eLoN iS sO BaSeD
i hope apple crashes and burns.. what junk tech company... it died when steve died...
"shut the fuck up pleb"
yah but "i gave you the golan heights"
who cares... reap what you sow... simple as
nobody fucking cares anymore...
wtf... posting CNN links.. gtfo
dont worry... we wont do anything about it... stfu goy , pay your taxes and watch your sports ball and enjoy cola fructose
<pikachu shocked>
yet doctors continue to stay silent and do fucking NOTHING . they took the blood money and God will judge them...
"he saves lives by killing the innocent" . yep.. sounds like a psycho to me...
trump despises his base and wants to kill them...
i hope they hang orange nigger from the highest tree . fuck this scum bag asshole
nobody asked for a vax
good thing im not a catholic
"you wont do shit" --- pfizer
reddit will die soon... 3rd party apps cant afford their upkeep...
'It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words"
i could never get that line out of my head the first time i read it... long ago
louis farrakan is crazy as fuck and so is the nation.... but he is right about the jab...
thats why i follow the new testament.. not the old covenant
no dogma.. no ritual... just the spirit of christ
"And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom."
centuries? .. laughs in millenia ...
dont forget to give more money to israel goy... "we save israel for last"
something will happen.. in 2 weeks
that picture just SCREAMS faggot.. holy fuck...
if you're dumb enough to use those "services" you deserve it... like having a fucking amazon speaker in your house... or video door bell..