llamatr0n 0 points ago +1 / -1

how far are the people from the plane?

why would they be reflected?

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

the guy's a 'tard

Ventura was born James George Janos on July 15, 1951, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the son of George William Janos and his wife, Bernice Martha (née Lenz).

János is a masculine name derived from the Hebrew name Yohanan, meaning "Yahweh is gracious".

Lenz is from Jewish (Ashkenazic) name derived from the German Lenz ‘spring’.

I have long believed that the most non-Jewish avocation an individual can pursue in this life is hunting. My friend Jesse Ventura, the former governor of Minnesota, pretty well covered the moral aspects of the issue. “All hunters are cowards,” he said, “because they shoot at things that can’t shoot back.”

Kinky Friedman

You know, the people of the United States of America right now are behaving identical to the German people in the '30s.

Interview with Salon

just sayin'

llamatr0n 3 points ago +3 / -0

which evil man?

  • Theodore Roosevelt ?

Theodore Roosevelt was a proponent of the sterilization of criminals and the supposedly feeble-minded. In 1913, Roosevelt wrote a letter to eugenics supporter and biologist C.B. Davenport, saying that “society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind."

  • Alexander Graham Bell ?

Telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell helped lead the First International Eugenics Conference in 1912. Bell also published a paper in which he bluntly listed the steps that would prevent the proliferation of the deaf: “(1) Determine the causes that promote intermarriages among the deaf and dumb; and (2) remove them."

  • Helen Keller ?

Even Helen Keller, surprisingly enough, advocated for the eugenics movement. She once stated, “Our puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and to the world."

  • Winston Churchill ?

Winston Churchill advocated for compulsory labor camps for mental defectives in 1911. The year prior to this, Churchill wrote a letter advocating for sterilization saying, "The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the Feeble-Minded and Insane classes ... constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate."

  • W. E. B. Du Bois ?

Harvard-educated sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois was a leading African-American activist and writer — who called for dividing the black community into four groups. He promoted marriage and reproduction within the most desirable group, the “talented tenth,” and wanted to breed out the lowest group, “the submerged tenth."

  • Clarence Darrow ?

Clarence Darrow is known for being the ACLU defense lawyer in the famous 1925 "Scopes Monkey Trial" — in which he defended the teaching of evolution in schools. Unfortunately, he had no personal empathy for the disabled, as he addressed the separate problem of deformed children by remarking, “Chloroform unfit children. Show them the same mercy that is shown beasts that are no longer fit to live."

  • George Bernard Shaw ?

Celebrated writer George Bernard Shaw explored the biology of eugenics in his political writing. He is quoted as saying, "We should find ourselves committed to killing a great many people whom we now leave living, and to leave living a great many people whom we at present kill." He added, "A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people's time to look after them."

  • Oliver Wendell Holmes ?

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1902 to 1932, wrote the 1927 Buck v. Bell decision that allowed for compulsory sterilization of the "unfit" in the U.S., stating, “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. ... Three generations of imbeciles are enough."

  • Jacques Cousteau ?

The famous French explorer Jacques Cousteau was in favor of population control —saying in an interview, “World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable."

  • John Harvey Kellogg ?

Doctor, nutritionist, and the inventor of Corn Flakes, John Harvey Kellogg also ran a sanitarium. He wrote in the 1913 issue of the Journal of Public Health, "Long before the race reaches the state of universal incompetency, the impending danger will be appreciated ... and, through eugenics and euthenics, the mental soundness of the race will be saved."

  • Plato ?

Long before the eugenics movement, Greek philosopher Plato wrote, "The good must be paired with the good, and the bad with the bad, and the offspring of the one must be reared and of the other destroyed; in this way the flock will be preserved in prime condition."

  • William Beveridge ?

Prominent British economist William Beveridge remarked in 1909, "Those men who through general defects are unable to fill such a whole place in industry are to be recognized as unemployable ... with complete and permanent loss of all citizen rights – including not only the franchise but civil freedom and fatherhood."

  • Alice Lee Moqué ?

Alice Lee Moqué was an American newspaper correspondent, photographer, and suffragist. She also supported sterilization of certain genetic undesirables, such as those with hereditary illness in their bloodline.

