iloveturtles 4 points ago +4 / -0

OP I thin you're onto something. Obesity and metabolic disease correlate with inflammation, which can be associated with sugar, simple carbs, and highly processed food. There is a YouTube channel called "homestead how" where the owner of the channel lost 100lbs eating just meat and was able to alleviate himself of a number of ailments including depression, sleep apnea, and physical issues.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I understand this thread isn't an invitation to shill different solutions, but I will share a privacy coin I am starting to look at called Zano. I don't have any and I am not sure where the best place is to get it right now. It's has a proof of work and proof of stake approach, making it pretty expensive to attack. Zano.org Again, I don't own any.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do we call age regression technology and not adrenochrome?

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

c/Conspiracies is struggling to decide if their racism against arabs is stronger than their racism against jews.

4chan/pol has decided they are equally racist to both.

Anyway, I don't know what the hell happened at the hospital, but there are reports that the strike has the characteristics of standard American munitions (not a failed Hamas rocket)


iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hot take here:

mRNA treatment is revolutionary and has the possibility of treating cancers, genetic afflictions, and autoimmune conditions. It has gotten a bad rap with its rush to use for covid-19 vaccines and the mandates associated with it.

Would I get a covid-19 mRNA vaccine, hell no.
Would I consider an mRNA treatment if I had pancreatic cancer, fuck yes.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why is this coming back around now?

Larry Sinclair (the guy in the interview) wrote a tell-all book back in 2009 called "Barak Obama & Larry Sinclair Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder" which detailed the whole story. He attempted to get media attention, and got a little while also being snubbed by major news sources.

As far as I know he hasn't revealed any new information or proof of what happened. In fact, don't think Larry ever produced any proof that it happened other than a thorough account if his encounters with Barak Obama.

iloveturtles 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is it possible? Are there alternatives?

One option would be to pass the voting to the 401k holders and not the firms themselves. That would mean you would have the option of logging into your 401k account and proxy voting on a regular basis.
Most people wouldn't do this of course, but it would strip the power from the 401k brokerages if they weren't allowed to vote with your shares.

iloveturtles 8 points ago +8 / -0

Blackrock = people's 401ks.

Thanks for pointing this out since no one ever does when they mention Blackrock. However, Blackrock does do most of the voting based on the shares they hold that you own. That does give them immense influence.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched the live stream footage of the landing and this video has a point. The live footage was mostly a CGI depiction of the landing status and some shitty low-quality low-frame-rate video footage from the lander.

There was a comment made during the broadcast that there would be higher quality video that would be downlinked at a later time. But that has yet to happen.

It all seems very fishy, I am trying to rationalize such shitty footage in my mind. Higher quality color cameras are neither expensive nor do they weigh a lot. I understand that perhaps live footage has to be limited for bandwidth reasons but you can always transfer higher quality video after the fact.

It does make you wonder what's going on.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here are some things to think about:

Why is that some of the population of homeless include the adult-children of relatively affluent families?

Why is it that many immigrant families with very little resources aren't homeless?

Homelessness has nothing to do with homes.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't feel like watching Crowder, but as understand it, the Bush camp pulled serious shenanigans to win Florida. Gore should have won Florida. But then again, he should have won his home state of Tennessee too.

Some things come to mind that leaned in the favor of Bush to win Florida and ultimately the electoral college in 2000: Recounts, hanging chads, Florida Supreme Court ruling, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't figure that part out. Like you said, they could easily just remove the option completely and force people to save their watch history.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

The subscriptions page works fine, most other things do. Just not the homepage. You'd think if they didn't want people to not save watch history they would just change the setting for each user. It's odd that they're making users enable the saving of watch history manually.

iloveturtles 6 points ago +6 / -0

There is no way to cancel or turn off this alert. Youtube really wants you to enable your watch history so you can properly view the site.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was entertaining to listen to. Shiva was in rare form. Summary: Shiva is running for president, even though he was born from India. He claims it doesn't matter. He calls RFK JR controlled opposition and Vivek a faker and a Brahma.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0


Most people seem to agree that Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy had one of the best outcomes in a serious of otherwise disastrous candidate interviews at the Republican Turning Point convention this past weekend.

Is it possible to that Vivek found a cheat code to conservative/anti-establishment ideology and told everyone what they wanted to hear? His answers and positions were some of the best of the candidate crowd, but his tweets from not too long ago seem to be in conflict with his current positions.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was no nuclear fallout in nagasaki or hiroshima. Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

Someone has been watching a few too many Owen Benjamin clips.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here is video of a cluster bomb lands in a neighborhood street.


Here is another video (different incident) of the aftermath of a Ukrainian cluster bomb missile detonating in the Donetsk, Ukraine.


Another problem is many of the bombs are duds and don't go off. Extensive sweeping has to be done after the conflict to reduce risk of civilians getting killed or injured from unexploded clusters.

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