sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because you only punish those who oppose the TPTB.

Not like anyone is going to do anything other than complain online about their literal rights, family and lives being sold out for a bag of silver.

sandsmith 1 point ago +2 / -1

The bloodwork of the vax'd is often weird, could see if that is testable.

sandsmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

I came upon this topic some time ago from youtuber, Dr. Dutton and it has spent a lot of time in the back of my mind. How much of what is going on could be due to our over protection of ourselves?

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now watch all the soy-parents who go for it and act all shocked when little Timmy has heart attack in Kindergarten.

by DrLeaks
sandsmith 9 points ago +9 / -0

They went after the churches in Canada and no one even wanted to address it.

They targeted "edgy" commentators, forcing them to the fringes of the internet and still no one did anything.

They went after donations and donor lists of conservative causes and yet no conservative did much besides complain.

Now they are tearing churches down and collecting "lists" in conjunction with corrupt police forces.

Will the conservatives take action, or will they sell out another pillar of theirs in order to buy another minute of peace? Sadly I think they will continue the trend until it is too late. l

sandsmith 8 points ago +8 / -0

The US is bombing their allies and they are taking it up the ass.

Holy shit when I took off the blinders I never thought I would see things this fucked up. This is like the worst written B movie ever...but it is reality.

sandsmith 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hit me extra hard since I woke up so late. There's a part of me that wants say, "well if I did it, then someone else can." I know now that it is so unlikely, that most people cannot even challenge the prevailing narrative let alone think that something deeper is going on.

I cannot even disagree with TPTB in thinning the heard, they struggle to even conceive of something other than what the shiny box tells them.

For that reason I am incredibly thankful for this community.

sandsmith 2 points ago +3 / -1

Pretend to work with your enemy while sabotaging their back line? Heresy! You should only ever approach your enemy in formation with brightly colored uniforms.

Under the assumption that this guy is actually trying to get vengeance on the system, as long as he can destroy the lives of my enemy, he can do use more or less any tactic that works at this point.

So you can can "keep your moral high ground," and keep "sticking it to the libs," right up to the point when they come collect you for the gulag.

sandsmith 3 points ago +4 / -1

It had that effect to me. Made me back off of the community when I was still just starting to take the blinders off.

I am open to the possibility but it is such a minor issue compared to everything else out there right now. Can we not just post it in every discussion? I am trying to figure out how to survive what is coming (if it is even possible) and understand my threats. No need for internal drama or well poisoning, the deep states of the world do enough of that for us.

sandsmith 2 points ago +3 / -1

And this line of thinking is why the Western conservatives will never stand up. They do not defend their allies, indeed they tend to sell them out at a shocking rate. Then when people using the system own tools against it, they still attack you.

If they deride you no matter what tactic you take, then they will never be an ally, you will never find common ground and they will enslave you the minute you turn your back.

sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not think I can explain well enough to justify something. To me, your definition would suggest that lasers are little more than focused light, which I think the Greeks are famous for reflecting and amplifying sunlight.

I was thinking additive manufacturing but that is just a revolution of the existing concept of subtractive manufacturing so that should not count either.

I will withdraw from this discuss since I think I have hit my conceptual wall of English.

sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I'm confused, forgive me English is not my native language. Are you talking only conceptual things that in no form have ever been done even if tangentially related since the 1970s?

sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quantum Computing? Nano-scale material manufacturing (looking at you graphene). I even heard from some previous customers that getting their hands on this stuff, even with real money, is nearly impossible.

I wonder if not just the speed of inventions is down but if things are being suppressed? They sure have not stopped but it is nothing like the speed of advances from before.

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this not more Evangelical? Not that I think there is much of a distinction, but, my interactions with Catholics seemed to be less random quotes and screaming at non-believers in the hope that they will convert them through random chance.

Though my experience with both Catholics and Protestants in the West were, universally soul destroying so I may be missing something.

Anyway good point, this has nothing to do with the purpose of this forum and I wish those who supposedly follow the Faith were a bit more considerate of what they are actually doing.

sandsmith 2 points ago +3 / -1

Even speaking as a (and I hate using this term nowadays) Christian...I am not really sure how this has anything to do with conspiracies.

sandsmith 8 points ago +8 / -0

Since no community is willing to expel them and their families, the police are not afraid of not protecting their farmers and locals and no one is willing to spend copper or lead...nothing.

A bunch of feds go missing and the community chases off any investigators? Pish, what do you think this is? Not red revolution Russia?

I really wish I was being hyerbolic but until the West is willing to push back in a meaningful way. The answer is, wait for your trip to the gulags.

sandsmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got to give some credit to those doing it on youtube. Too much truth and you are gone, too little and you potentially help the shills.

They will not wake up most, yet they might get a few more. Hope their walking the edge gets more because when things get bad we can only choose allies from those who are at least semi-awake.

sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just like Canada most will cuck out. They will preach whatever they are told to as long as they can keep sucking the governments teat.

Those that go underground will be amongst the last places worth belonging to.

Expect every mainstream source, "left" or "right" to seek their destruction and watch closely to those who bow their heads to authority.

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

Korea has been a dead culture longer than modern EU, 50million zombies waiting to rot to death. I would not be surpised if TPTB orders them to die or China finally wipes them out.

Ironically my last trip to Japan I saw more guys taking off the mask and evem saw a couple of old guys berate a young guy to stop "listening to Western bullshit". Maybe somewhere in Asia there is a opportunity for rebellion?

sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

4 days ago they started the process of price controls for wheat.

Looking like they are going to try to copy Venezuela. Hyperinflation with their debt will be ugly.

I wonder if that is why they had Abe killed/faked his death. Massive sympathy vote for those loyal to WEF?

by DrLeaks
sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have had to take a real hard look at the situation and ask myself, "Should I even stop them?"

Yes it is innocents getting hurt, but a whole hell of a lot of people are going to get hurt, innocents included, shortly. On top of that, most of these people, even if they come back from the brink, will they ever be allies? Or even remotely friendly, or just bow to TPTB when the time comes?

I admit I am struggling with that question.

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