freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hes a jew, im a jew, your a jew!

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dont think its where these things are happening that matter, I was reading how a old roman dam saved one of the cities.


Lmao the thread was removed from r/news because people thought it was fake. But the dam likely did its job and helped divert enough water, but I supposed the dailymail is not the most trustworthy site, though I trust it more than msn, cnn, fox news, etc.

It's the frequency, these were once in a life time events, and now they seem to be happening more frequently, weve had satellites for 30 years, you think were just now noticing it? lol.

Wasnt there like a book, with a bunch of old stories, that talks about increasing hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. (thats sarcasm btw, im talking about the bible)

freedomlogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ive seen alot of users over on r/conspiracy pointing out reddit has been purposely manipulating the election it seems.

When is the government going to investigate that? Surely this is more than what axo ever did.

Oh yea thats right, we know that the government doesnt have the balls to stand up to tyrants like the CCP.

I thought this was the dumbest shit I seen in a few days.


They will do it this time, they pinky fucking promise.

Come to nova scotia! Get poisoned, or get cancer and then denied medical help, its the true canadian way!

Maybe they can harvest some pieces off of you before you go, that would make them happy.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dont think so. I think its a conspiracy to assert power over the idiot plebs. Like that girl who had her goat taken from her even though the family offered to pay the fair officials money for it.

This wasnt done over the safety of anyone, the main reason not to feed wild life is so they do not become dependent on humans, which can be a death sentence.

Nah I think the message was loud and clear, do what your municipal, state, federal government demands you to do, or face their consequences.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +4 / -3

Do we all forget the time that trump described his daughter as "voluptuous" lol?


Dude is a perv and was fucking strippers left and right, it would be strange if he hadnt used epsteins services at least once.

In other conversations with Stern the bragging billionaire described barging into the dressing rooms of nude Miss Universe contestants.

The now 70-year-old politician said he saw the beauty queens "standing there with no clothes" before crassly admitting his celebrity profile allowed him to do whatever he wants.

"I sort of get away with things like that," he said to Stern in 2005.

In a 1997 conversation, the pair discussed how Trump lost his virginity aged just 14.

She was "a hot little girl in high school" the real-estate businessman said.

"She was hot. I haven't seen her. I haven't seen her," he added.In other conversations with Stern the bragging billionaire described barging into the dressing rooms of nude Miss Universe contestants.

The now 70-year-old politician said he saw the beauty queens "standing there with no clothes" before crassly admitting his celebrity profile allowed him to do whatever he wants.

"I sort of get away with things like that," he said to Stern in 2005.

In a 1997 conversation, the pair discussed how Trump lost his virginity aged just 14.

She was "a hot little girl in high school" the real-estate businessman said.

"She was hot. I haven't seen her. I haven't seen her," he added.

And this guy was president, lmao hes a grifter for sure.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hey be lucky I dont spam a article everytime I come across something.

Like this story I have been keeping an eye on.


Then I see this today.


The only way to get proper help in this place is to have lawyers, and a reporter, and a face worthy of feeling sad for LMAO.

This shit is disgusting, and ill spread awareness about it anyway I damn well please. Sitting on a street all day with a sign wouldnt be any more effective. No one gives a shit about straight white men anymore. I mean we built this society where we can all be equals, but fuck us anyway.

Unless you have been through it too, you have no idea what its like to trust these people for them to just turn around and lie through their asses. And flip the script on you. Ive been through alot in my life, I dont think I am getting over this.

You know I was looking at questionables posts over on saidit, and their conspiracy forum is deader than ours. Although he doesnt post there much for some reason, I guess once the job was done. Cant even blame it on us mentally ill people this time because I may have an account on saidit, but I wasnt posting over there. Only looks like a handful of people were, and now some of them seem to be active here.

Im not interested in hating jews, or russia, or other boogeymen who have nothing to do personally with my life. I have a hate for the people who did this to me, and I hate it. I feel a bit like jekyll and hyde and the bad side is winning.

Im more interested in working together, but for some reason certain actors on these sites do not want us to do that.

