savman 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, but I've seen videos manipulated by people posting hoaxes. The source video was posted 1 year ago and has comments turned off. Fake news and hoaxers don't tolerate comments.

savman 4 points ago +5 / -1

Jesus Christ, that is one annoying video. Fuck me.

savman 3 points ago +5 / -2

The amount of ignorance from people who have no clue how optics and camera lenses work is painfully obvious here. You are literally telling the world you are a complete fucking moron posting this.

A fisheye lens will show a square living room as curved, so to extrapolate an image such as this into the circumference of the planet is beyond laughable and just shows how ignorant you are telling everyone you are.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

As usual, the amount of faggotry and low IQ runs rampant on this board....Sydney Powell pleaded guilty to a misdemeanour because all the conspiracy charges were dropped the day before court started as the DA knew they had no case and were going to lose.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Numerology has as much credibility as horoscopes and astrology.

savman -2 points ago +1 / -3

Fucking moron can't figure out how to post a simple video. Kill yourself please.

savman -3 points ago +1 / -4

Video showed nothing so it's fake ad gay.

This idiot wins the award for the worst camera footage ever. The amount of low-iq fuckery surrounding this moron is telling of someone who votes Democrat and keeps these types of people in power.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don't engage this fuck-wit. He's the biggest idiot on this site and no amount of logic will sway him. Everything is a jew controlled simulation. His brain is toasted.

savman 1 point ago +2 / -1


by DrLeaks
savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paid actors.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excuse me, but this is an impossible trajectory since we are on a flat earth. The moon would bang into the ice wall if it actually followed this arc. This must be a NASA fake story.

savman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sheeit... I could have told you this poor and sober. Just because he is money, does not make him any more connected to these facts. This is not novel.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

A million facts prove you’re retarded. Flat earth fuck wit.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

You just gave 'conspiracy theorist' a new meaning. Seriously, seek help. Or change your medication. One of the two.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

the loss of inertia when something leaves the ground

The problem with these types of videos is that they take a true fact and correlate it to something completely out of context. So yeah, put into the right context would be:

Rockets need to add inertia to keep aloft, or they fall back to earth. A plane is in the air for a few hours, and its jets keep adding inertia so they are not simply going to fly off into space. Gravity keeps that from happening.

If you had something that floated aloft, like a balloon, the wind currents adds inertia so that the balloon keeps moving. If there were no wind, sure, the inertia would eventually fail, just like a rocket in outer space.

Jets travel in a straight line from point a to b. In a flat earth, they would constantly have to be turning. Which they don't. Case closed.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is totally retarded. The planet's inertia makes everything move together, including the atmosphere, which is a gas with mass. Everything moves in harmony TOGETHER!!. Your inertia just doesn't stop once you leave the ground. Get in your car and throw a ball in the air. The ball stays with you. The fuck wit who made the video does not understand inertia or understand basic physics. The amount of sheer idiocy is on full display, which is why the people who believe in flat earth are idiots who know nothing about the laws of physics.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Land. Resources. Fear.???

Masonic Jews get land and resources by making us believe the Earth is round? Why would they need to do that? Jesus Christ, that is one seriously fucked up theory. At least be realistic. That makes no sense.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

flat earthers are just smarter

Never met one that can go toe to toe with reality. Seriously, you're just grifting for likes. There is no secret cabal hiding the truth. Why? There is literally no benefit for anyone to hide flat earth. It makes zero sense. Why go through all that trouble - and for what?

The amount of effort to hide the truth from the entire scientific community just does not warrant a financial or power/control benefit whatsoever.

No one with an IQ above 80 agrees with you. You have no credible person on your side. Just basement dwellers who never bothered to understand why ships disappear over the horizon. Every person who has ever created a flat earth video just sounds like a true nut job. So, in the end, the only people that agree with this silly conspiracy theory are simpletons.

Think the earth is flat all you want. You just look like fools when you do.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Jew Glowie.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jews are controlling your brain.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was a physics tutor in college


savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jews want you to believe in flat-earth sudo-science. You're getting played.

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