Headline -- Not a shocker.. he loves israel more than america...
shouldnt avoid.. you need some vitimin D --- but too much of the sun WILL burn you ... depending on the season and what not..
sporks are handy when you're camping
if you still use reddit you deserve it
convoluted... scheming... underhanded... ruthless...
ya sounds jewy
dear god i cant stand this fucking tard...
the cia mouth piece is talking
so.. 2 more weeks?
see the thing is..im not totally ignorant...
"CMEs often occur along with solar flares (explosions on the Sun's surface), but they can also occur spontaneously. The frequency of CMEs varies with the 11 year solar cycle. At solar minimum we observe about one a week. Near solar maximum we observe an average of two to three CMEs per day. CMEs disrupt the flow of the solar wind and cause disturbances that can damage systems in near-Earth and on Earth's surface. "
llike i said.. sun doing sun things... yah.. it could shut down our grid.. but thats our fault for having 60-70 year old crumbling infrastructure...
those old enough to remember... this happened after 9/11... and it was going on for years till the lawsuits started stacking up in the airports...
the real reason is jews.... its jews.. its always jews
sun doing sun things... news at 11.
everyone thinks the guy who wants to put a wire in your brain is for free speech...
dear lord strike us down... we are not worthy of your glory
demons vipers... hypocrites ... liars
file this one under duhhhhh
doesnt matter.. the spies just care about their pensions and their pool... thats it.. its sad but true..
i only surf tech and DIY on 4chan now... pol is a complete was of time...
/pol/ is dead... died a long long time ago
all the autist got old and over it.. nothing there but bots and paid bots..
hey remember when they said the unvaxxed should die for not getting vaxxed?
so is he rubbing it in everyones face? i dont get it...
something popped on 9/11. no one did anything cept more blood and war...
no... trump worships satan/money.
he hired all the wrong people for "draining the swamp"
thats proof enough of his evil
LA is Gamora?