So im pretty suspicious of people who only spread divisiveness, which looked like 99% of questionable posts were him asserting his intelligence as being far superior than everyone elses. Thats a huge pet peeve of mine.

If I know anything in this world, its that I dont know shit.

We are just taking shots in the dark here and normies act like were going to bring civilization crashing down.

You guys dont think that the super rich exploiting all of us arent doing that already, fucking morons I swear. Most of my comments are geared towards the lurkers, not registered users.

We prolly need the "no meme/images, without context rule" here as well.

Ialso havent been very active, because ive been racking my brain working on my game engine, shits hard yo.

Better than sitting on "dead" social media sites all day flooding random posts everywhere with very little responses. Much like questionable does.

Dude claims to be a hard working man, but has time to spam two sites all day, that I know of.

I come to c/conspiracies to spread awareness and read others points of views.

You come to c/conspiracies to apparently callout and fight other members.

We are not the same.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +2 / -1

Its a nice thought.

I may not believe in a singular god, but I do believe in something, that we are all part of whatever it may be.

I believe what you do to others has a way of making its way back to you. Whether its painfully apparent, or not. Like ripples in a pond, repercussions and events that cant be fathomed. My views align more with native americans than they do any singular religion.


This point really reaches out to me for some reason. Does anyone else here feel this way?

I want to believe in god, but I cant believe in something I have never seen. Even if god did exist, he wouldnt want us relying on faith, when its man that creates his own fate.

Again I do believe in something, faith in the cosmic divine, faith in myself. That even if I am destitute, that life is much more than just the material things.

We are born behind a mask, a mask of flesh and bone. We are much more than what we can perceive with our limited systems.

But hey, whatever. Most of us are struggling financially because the super rich really want it all, greed unlimited.

freedomlogic 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yeah op killing us here, must be a new one for all of us.

So of course google returns nothing about this issue, and I still cant use yandex from my isp. It just says connection timed out.

Thankfully tor still works.

Take this thread with a few grains of salt, dont believe everything you read, but there is some possibility some of it may be true, anecdotal experiences lead me to believe it as well. (Did I ever tell the story about how I almost got abducted as a kid? Im walking down a back road at 10 years old with siblings and some woman stops and asks us to look at her kittens in the back of the van, was quite fucked up.)


Warning; Graphic. What are Panda eyes? Why pandas with all-black eyes are interesting to pedophiles? Apart from pedophile’s symbolism officially warned on the FBI’s website which includes code words and signs, the rest are to be LEARNED with experience. Some symbolism has gone viral and became known to many but some remained obscure as there was not enough evidence to offer an instant and official decipher.

It is crucial to learn the symbolism but it is yet more fundamental to recognize the real decoders and don’t get stuck in guessing games and accusing people as they will immediately be debunked and discredit the messenger.

Here we try to illustrate some symbolism which has been less discussed. Upon encountering these signs in an Instagram profile or a website page, we should immediately be alarmed and look for more indications. If the case includes other significant known-signs, then the owner of the page or close friends should be watched closely and reported to the FBI.

When in Oct 2016, Jimmy Comet AKA James Alefantis references to pizza pasta and more broke the internet through Julian Assange’s sacrifice for humanity, almost all symbolism and references were chewed and spew on the table on an international level. Everything was out and some of us including myself became hospitalized. Too heavy to fathom, too heavy to bear for a normal person in course of one week, counting also nights because there was no sleep. However, some symbols remained bizarre until later and some symbols came out of the shadows through other accounts gradually. Panda Eyes was one of those that were in Jimmy Comet’s references, but we could just brainstorm what it could be.

If your not strong of mind, do not go down this rabbit hole.

Only depression and lack of faith in humanity await.

Likely the real reason they booted axolotl as a mod from r/conspiracy. Not "election interference".

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Total and complete dominion over mans kingdom.

That and eternal life so it never ends.

freedomlogic -3 points ago +1 / -4

I still dont think the vaccines were made to intentionally kill anyone, so I dont know about nano structures or foreign dna.

Sounds pretty far fetched with no real evidence. I do believe it was the largest mass clinical trial ever done on the unsuspecting masses.

