greenspotbikes 5 points ago +5 / -0


"Corrupt the youth and make them perverts – and you win the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your community of young people, degrading it with sex, rock music, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will strike at the family, destroying it, we will reduce the birth rate."

greenspotbikes 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think most government employees will look forward to implementing lockdowns. Work from home, overtime pay, pay raises, pandemic bonuses ensures a repeat performance.

The medical profession completely lack any ethics. They will lie and promote the official line for more money.

The poor loved all the government freebies. Most of them would be happy to return to lockdowns.

2/3 of Americans will be happy to do this all over again.

greenspotbikes 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's part of the demoralization process.

Lahaina Fire was a demonstration of power. They are almost telling us they burnt the city down, killed people, and are going to build a city of their dreams on their graves. The governor and the police are visibly on the side of the Jews. The victims will be robbed of both blood and treasure.

"Rich Men North of Richmond" is nothing more than a white-negro spiritual. What's clear is that he is too afraid to mention the word "Jew". He couldn't even say "Rich men with tiny hats".

In your subconscious, you are associating a demonstration of Jewish power, and the fear in the hearts of the Goyim. And that's exactly what they want--fear the Jew. The best that you can do is sing a dumb white-negro spiritual.

greenspotbikes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Specifically not hiring white males.

Notice how many homeless people are whites nowadays.

Flood the streets with Fentanyl.

Suicides at all time highs. Overdoses at all time highs. Pedestrian deaths at all time highs.

Just a scheme to kill white people.

greenspotbikes 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's probably aware that the government is going after people who make anti-semitic posts.

Posting anti-semitic flyers or messages online is now a justified reason for law enforcement to conduct a search warrant on your property. Basically, you are considered a terrorist.

Going forward, expect to see fewer posts criticizing the Jews.

greenspotbikes 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Jews will win. Yhwh god is with them.

The Jews are working well together, not a traitor amongst them.

White people will quietly die in greater numbers. Soon, blacks, hispanics, asians, and white youths will be encouraged to attack whites. It won't even be a crime to kill and rob a white person. Whites will learn the new meaning of the word "rapture"--it is the combination of rape and torture. South Africa is our future.

I hope more white people return to their ancient gods--the ones that chose them.

greenspotbikes 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Jews can't enter the Messianic age without eradicating the white race.

In a couple of decades, the Jews will have their "Heavenly Earth".

by pkvi
greenspotbikes 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the end of the Jewish calendar.

It just so happens that many governments and corporations operate on the "fiscal" year, October 1 is the start, Sept 30 the end. So, a lot of decisions about dumping stocks at the end of year occur in September.

The "fiscal" calendar is just guise for the "jewish" calendar.

greenspotbikes 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many celebrities will have to collapse in a week before the normies start to worry?

greenspotbikes 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think Mormons are chosen because they are blindly obedient to authority. They don't question the motives of their leaders.

greenspotbikes 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not just Covid, the vaccine also. Most of the people dying suddenly are white people and black people.

greenspotbikes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish there was a way to post more than one photo. There are multiple variants of the cowering soldier/dog/fireworks picture being posted. I normally don't take notice of them. But, this one pissed me off.

When someone post one these on social media, 30 other people chime in and say something to the effect that those poor veterans shouldn't have to be through this. And the people who post comments aren't veterans but ultra-liberal women--who normally don't give a shit about veterans.

greenspotbikes 0 points ago +2 / -2

The next time your dog becomes unhinged due to fireworks, you will always associate it with some veteran going off the deep end.

The same people that promoted masks and.vaccines are the same people who post these dog/veterans fireworks PTSD promos on social media.

News media seems to be promoting the veteran/dog fireworks trauma especially hard this year. Even the VA is promoting it.

I know a lot of vets, and I don't know a single one that looses his shit around fireworks.

This is just a Jewish media/government psyop to brainwash American citizens to believe that military veterans are mentally unstable and can't be trusted around guns.

greenspotbikes 1 point ago +1 / -0

The numbers put out by the CDC are nothing but estimates. They push and pull numbers in order to sell fear and to sell vaccines.

greenspotbikes 2 points ago +2 / -0

((They)) also believe in curses. Curses only work when one is rightfully angered and the curse is spoken aloud. But the public has been conditioned not to speak aloud of the wrongdoings of Jews.

Curses will not harm someone who is innocent;. they are like sparrows or swallows that fly around and never land. Proverbs 26:2

greenspotbikes 2 points ago +2 / -0

When the media hates you, they give don't give you any air time, pretend that you don't exist.

Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney were hated.

The Jewish media loves Trump--the negative press is a charade. Trump is just a controlled opposition candidate.

greenspotbikes 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Jews have always been treasonous to their white host countries. Opening the gates to the invaders is what they have always done in the past.

Gates of Toledo, Spain. https://www.judaism-islam.com/jews-opene-the-gates-of-toledo/. The Jews opened the gates to the Moorish invaders.

Gates of Constantinople. https://www.ancient-origins.net/weird-facts/constantinople-0016929. The Jews unlocked the gates for the Ottoman Empire.

greenspotbikes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder if the two sides will actually fight over the largely Jewish city of Dnipro. It's only a couple hours away from the front line. My guess, the war will "passover" Dnipro.

Dnipro is home to the largest Jewish Community Center in the World. https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/blogs/112007/worlds-biggest-jewish-community-center-opens-in-dnipropetrovsk-ukraine/

greenspotbikes 3 points ago +3 / -0

The government won't put surveillance equipment in your homes.

You will do it yourself.

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