discuss the damage to these panels. It concludes that ascent engine plume effects caused the panels to lift up from the riser attachments at the bottom of the lower panels, and speculates (because of surface images) that those panels were loose prior to ascent. In addition, if you look at the Apollo 16 LM ascent video carefully, you can actually see these panels lift up and start flapping in the plume as it ascends from the descent stage.


savman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Do you often sound like a gay parrot?

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

What exactly do you think you are seeing? The sun is shining on one side, and the earth reflects light from the sun onto the back side.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Earth is only 4.5B years, so we formed much later. In some distant galaxy, 13 billion years ago, the light from a way faraway star left its point in space and began heading our way. This concept is easier to understand if you drop acid.

by pkvi
savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't link a video, I linked to a page with an image showing a massive chunk torn out of the side to prove I was right and the OP was wrong - you know, the one you think didn't exist. The fact that you thought such a chunk wasn't true tells me how lazy, uneducated and a brainwashed simpleton you really are.

If you're going to jump into a debate, maybe at least know what the actual facts are. Try to keep up.

by pkvi
savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "massive chunk" is best seen at 0:28 or 1:33. OOOooooh

No fuck wit it is this: https://www.metabunk.org/mirror/www.debunking911.com/Bankers.jpg

and the fires. THE FIRES!!!.

Yeah, let's just ignore the huge plumes of smoke coming from the other side of the building.

You are another lying moron piece of shit.

And you're an angry little conspiracy theorist with no intelligence and a bottle of hand creme so you can jerk off with other little conspiracy theorists.

moron traitor.

Low IQ faggot.

by pkvi
savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Says the fag with penis in his /u

by pkvi
savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

demolition experts

Some demolition experts. Especially the ones who were not given all the information.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’re claiming it fell into a 60’ hole.

No, fuck-wit that is precisely NOT what I said.

by pkvi
savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was helped.

You have zero evidence of this, and all you have done is provide 100% pure conjecture. Guessing about things you know shit about does not make you any closer to knowing the truth.

by pkvi
savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Found no evidence of this


between the damage and the fire

I never said there was. Try to keep up.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

You said a lot.

And you; a word salad of nothing.

savman 1 point ago +4 / -3

Geesh. It would help if you paid attention because now I have to educate you. As I mentioned to the other jack-ass in this thread, each floor was 4" thick. If you compress each floor straight down, it's only 33 feet. But that's not what happened. the 9/11 video clearly shows a massive mushroom cloud of pulverized cement raining down and spreading outwards far beyond the area of the photo in the OP. Even if there was no spreading outwards, 33 feet of cement could easily fit into the basement. Regarding the steel, look at the post-aftermath images, there are steel girders EVERYWHERE. Trucks hauled away these columns for months, all accumulated in the surrounding areas and basement. Recall the excavators lifting huge piles of steel and debris. So the next thing you should ask about this post is "OK, so where did it go?" what exactly is the OP trying to say? That the debris just disappeared? Do you know how much force would have been exerted on desks and chairs? The amount of weight bearing down on the contents of this building would easily compact into the sub-floor basement. So the entire argument here is complete trash and typical flat-earth bullshit.

savman 0 points ago +2 / -2

Stupid is as stupid does. I'm still waiting for your 'scientific' explanation of what happened to all the debris.

savman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. Figures. I win again. You can't argue you're way using logic, so you fall back to ad hominem. Fucking child.

savman 3 points ago +3 / -0

basic physics and algebra

If you're going out on a limb, support your claim with physics and algebra. Until you do, please stop posting shit that makes you look like an idiot.

4 inches of concrete x 100 pulverized into dust does not = 100 feet. It equals 33 feet, and the basement is what, 10 floors deep? Please grow up.

savman 2 points ago +3 / -1

OK brainiac, let's hear why there aren't 100 feet of rubble. This ought to be good.

savman 2 points ago +5 / -3

The problem with you conspiritards is that you are stupidly lazy. If you only took a step back and did some research before spewing utter nonsense, you would know that each floor was only 4 inches thick. Those 4 inches were mostly PULVERIZED into dust making your statement even stupider. Please go look in a mirror and say "I'm a fucking retard"

savman 2 points ago +4 / -2

You are shilling for someone claiming the towers just disappeared. Got it. Kinda think that is the fairy tail.

by pkvi
savman 1 point ago +2 / -1

People ignore that Building 7 had a massive chunk torn out from floor 14. The building had no sprinklers for 7 hours, and firefighters could not put them out. It does not make sense for some nefarious entity to wait 7 hours to blast it. Why not set off the charges when the 1& 2 came down? It defies logic to wait 7 hours. Therefore, the NIST video is plausible:


Having said that. At 2:00 the guy says "No explosions" but I have seen videos of a firefighter on the street saying to stay back and you can hear loud bangs. The explanation for this is gas mains or a nearby car exploding which is more likely and plausible.

savman 4 points ago +7 / -3

Let's ignore the fact that each floor has more than 12 feet of 'air' so only the floors and ceiling were compressed, the cement pulverized into dust, and the mountains of iron and debris piled up all around this photo.

Gonna guess you're a fucking idiot.

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