But I have to point out.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccine had a “vaccine effectiveness” that dropped below zero

Lmao what, it was -10 efficacy? lol I dont think it works like that.

I thought it was wild though that they claimed 99% efficacy so boldly without any real studies done, let alone results published.

And people actually believed that shit.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Without context, this just sounds real bad lol. Im assuming its some kinda of that weird (1000 year old beings who look like children) anime or something.

Its always been like this in canada though, people have had their lives ruined over manga.

Crazy they can make this shit legally, in japan OF ALL PLACES.

Ill point out the irony of persecuting perverts as convicted pedophiles, while letting literal murderers and pedophiles run free.


freedomlogic 3 points ago +4 / -1

Theyve been running ads for weeks in nova scotia about it too.


Lmao you know the gambling must be bad when they are advertising shit like this.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats the conspiracy! lol.

OP thinks its men, but some of these artists have a lyric or two about selling their soul to the devil.

Could be nothing, Could be some crazy old fuckers who think they are manipulating realitys with blood magicks and shit.

Hollywood seems to be a central theme in the rockstar business, and the idea behind holly wood is it was the tree branches they would use in these old druid rituals to manipulate reality.

Could be these people are literally selling their souls to a higher power in return for whatever they desire.

That show on netflix based on a book, called the fall of the house of usher, it almost seems fucking plausible.

It's easier to believe its some supernatural being that lets people rise above the law and public accountability.

But the reality is, it prolly is all humans, but I do think with all the symbols and stuff that the elite use and is pervasive in everything from the architecture to the pieces of paper we call money.

If you got half a brain, it becomes apparent someone believes in this 100%. Symbols are everywhere and nothing but the power of a thought. And from what I have seen in my own life, its hard to say there is not something, spiritual? about it. Something that cant be explained or quantified.

Who knows though.


I cant quite make my mind up about this video. You think its all just getting fucked up and partying to hard, but the chick dressed up as black rabbit suggests more to me for some reason.

It almost sounds a bit like hes offering to sell his soul.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I was a kid, I didnt pay a whole lot of attention to rockstars and things. But my dad was a musician (hobbyist) himself. He was rocking the synthesizer in the late 70's before it became real big. Funny though I dont have a lick of musical talent.

My dad liked his music and made me watch that music video movie thing where he transforms into a fucking robot at the end, lmao for some reason that sticks with me.

But I do howerver remember the news slandering the hell out of him, not just about the supposed molestation, but about him being white.

I remember very clearly they said over and over for WEEKS that he was getting some kind of procedure done to become white and as a kid that was so fucking strange to me. Then it turns out that he has some kinda of skin disease. Was that just fake news LOL. Hard to believe anything anymore.


His views about record labels I think prolly put a big target on his ass.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Russia, Im still waiting on that check. If my destitute ass could get paid for telling the truth, I really dont care who pays me at this point.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like I said, its ironic that people thought this guy was a antivaxxer, but according to a reddit post where someone claims to know him as a family friend, he was very for vaccines and didnt want to go public with his incident, instead opting for maid.

Could you imagine being so ashamed of what happened to you that your terrified its going to fuel the "anti" vaxxers lmao.

Fucking amazing, canadians really are something, I guess I understand why they choose not to fight in the revolutionary war.

Random Blurg. One of my ancestors didnt want to defy the crown, so moved to ontario and had his land seized in new york.


During the American Revolution, he was a loyalist. He would not take the Oath of Allegiance and on February 26 1777, he was taken into custody

The family came to Canada in 1789 where he was granted Crown, lot 31, 5th concession of Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario.

Im glad my grandfathers chose to stay and fight instead.

Anyway I posted about this exact subject a few days back, and after that I seen this article.


Organ donors had been living with homelessness and were infected themselves

A disease that is more commonly associated with the trenches of the First World War, and can sometimes be found in refugee camps, has been detected in several patients in Alberta who received organ transplants.

Bartonella quintana, an infection caused by body lice, has been found in seven organ transplant recipients in Alberta since 2022, according to Dr. Dima Kabbani, a transplant infectious disease physician who treated the patients.

