remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not trying to be rude......I just don't have time to write a book.....I got a job you know......the information is there for those who wish to dig deep....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trey Smith from "God in a nutshell" has a video about this....I think some records exist in Jasher and Enoch......at the very least he was disrespectful to his father but there is some speculation about something else...

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

The purpose of the so called "virus" was to make you take a vaccine. The "vaccine's" purpose was to spread the contagion......yes it's (the vaccine) is continuing to kill people but many didn't get the "covid" until after all their friends got the death vax....The "tests" only test for influenza.....so it's not specific enough for an actual "covid" but was good enough to put old people in hospitals....where they would slowly kill them..... Anyway that's my take on it.....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ham did something to Noah, the bible is not specific....this is a complex subject so I'll leave it at that......The whole Bible is about Jesus as he had to be a descendent of David who was a descendent Adam. The bible says everyone on earth descended from Noah and this three sons. So God had to get rid of the corruption that had taken place up until then. There is evidence to suggest genetic manipulation. Even after the flood the Israelites were still fighting off the giants. One giant had six fingers and six toes on his hands and feet. So definitely not a human race......

remindmelater 6 points ago +6 / -0

"she" is smuggling in unauthorize contraband in "her" panties....That's a man, baby......

remindmelater 1 point ago +2 / -1

Messing with genetics was going on before Noah.....this is why the flood came and Noah was saved because "Noah was perfect in his generation"....

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 5 points ago +5 / -0

horrific people we have ruling this country.....

remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

So you have to file a lawsuit to do a paternity test......so a $200 dollar test just ballooned to 5 grand and lot's and lot's of animosity....France just keeps playing themselves.....or as the case may be playing with themselves....for now on.....

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not a glitch.....it's a feature of computer voting......frontal lobotomy not needed now.....

remindmelater 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well....it doesn't sound like you're well thought out on Christian theology....that's ok....everyone who proclaims Christ was a non-believer at some time. To believe in Jesus you must believe in the same things he believed in and the things he taught. It really is quite easy because Jesus is awesome.....and he was people call a man's man......A carpenter, fisherman, healer, and he walked everywhere and fasted for 40 days. He stood up to the devil and his schemes and won. He threw the money changers out of the temple...and he didn't mince words....He called the Pharisees a generation of vipers.....It's hard for me to understand why someone wouldn't believe in Jesus. I don't blame anyone for being confused however. The media spreads a lot of misinformation. A lot of things are confusing if you don't study up on it....not many people know how airplanes work or computers...yet we put aside our ignorance to take a trip. But logically everyone tries to justify what they do; often by blaming someone else. Satan always blames God and people influenced by satan is no exception. It really is a lame excuse...it's often uttered as they're being carted off to jail or right before they kill themselves. However you are right on one point however ; I have heard people say things like "God put us together" or "God spoke to me". I think they're for the most part are being disingenuous or sometimes manipulative. Maybe they have strong feelings IDK. It's the evoking the higher authority argument.....quite common..... In the Bible only a few people talked directly with God and each time God left a mark....Paul was knocked off his horse and went blind for a few days. Moses head turned white, Zacharias went mute until John the Baptist was born because he doubted the angel Gabriel.....The point being is that if God speaks to someone it's typically through his word, the Bible. If someone has strong feelings then they should be able to pinpoint the the theological argument in the Bible....

remindmelater 2 points ago +5 / -3

If you put God in a box of your own making then I guess the only person you have to blame is yourself.....you set the parameters.....But that's not the God of the bible. God is bigger than anything you can imagine. But I would mention several things. The bible says that where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty. Also it says sin is slavery and that Jesus came to set us free from the bonds of slavery. And the sweet part is that salvation is free. All you have to do is believe in Jesus.....to me that's an easy thing to do. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.....The devil on the other hand wants you to sacrifice your children and have butt sex......the choice is yours.....

remindmelater 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm sure the flashing lights and the starburst that the TV puts out is intended to make us susceptible to suggestion. I've seen too many people repeat the same words verbatim. So there's something going on....

remindmelater 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nobody remembers everything, everyone's memory of things is different in what things they choose to remember. However....modern TV programs are almost impossible to watch. There's just too much emotional manipulation with music and flashing images. Another technique they use which irritates me is the starburst like flashing light. I think subconsciously it interferes with your own thought process and so are more susceptible to suggestion. At any rate I won't look at anything which is presented to me too quickly, like images, flashing lights etc. There is no doubt in my mind that people are being mass hypnotized....

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

So they want to track everyone which did not buy their lousy untested death vax product....you could die suddenly, or you could die slow and painfully while the medical system extracts all your wealth that you were going to leave to your children....

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got tired of paying for new versions of microsoft office years ago.....Switched to open office....it still works but it was bought out by IBM i think and they tanked it. I got office libre if I need it.....At this point.....typing is typing.....we should have that handled by now.....

remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most people don't realize that the world leaders worship satan and probably sacrifice children to the devil....

remindmelater 1 point ago +1 / -0

Definitely you're probably right, it was a gov't coverup....I think a lot of these are assignation attempts on a specific individual but they shoot several to obscure who the real target is.....

remindmelater 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think another technique they use to make you suggestible is simply a flashing light.....I won't watch a tv program or commercial that flashes a light.....I actually cover my eyes if I detect the flashing. Even at church they started to flash a light occasionally during the singing and I told them to stop it because it was disturbing me. When I asked about it I think they joked that it was to get people to donate more, but they didn't know how to stop it. But they did stop it....at my request. I don't know what the flashing strobe light does but I think it interrupts your natural train of thought and so you become more suggestible. I would think also that it harder to learn something.....But this is one reason I never watch anything new on TV, The images come at you too fast and in too many directions to make any sense and along with the constant emotional manipulation with the music it's just too much work.

remindmelater 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is no way that tiny generator moving that slowly can produce enough power to drive that fan.....I like the soda bottle thing though...

remindmelater 2 points ago +2 / -0

Be careful about any commercial product you buy....The companies do it to make money.....and the advertisements about what it does is likely misleading....or a direct lie. You're probably using consumer products right now which are damaging your health slowly but you don't stop to think about it......

by DrLeaks
remindmelater 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sure hope someone stops these crazy people.....

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