this has been done in vancouver and toronto for almost 20 years...(only recently in toronto)
hasnt made a lick of difference ... and its a bad idea...
secret - The G stands for Gay...
you wont do shit... stfu
i see what you did there...
elon is a satanist... and everyone loves him
yah... AND? we knew this shit when it came out.. and we were called crazy..
yah... AND. what are you gonna do about it... nothing.. thats what... fucking doctors...
a drunk old jew woman and a tranny....
yah .. totally reliable sources..
that aint no woman...
also if you show up to parliament with bouncy castles and honk your horn...
LBJ did the same for 23 hours when USS Liberty was attacked...
i have ((other tools))
the law system is a fucking joke...
<pikachu shock face>
all sports leagues are rigged and most the owners are jews...
police and judges protect pedos.... good luck .. nothing bad (on this evil earthly realm will happen to them)
they will be judged by the almighty...
openOffice --- libreOffice
"if a smoke alarm chirps in the woods... does a black guy hear it?"
smoke alarms... lol.
why would they bother answering questions... they know they're gonna get away with it ... its called ritual mocking and the canadians are cucks and accept it.. as long as they have beer and hockey.. they dont give a fuck...
the earth is a doughnut...
lolberts.... its called lolberts...
yep.. i keep saying this buy no one listens...
dont worry... he'll get off scott free.. move along people...
no it stands for gay.. cause they fuck men... in the butt... possible children...