"It was quite alarming to us, especially that we know that this bacteria can cause a more serious type of infection because sometimes it can affect your heart valve or it can affect some of the major organs," Kabbani said.

"We were surprised to see that type of infection in Alberta."

The disease, which presents as skin lesions, was transferred to organ recipients from their deceased donors, all of whom were people who had been living with homelessness and who had been infected themselves.

"It signals that the bacteria is actually around individuals who are unhoused. So it tells you about a bigger public health problem," Kabbani said.

"If these individuals had access to just water to wash their clothes, or to shower, then we should not have been seeing this type of infection in people who are unhoused in Alberta."

This woman seems more concerned about making sure the organs are in good condition instead of addressing the root cause of homelessness itself, what a hoot.

Thats fine. Canadian government is reaping organs left and right from drug overdoses, medical emergencies, and maid/homelesness. No one pay attention or anything.

They can just blame it on that boogeyman russia!


Around the same time, the Ottawa Citizen reported the Canadian military had tested new propaganda techniques during the COVID-19 pandemic and had concocted a plan to influence the public’s behaviour. A Canadian military intelligence unit monitored and collected information from people’s social media accounts in Ontario, claiming such data-mining was needed to help troops working in long-term care homes during the pandemic.

Despite knowing almost immediately the Canadian Forces was at fault for the wolf exercise debacle, some inside DND headquarters in Ottawa suggested trying to falsely label the incident as a creation of “Russian disinformation.”

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

And nothing of interest was ever said. Trump just pulling the ol "But I dont know nothing" card.

Ol trump saying that china wouldnt have dared sent up balloons during his presidency. Im sure they did lmao, just didnt make news back then.


According to U.S. officials, Chinese balloons crossed over the U.S. at least three times during the Trump administration and at least one other time earlier in the Biden administration.


Different take with a extra clip from a year ago, I think donald may be a little gay, he seems a little obsessed with how good looking these airmen are.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well technically he said disinfectant.

Tried to walk it back later by claiming it was a "sarcastic" comment.



Funny all these different protocols, the ventilators, remsdivir. Trumps suggestions here. When likely most people were depleted in magnesium/phosphorous/calcium. Its almost like they were killing people on purpose.


Are people with disabilities at higher risk of COVID-19-related mortality?: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Nah, they were just slapping "do not resuscitate orders" on many of them.


Fury at ‘do not resuscitate’ notices given to Covid patients with learning disabilities

Vulnerable people have encountered ‘shocking discrimination’ during pandemic, says Mencap charity

People with learning disabilities have been given do not resuscitate orders during the second wave of the pandemic, in spite of widespread condemnation of the practice last year and an urgent investigation by the care watchdog.

Mencap said it had received reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they had been told they would not be resuscitated if they were taken ill with Covid-19.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here I was thinking, prolly be about weed, but hopefully they checklisted the other drugs too.

Sugar, Caffeine, cocaine(rich mans drug), Opiates (including synthetic), Tobacco, Anti-Depressants

Nope, he really went and singled out the one drug that is controversial as hell.

Back home in the hills, the old boomers hated weed, the young christian/catholic people seem to believe that god created all plants and weed is a plant so it cant be that bad.

Sure as fuck helps with my health issues. My muscles feel like they are burning nearly every day.

Religious people are funny as hell, their minds are as closed as their hearts.

freedomlogic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meh, canadians are easily swayed and controlled. A very docile and placated race. Though they are quick to anger and prone to some serious mental gymnastics to justify just about anything.

Immigrants are being used to suppress wages and keep house prices/renting high. Rent in halifax has doubled since covid. They are also being used to keep work safety laws pointless.

But I dont blame immigrants, its like blaming a mouse for going for the cheese.

I blame politicians who allow all this corruption to happen so they can enrich themselves. I know america is bad, im from appalachia.

But this shit is insane.

The wealth gap between the rich and poor in Canada widened at the fastest pace on record in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the year before, according to Statistics Canada, amid high inflation and declining real estate values.