  • Sidney Webb ?

Co-founder of the London School of Economics, Sidney Webb carried out research in the 1890s confirming the high fertility of the improvident — whom he described as "degenerate hordes … unfit for social life."

  • Francis Crick ?

British biologist Francis Crick is quoted as saying, "in an attempt to solve the problem of irresponsible people and especially those who are poorly endowed genetically having large numbers of unnecessary children ... sterilization is the only answer."

  • Robert Foster Kennedy ?

Neurologist Dr. Robert Foster Kennedy stood up before the American Psychiatric Association in 1941 and told them, "I am in favor of euthanasia for those hopeless ones who should never have been born-Nature’s mistakes."

  • Thomas Malthus ?

English economist Thomas Malthus, who died before the eugenics movement truly took hold, believed in eugenics because he was concerned about food shortages. He once noted, "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man."

  • Herbert Hoover ?

In the American Child Health Association’s Child’s Bill of Rights, Herbert Hoover made the statement, “There shall be no child in America that had not the complete birthright of a sound mind in a sound body."

  • Linus Pauling ?

Scientist and peace activist Linus Pauling was forced to defend his eugenics position in 1972, well after the height of the eugenics movement, when a woman at Michigan State accused him of promoting racism. (Pauling had said carries of genetic diseases shouldn’t procreate.) He replied, "It's alright for her [a mother] to be allowed to determine the extent to which she will suffer, but she should not be allowed to produce a child who will suffer. This is immoral. It is wrong to produce a little black child who will lead a life of suffering. I would say this is not racism. I advocate the very same thing to ... all kinds who carry these abnormal genes."

  • John Maynard Keynes ?

Even after World War II, economist John Maynard Keynes supported eugenics, population control, and migration restrictions as Director of the British Eugenics Society. He asserted that eugenics was, "the most important and significant branch of sociology."

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Hey everyone, an unpredictable event is happening in 12 hours"

llamatr0n 2 points ago +2 / -0

You work 4.8 months of the year to pay tax (40%)

Of those, 3.6 months is to pay interest on the national debt. (76% of income tax)

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

one of the rarest sights in the US. a nigger at school

llamatr0n 3 points ago +3 / -0

Freelancing company commissions "study" which concludes you need more freelancers.

The actual "study'


llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0

don't forget Netanyahu is not universally popular and Israel also has party politics. jews have factions too

I have no idea regarding who is one what faction but maybe the 50 are part of the anti-Netanyahu division

llamatr0n 1 point ago +1 / -0


Asian Winter Games to be held in Trojena, Saudi Arabia in 2029

llamatr0n 2 points ago +2 / -0

all iPhones 14 and up and all Android 15 compatible handsets inc. Pixel 7 series, Pixel 8, and 8 Pro

Cat S75, Motorola Defy 2, Huawei Mate 60 series

and also the Bluetooth add-on Motorola Defy Satellite Link

it's such a niche feature though, and the messages are expensive

llamatr0n 2 points ago +2 / -0

daughter steals $2m

"black people" most affected

when you set up a trust and charity to avoid paying taxes but you fuck it up by being greedy and stupid so the govt. taxes you 100%

llamatr0n 2 points ago +2 / -0

also US doctor: "he's been shot in the head, gonna need to circumsize him"

llamatr0n 1 point ago +3 / -2

lol, open your hand and see the straws

llamatr0n 3 points ago +4 / -1

no it wasn't, unless you have receipts no-one else has ever seen

it was an anonymous chain email going round her supporters

that's like saying a post on PDW is DJT's opinion.

one of the first lawsuits over Obama’s birth certificate was filed by Philip Berg, a former deputy Pennsylvania attorney general

llamatr0n 2 points ago +2 / -0

$927 billion is what they say they manage on their website.

$46k was the price of 1200 shares iirc

When you short it's the equivalent of you borrow shares, sell them and then promised to give the same amount of shares back.

So the most you can make is if the shares you borrow go to zero. Whereas the downside is the price could go to infinity and now you have to pay that to buy the shares you need to return - in reality not infinity but if the price goes up sufficiently you're wiped out.

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