ipproductions 2 points ago +2 / -0

why not both?

i'd personally say it's demonic possession. But not everyone has the spiritual sight to see that, most are still entranced by the lies of the materialist paradigm.

So it's important to offer an avenue that doesn't scare away most normies from understanding the problem. I personally like introducing them to ssristories.org

ipproductions 1 point ago +1 / -0

how about a spiritual theory?

i know, by watching sidereal planetary motion, when I'll get sick.

when I lived in a hot country, I got sick by a specific time due to cold air conditioning. now that I live in a cold country, I get sick because of sudden onset of coldness.

i can see there's a bigger pattern and when it has to manifest, something, anything actually, will happen for me to live that

by DrLeaks
ipproductions 2 points ago +2 / -0

this guy gets it

ipproductions 3 points ago +3 / -0

Follow SSGEOS, his earthquake predictions are always accurate.

But, this time he didn't post for a few weeks. So I need to check his latest forecast on planetary alignment and atmospheric instabilities to see if anything suggested that region...

ipproductions 0 points ago +1 / -1

yes... i rave on about surface politics and have disruptive convos...

enjoy block city

ipproductions 0 points ago +2 / -2

you must have a 2 digit IQ to don't understand how your comment paints exactly this picture

but that's ok

enjoy block city

ipproductions 1 point ago +2 / -1

no, i'm talking specifically about denying masonic shenanigans, which is everywhere, rabbi shillstein

ipproductions 0 points ago +2 / -2

so the obvious masonic references have no actual value?

ok fed...

ipproductions -1 points ago +1 / -2

shabbos peterstein out with the controlled opposition band...

gotta prepare the informational schism terrain for the november climate lies to come

ipproductions 1 point ago +1 / -0

because it is related to the symbology of the current 1/12 division the NNM sits on for 1.5 years...

pisces, in my humble judgement, relates to oceans and space, but it can encompass a lot more areas contained in its symbology, it's up to you, the investor, to DYOR

ipproductions 3 points ago +3 / -0

I study sidereal astrology for over a decade and most of that is probably original research and observations of mine.

If you want to see historical astro research check the link I posted in response to another comment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daDtlOw8fj8

Bear in mind this is a field with a lot of fake information, bad astrologers and it's difficult to navigate for those starting off.

ipproductions -1 points ago +1 / -2

indeed, we just need to be aware of prosperity gospel and satanic roman church bullshit, because they are false prophets...

but to die for the good and for refusing to bend down to a corrupt world, that's a very high death

ipproductions 6 points ago +6 / -0

on reddit, probably some bot/shill/paid agent will come out of the woodworks to claim they are not vaccinated, they tested, vaccines work, you're an antivaxxer conspiratard, downvote you 10x with his bots and that's it... if you dare to reply with logic, BAN


ipproductions 3 points ago +4 / -1

Energy is Burning, Movement, Potential, Electricity. It's a fiery thing of action. You need to understand symbology.

These themes are not compatible with Cancer symbology, nor with Virgo, nor with Pisces. So while broad, it is specific.

It's also another reason TPTB push the population to be symbolically illiterate through "muh based rationality", black science guys, carl sagans and etc.

Here's the power of sidereally accurate astrology of actually predicting big events: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daDtlOw8fj8

ipproductions 3 points ago +3 / -0

When the North Node of the Moon (NNM) reaches sidereal Pisces TPTB will ramp up lies to an unprecedented level and lies about the ocean and the space will reach critical mass.

Remember that when the NNM was in Gemini the lockdown started so media got hyped up, then in Taurus the lies made all the bois get rich (Crypto, FTX), then now in Aries it's war lies time (hello fag dancing president and evil putin). So, prepare for Piscean lies coming to you November 2023...

Remember, they push pseudoastrology (tropical, non precessionally corrected) to deceive the population. And they also ridicule non-materialistic notions so goyim doesn't know and they have all the amulets and all the good timing of events for themselves.

You heard here first, citizen...

Be free in the place that matters the most: YOUR SOUL!

ipproductions 2 points ago +3 / -1

From a non-materialistic paradigm, there's nothing to be scared about this.

The materialist cultural engineers will also use that, once it becomes undeniable to the normies, to instill fear and control them.

But to those who realized the true spiritual nature of reality, there's nothing to fear. This is a time of change, and those aligned to it, need to fear nothing.

ipproductions 9 points ago +9 / -0

nephilim were real

graham shillcock observes every monument records giants built them but then he simply dismisses that as "metaphorical"...

ipproductions 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apollyon can also be identified as Rudra/Shiva

The symbolism all ties together.

The fact that NASA is doing Artemis missions is also relevant, for mythologically Artemis is the sister of this God of the Hunt...

ipproductions 3 points ago +3 / -0

that's why I like to call this infrastructure the "monsanto shill army"...

attempts like these were already being used and were being slowly improved on other astroturfing operations, such as the ones pushing GMO acceptance a few years back

by DrLeaks
ipproductions 6 points ago +8 / -2

Stop pushing this psyop...

Ashli Babbit IS a fed.

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