The top 20 per cent of earners in Canada held 67.8 per cent of the country’s net worth in the first quarter, compared with the bottom 40 per cent holding 2.7 per cent. The difference between those amounts equals the wealth gap.

Yeah, they are basically slaves here and they just dont seem to care. Most of them anyway. All these indians too, there is definitely some caste undertones in everything.

But I cant kid myself, the medical system was broken long before immigrants, the roads were crumbling long before them and the corruption has only gotten worse. But man do canadians love to blame immigrants for it, the same way they think all native indians are drunk pieces of shit lmao.


Halifax Regional Police are releasing more details about the workplace death of a 19-year-old woman at a Walmart on Saturday.

"The woman, who was an employee of the store, was located in a large walk-in oven belonging to the store's bakery department," police said in a news release on Tuesday afternoon.

Like I said she was an immigrant (a sheik apparently), she prolly didnt smoke weed, so they cant blame it on that, dang.

But ill bet 100$ that 4 years later her family gets nothing because they will determine it was her fault somehow for not following protocols that were likely never properly explained to her. Ive been on dozens of construction sites here were people arent even wearing their hard hats, safety is a joke in canada.

People think she was murdered. Nah I just think she was doing the job of two people, being exploited for not knowing her rights or really the lack of them here (your responsible for your safety was a sticker that my old supervisor stuck on arcas mirror, i used to get a laugh out of that, now I know what he meant).

Its hard to be aware of your safety when your just some pleb making minimum wage and your company is some million dollar cursed piece of shit who is supposed to be the so called "experts" so they can train you. What a joke.

I think she set the oven to some kinda self cleaning mode, and what happens when you set that on your oven at home. When the door shuts, it locks and starts going on its own. Ugh, what a terrible fucking way to go, no one deserves that. Rumors on social media are that the few people on shift at 2 am heard her screaming but couldnt do nothing to stop it. My guess is there was no emergency shutdown on the fucking thing. Why would they care, like I said, work safety is a joke here.

Looking at comments just shows me how dumb these people really are, most of them are thinking the family is going to get a nice payout from walmart. ROFL. Perhaps it works the same int he states, ive never been in the situation there. But here you cant sue your employer, all you can do is go through wcb and in the end the amounts they payout are very little. This government does not want to provide a living expense to the disabled. Again prolly the same in america. The value of a human life means nothing.

Best thing they can do is maybe sue the contractor of the oven for not installing a emergency shut off button which was proably required and ignored.

Like i said, 10,000 fine, family might see something after 4 years, based on what her life was worth, Then again being a immigrant they will prolly weasel out of it somehow, they usually do. Even if they did, minimum wage 19 year old worker, her life was prolly worth something like 20 grand.

You have to be a lawyer or a doctor or a politician to get the really big payouts.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good enough to take your shit, but not good enough to get help in return.

Its ok, the "vaccinated" will prolly take care of your organ better which i mean realistically is not a matter of if, but when its going to fail.

The organs always fail after something like 2-10 years. Its super rare if you get more than that I guess?

Revolving door of spare human parts, disgusting.

Like I told wcb, I wouldnt want to live if I had to get dialysis every week when I was begging them for help, they had a good laugh about it.

I couldnt fathom having someone elses organ in me and taking the meds and constant stress about when it was going to fail, thats not a quality of life I want or am used to.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

In places like applachia its been like that for a long time.

I cannot remember what I was watching, but it opens with this guy and girl talking about how they would never be organ donors because they wouldnt want someone not helping them, I had a laugh.

People in nova scotia think im some conspiracy theorist star lord when I tell them I opted out of organ donation.

freedomlogic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ill point out again (did already in the kotaku thread)

That this proally happens everywhere, but because it was appalachia the nurses and doctors actually did the right thing.

I would not trust a place like nova scotia which is the first "opt-out" organ donation state/province in north america.

Like I said between what happened to me, allison hoffman who they told her husband that she would not have a life worth living and to pull the plug immedietly that night, and then never bothered to give him a cause of death lol.

