I am not Jewish, but if I were, just living my life and wanting to prosper and get along, I would be pretty pissed at the Jewish leadership using me a shield.
The Jewish leadership is shielding itself behind the average Jew, using "antisemitism" as a shield to protect their dubious plans of taking over the world for themselves.
They, Jewish leadership, are like Soros. He took from Jewish people while they were being imprisoned and gassed. He makes no secret of it. There were powerful Jews that used (fed) their people to the Nazis and partnered with them.
Regular Jews should find these people and rid themselves of these parasites, they do not deserve to bear the title of Jewish.
I think it is fair to say that since the creator of Bitcoin is not identified, that it is most likely another CIA/NSA/etc creation designed to psyop people more.
One thing can be for sure, if CBDC is created, Bitcoin and others like it will have to go. There is no way they will allow any competition. OR Bitcoin is just a CBDC prototype designed to grease the wheels for people using digital coins as currency.
In this world now, trust nothing you don't have/see a direct line of production or creation.
Remember they have to reduce the American population from 320 million to just 99 million in less than a year.
Agreed. I remember there were pictures of a girl who got a super porsche for her 18th birthday and then later that evening slammed it into a highway barrier doing 100+ mph.
That horrible scene made me appreciate the fragility of going about our business in life. One minute she was speeding down the highway enjoying her new car, the next, she was smeared all over a concrete abutment.
Those images stay with me when I am getting a little lead footed while I am driving. Although, that sub could be viewed as macabre, it really did bring home the truth.
I miss the days when you could see dead people on Reddit. Those were the days.
I read the bible a long time ago, but didn't God reject the Jews for worshiping a golden calf? That Moses was gone so long on the mountain, and when he came back, they were worshiping a craven golden calf.
Did I mis-remember this?
What about scenario C.
Biden dies, Kamala takes over as president, declares martial law, no elections, the US erupts in chaos.
I bet this COVID scam has been cooked up to delete Biden from the Demo ticket.
CIA doing their department of dirty tricks moves
I would agree however, the system is too full of "them" right now. To deny them, would only put you on the outside.
Time to play their game...which is why we come in late to the game...subvert to gain entrance, then change from within and admit your guilt.
Maybe standing at that wall, someone could be praying to Jesus with his Christian beliefs?
No one has to know what the person standing their holding their hand to the wall and wearing a little hat.
It is just show. Play the game you are in.
I think you may come from backwards world.
The LAST people who would ask for MORE gun control is MAGA. Most MAGA believe in 2A.
I wouldn't put anything past THEM anymore.
Supposedly we were going to try and go to the moon again, but it got indefinitely pushed back. How is that possible? We already have the technology to go to the moon, right because we went there so many times. Why would it take some special program to ramp up a moon landing? Because we never went.
NASA is a huge taxpayer money laundering scheme. They build multi million dollar machines to "replicate" Jupiter's atmosphere. They have no idea what makes up Jupiter's atmosphere and all that money went into the bloated salaries and consultants playing pretend on making this shit up.
I think it is fair to say that the CIA/FBI/US Gov are behind just about any and all terrorist attacks and wars in every country.
Likely they have their finger in everybody's pie and all the unrest in the world is due to the Department of Dirty Tricks.
No they will happily take that white male money if you want to spend it in their parks. Likely the majority of people who pay to vacation there is funded by a white male.
So much to take in. I believe I agree with your premise. I have always had an intuition that there is something different deep down between humans that is solely related to nature. One might be able to argue it could have to do with the specific hominid (Neanderthal, Denisovan, or Naledi) that Homo Sapiens Sapiens bonded with to produce modern man. I am sure one could make anecdotal cases for variants, to which I would call that an outlier. This intuition has become a near surety since Covid. The division between NPC, middle class and highest level has become obviously naked to any casual observer.
Risking the perception that I am put myself at the highest level, as most would naturally do, I think it best describes me. For instance, I tried to take a boxing class. However, when it came to the act of raising my hand to strike another person in the face, I found it offensive. The idea of reaching out and striking someone, even in friendly competition, somehow felt beneath my ideals. If Jesus, showed up and said, "it's okay to kill", I would likely say "No thanks".
We have used the word morality in this discussion, but I have some trouble with the word's meaning. We are conditioned to think that being moral or having morals is "taking the high road or being good", however, I understand the word to mean "whatever society determines is good". That is a slippery slope, some societies consider eating dogs as perfectly fine, they have no compunction with it. Does that make eating dogs moral? Not in my book, but I wasn't raised in that society. See how morality can mean different things to different people.
That being said, I am against all violence (right, everyone says that, but do they really mean it), being a fan of history, the amount of loss that has taken place over time due to fighting wars is unimaginable. Especially, that wars are fought by the little guy for the sake of the big guy. That I cannot abide. It is my opinion, based on a study of history, Israel has been at the heart of aggressing this conflict in this region.
I subscribe to the matter is energy and energy is matter thought. Everything has the spark of life (or God), simply because we don't see it, speak its language, or understand it does not mean it does not exist.
I would disagree with your comment about a blade of grass. It has been proven that plants communicate with one another, feel pain, react to harm, and seek environments to their benefit.
One example, trees communicate with one another through their root systems. It has been documented that if a tree is being damaged, it will send signals to other trees around it, and they will produce chemicals to strengthen their branches and trunk.
Check it out, it is fascinating. When
I find that the Shinto religion best describes the blade of grass idea.
This is the best description of a theory I have been pondering for a while. Based on my own observations, there clearly is a difference between humans, irrespective of general benign differences. For lack of being able to put my finger on it, I theorized that there must be beings on this planet that look and behave like humans, but dramatically diverge when it comes to matters of morality (for lack of a better word). For example, in the extreme, the act of taking someone's life. I watched an interrogation video where the suspect was being questioned as to why he dismembered his girlfriend. He was caught with some of her body parts in his car, so no doubt about his guilt. He described how he dismembered her and distributed her parts all over town. Within the same breath that he described this horrible crime, he insisted that "in no way did his crime take away from the fact that he was still a good person". There was no presence of mental health issues, so you have to wonder what kind of human is this? All this to say, I think you description of the "disconnect" is the best to describe how we may all look similar, but there is a clear difference in how we process and act on information.
The CIA at work.
The instability is due to Obama having several Texas plants shuttered in the name of climate change.
Had Obama not hobbled the Texas grid, which clearly was intentional act of destabilizing the state, Texas would be very stable.
Anyone notice that the Ministry of Humanity says "all humans are eligible for ministerial positions and can apply". I wonder if anyone has tried applying?
It is safe to say that the Ewes have operatives in every state, as agents of division.
You have to read their words with a clue to how they are using them. They have to say what they are doing, but if you don't read between the lines, you are duped into believing they are saying good things.
It is what they are not openly saying and its perception. Once you learn to read between the lines, it is diabolical.
Interesting theory.
It has been documented that gay men have the gray brain matter similar to women. Likely some exposure to chemicals in the womb or passed down genetically.
With the testosterone in men, their sex drive is aggressive, which explains why they are overly interested in it.