janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty sure most of them just want an excuse to take a few days off. They literally can't conceive of a future beyond that.

janglepuss 8 points ago +8 / -0

It is interesting because some of the natives in my area of North America look really fucking white. Like, you'd never know they were native unless they told you. Coworker of mine is a good percentage native and he has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

"That’s perfectly normal,” added Maxime Bernier, founder of the right-wing People’s Party of Canada, in sarcastic jest. “It happens all the time. Nothing to be surprised about.”


janglepuss 3 points ago +4 / -1

I never got tested, never took the shots, never wore a mask. I did end up getting what I think they're calling covid-19. I didn't even believe it existed until then. It was different from any other cold or flu I've ever had, which makes me think it might actually exist. Even if it does, it's still not that bad and I was fully recovered after a couple days. Hardly worth taking all our rights away and injecting us all with some untested mystery juice that has an insane list of side-effects up to and including death. But that's exactly what it's being used for. Just like every other "crisis" is used by TPTB to strip away our rights and bring in more totalitarian control mechanisms. They make you afraid so that you beg for your own enslavement.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure music was being used in this manner long before the 90s, actually. It's just that that's when it becomes very obvious to me.

Also, I've told people this theory and they say "you think all those artists were in on it? All the grunge scene guys, and all the gangster rappers were knowingly propagandizing the youth?"

No, they were just creating the music they wanted to create, the propagandists simply promoted them. They find artists already putting out the message they want to send to the masses, and give them huge record deals and promote them and put them in front of the national audience.

Of course, part of their record deal is that they are assigned writers and producers to "work with" who encourage them to increase the type of messaging they want. They take these artists who are already putting out the type of material they want to send out, and have people working closely with them to ensure they focus on and amplify those themes.

Furthermore, they set these artists up with "handlers" (think Harley Pasternak), who seem to know everything about the industry and always "help" them navigate it. They are put there to seem like their best friend and most trusted confidant. Their true role is to manage their every move and make sure they stay in line.

It's all really fucked up.

janglepuss 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have a theory that they decided to use music in the early 90s to engage in cultural subversion.

Think about hip hop before that time. It was all positive messaging aimed at young black men to stay in school, avoid drugs, and take pride in yourself. Then in the early 90s, along came gangster rap. Suddenly "black music" was all about drugs, violence, and promiscuity.

Now think about "white people music" before that time. In the 80s it was testosterone, confidence, in-your-face, we're the best type stuff. Then along came grunge to say "life is so bad, let's all take heroin and kill ourselves, that's what the cool kids do".

The simultaneous emergence of both gangster rap and grunge cannot, in my view, be a coincidence. They wanted black youths to basically just be funnelled into the prison system, and they wanted to promote despair and meaninglessness, hopelessness etc. among white youths to break down the white nuclear family, the pillar of traditional America.

janglepuss 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lol that's true, Catholics basically do everything that it says not to do in the Bible.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have pathologized the desire to exercise free will. Resistance to authority is a disorder? Is there any consideration for whether the authority is legitimate?

Also completely lost, apparently, is the notion that human beings are endowed by nature or by God with certain inalienable rights. Or perhaps that we simply exist in a state of nature on top of which has been placed several layers of artificial bullshit, and at the end of the day it is really just force or the threat thereof which determines who gets to wear the white labcoat of "authority".

The chillingly rare act of telling an "authority" figure to go fuck themselves is not always just the angst-ridden temper tantrum of a rebellious teenager. In many cases it is an open acknowledgment of the true nature of existence.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is true from my own experience. They also just never want to experience any negative emotion. It seems most people are just giant children now. No one is capable of an adult conversation wherein we discuss the difficult issues facing us today.

janglepuss 7 points ago +7 / -0

100? That's it? Damn, we really are alone aren't we?

janglepuss 7 points ago +7 / -0

Even if they lifted the mandate now, imagine all the fucking NPCs you'd be working with at this point. Fuck everyone and everything associated with the genocide jab. I'd rather die than take that shit. Anyone who wasn't immediately sickened at the thought of mandatory injections is fucking mentally deficient.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are so fucking far beyond individuals having rights. Those rights erode so slowly that people rarely step back and look at the big picture. Blacks were probably more free in 1875 than they are now.

janglepuss 3 points ago +4 / -1

Literally pay to dox yourself. Lol everyone will do it too. We're all going to be enslaved because normies are retarded. Sorry guys.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone have a link to the full thing? Been looking for this video for a while.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

They put soy in virtually every food item they can reasonably get it into. Literally every processed food product. Frozen chicken strips have "hydrolyzed soy protein" in them. Why? They're chicken, they don't need to be fortified with protein.

Soy is very high in phytoestrogens. They are literally reducing testosterone and feminizing men in order to make the men weak and unable to fight.

Unfortunately, soy is so prevalent now that in order to avoid it you have to cook all your own food from whole raw ingredients. Every meal. No restaurants or boxed food ever.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are we doing this? Can we actually do a daily suddenly? I wonder if you do a jewgle search for "died suddenly" with any date you will find an article, sort of like how you could type any number up to four digits followed by "cases" and you'd find an article about that number of covid cases.

Lol, does anyone remember that? I tried 69, 123, 333, 420, 666, 911, and then just a bunch of random ones and it always worked.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. Please let me know if you do find it.

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is that all they're doing is covering costs? Or are they making a profit? Because I can't sell my blood directly to the hospitals, I have to go through the blood donation orgs as a middleman.

janglepuss 5 points ago +5 / -0

It did force a conversation among the guys I work with. One of them started talking about the Kanye jews stuff and another one started to shut him down, so I pointed out how funny it is how when you say they control the banks and media and to show you how "wrong" you are they shut down your media and bank accounts.

janglepuss 0 points ago +1 / -1

I use yandex or qwant. I can't guarantee they're not state sponsored surveillance apparatii but at least they weren't on your list of ones not to say.

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