Or Davelle Desmond, who got pushed and smacked his head on a table going down, and was declaed "brain dead" after "30 minutes without a pulse" lol. He obviously had a pulse, they were just to incompenent? or just Evil/Corrupt to notice it.

The people in this place, are barely human.

On top of the work injury in nova scotia, I had a close family member in ohio who was in foster care their whole lives, lived with a pimp the last few, got knocked up by a john, gets overdosed on heroin as a cheap form of abortion by the pimp.

Gets wheeled into the hospital talking and fine, and is dead five hours later. Im pretty sure they did the same thing to them :(. What the hospital ran out of narcan that day?

Or me mum in ohio who had aids, who was asked to wear a "ribbon" on her ankle in case she was ever in a wreck so the emt's could take "special" precautions. Im like 8 years old and she gets pulled over by teh local police who proceed to tell her its not so they can help her, its so everyone can avoid helping her.

My mom cried for days over that shit, so the refusing help if your a organ donation case doesnt seem that far off honestly.

It seems like I would be retarded to actually trust the system.

freedomlogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ive spent alot of time outside over the last several decades of my life. I feel pretty confident when I say that something is happening.

I thought the sunflower conspiracy was a interesting one, people in r/conspiracy a month ago talking about sunflowers not tracking the sun properly. But who knows.

Even the indians are seeing it.


Even stranger is the fact that the sun now appears to set many kilometres off its usual point on the horizon, and the stars are no longer where they should be. Is the Earth shifting on its axis, causing the very look of the sun and stars to change?

These are the drastic conditions Northern Canadians, whose lives depend from childhood on their knowledge of the most minute details of the Arctic land and skies, say they see all around them. These observations by Inuit elders are detailed in a groundbreaking new documentary, Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change, by acclaimed Nunavut filmmaker Zacharias Kunuk ( The Fast Runner, The Journals of Knud Rasmussen) and environmental scientist Ian Mauro.

Do you believe these indians, who have lived there for thousands of years are just "imagining" things? lol.

Heres a article claiming its because we are pumping so much groundwater.


Pumping groundwater appears to have a greater consequence than ever previously thought. But now—thanks to a new study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters—we can see that, in less than two decades, Earth has tilted 31.5 inches as a result of pumping groundwater. This equates to .24 inches of sea level rise.

Thanks to a study from NASA published in 2016, we were alerted to the fact that the distribution of water can change the Earth’s rotation. This new study attempted to add some hard figures to that realization. “I’m very glad to find the unexplained cause of the rotation pole drift,” Seo says. “On the other hand, as a resident of Earth and a father, I’m concerned and surprised to see that pumping groundwater is another source of sea-level rise.”

Oh thank god guys, nothing to worry about here.

What causes an ice age and glacial-interglacial cycles?

Many factors contribute to climate variations, including changes in ocean and atmosphere circulation patterns, varying concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and even volcanic eruptions. The following discusses key factors in (1) initiating ice ages and (2) the timing of glacial-interglacial cycles.

Just fake news, nothing to worry about here.


The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a tipping point that is “bad news for the climate system and humanity”, a study has found.

The scientists behind the research said they were shocked at the forecast speed of collapse once the point is reached, although they said it was not yet possible to predict how soon that would happen.

Using computer models and past data, the researchers developed an early warning indicator for the breakdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc), a vast system of ocean currents that is a key component in global climate regulation.

They found Amoc is already on track towards an abrupt shift, which has not happened for more than 10,000 years and would have dire implications for large parts of the world.

Just fake right? The news here tells me that the reason so many sharks are swimming around nova scotia is because they are protected now or something. Totally has nothing to do with the warmer waters, or the explosion in critters like lobster there. I linked that quote of a canadian saying hes never seen so many lobster in his life time haha.

Prolly nothing. I hope the original story that the bible was based off of wasnt some kinda of warning or, great reveal about what was going to happen, to humanity again.

What does it matter anyway, live everyday like it is your last, because you never know when it is. Best bet advice I have heard these last few years?

Enjoy the peace and tranquility, while you can.

If nothing ever happens, just consider yourself lucky. But I imagine most here are like me. They have felt something building for their entire lives.

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