When the North Node of the Moon (NNM) reaches sidereal Pisces TPTB will ramp up lies to an unprecedented level and lies about the ocean and the space will reach critical mass.
Remember that when the NNM was in Gemini the lockdown started so media got hyped up, then in Taurus the lies made all the bois get rich (Crypto, FTX), then now in Aries it's war lies time (hello fag dancing president and evil putin). So, prepare for Piscean lies coming to you November 2023...
Remember, they push pseudoastrology (tropical, non precessionally corrected) to deceive the population. And they also ridicule non-materialistic notions so goyim doesn't know and they have all the amulets and all the good timing of events for themselves.
If you doubt, just go research stock market performance (shekel lie market) historically and you'll see a direct correlation between NNM sign placement of the year and the highest performing stocks. 18 years ago, it was energy (Aries) who performed the best. Remember, science, even spiritual, non-materialistic science, is all about testing your hypothesis.
You heard here first, citizen...
Be free in the place that matters the most: YOUR SOUL!
I study sidereal astrology for over a decade and most of that is probably original research and observations of mine.
If you want to see historical astro research check the link I posted in response to another comment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daDtlOw8fj8
Bear in mind this is a field with a lot of fake information, bad astrologers and it's difficult to navigate for those starting off.