free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's interesting the black mirror that we use to access technology. (monitors and screens)

a) Interest implies internal (inter) cessation of motion (rest)...no such thing within motion, unless one chooses to ignore being moved.

b) Black implies absence of light...being implies send by light, while having sense.

Few suggest black (absence of light) and white (pure light) to distract many from being in-between the visible spectrum of light with the free will of choice to abstain sense through ignorance.

In short...light implies ones discernment; black implies ones ignorance.

Sleight of hand: Exit light (discernment) Enter night (ignorance) Take my hand (consent to my suggestion) We're off to never-neverland (bye bye potential)... https://genius.com/Metallica-enter-sandman-lyrics

c) Mirror/mirare - "to look at" implies looking/locking onto a suggestion hence reflecting perceivable with suggested aka choosing ignorance (black) over discernment (white).

d) Only ALL gives each ONE within access by transmutation aka internal separation aka differentiation of action (inception towards death) into reactions (life).

Being moved from inception towards death implies an "all access pass", and since inception implies import and death export...life implies VIP aka very imported per-sonos (by sound).

Few utilize suggestion to tempt mass consent, which in return permits few to withdraw access to many, while offering VIP access to few in return for a price of admission.

e) Technology aka techno/tekhnē - "artifice" and logy/logic - "reason"...suggestion shaped within perception implies artifice and ones consent to it established a conflict of reason against others and circular logic within self.

Technology (artificial reason) inverts natural implication (if/then). There's no conflict in implication and no circulatory shape within straight motion...unless one chooses to ignore that.

The symbols used for electronic components are very similar to symbols of alchemy

a) Symbol aka syn (together) bole (throwing)...nature doesn't throw together, it sets each one within apart from one another.

b) Electric and Magnetic aka ELECT (ones choice) MAG (to knead; fashion; fit)... https://www.etymonline.com/word/*mag-#etymonline_v_52644

Few utilize mag/magic/masonry to make suggestions, which tempts ones choice to select a chosen ones suggestion. Magnetic suggestion drawing in; electric consent empowering...

c) ALL (perceivable) differentiates ONE (perception), hence each one having a different perspective within the same origin (blind men and an elephant parable).

Few utilize suggestion to tempt mass consent, hence equalizing differences, while making similarity aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one).

d) Before suggested CHEM-ism tempts the compounding of matter together, AL (all) perceivable sets each (one) matter apart through motion...which one ignores when consenting to another ones suggested -ism.

If you use...

ALL uses; each ONE re-uses (perception) what all offers (perceivable). Ignoring this for the suggestions of each other permits others to ab-use one.


  • Some of them want to use you...Some of them want to get used by you
  • Some of them want to abuse you...Some of them want to be abused

Can't be responding on this board and consider it a "natural process."

Con-sider implies "siding together", hence each com-ment (minding together) suggesting an upvote vs downvote conflict of reason as a side to choose from.

Instead of reason (upvote vs downvote) based on ones consent to suggested information, ones free will of choice can utilize implication (if/then) to draw from perceivable inspiration...which implies the natural process of "knowledge".

Notice that your sentence starts with "can't", which implies a conflict of reason (can vs can't)...hence making the foundation of your response a conflict against others.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

alchemy of Sugar

a) Few suggest CHEM-ism (uniting substances to form compounds) to tempt many to ignore AL (all dividing into each one).

A being isn't compounded (mixed together) put set apart from one another. This process implies transmutation of partials (matter) within whole (motion).

b) Another layer of deception...nature doesn't brand anything with a label. Few within nature tempt many to attach artificial labels (words) onto a natural process (sound). This implies spell-craft.

by B1-66ER
free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1
  • Weather as a Force Multiplier - 'Owning the Weather in 2025' (published 1996)


free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0


a) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaifeng_Jews

b) "The name (kaifeng) literally means "opening the border" and figuratively "hidden" and "vengeance"

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

vaccine is only...

a) There can be only one. All was before each one within came into being. What others suggest "is" tempts one to ignore that.

b) Vaccine/vacca - "cow" and vaccant - "idle, unoccupied".

Occupant implies one who takes into possession that which doesn't have an owner. Nature moves (inception towards death) matter (life) which implies active and reactive state...idle implies reaction ignoring action (perceivable) for each others reactions (suggestion).

Ones idleness permits another occupancy within self, hence allowing suggested information entrance into ones consenting mind/memory aka an INJECTION.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

System of A Down - Sugar...Seems relevant.

  • You know that every time I try to go...Where I really want to be
  • It's already where I am...'Cause I'm already there

Now aka this perceivable MOMENT implies the MOMENT-um (inception towards death) of ongoing motion for each temporary matter (life) within.

Matter needs to resist motion, while being tempted by motion to want to ignore resisting.

Origin (inception) and outcome (death) imply the same momentum of motion for each different matter (life) in-between, and only in-between cause (motion) can there be effects (matter).

As for sugar...

  • Where all they really do is suck out my mother fucking brains...My brains (sugar)

Temptation implies absorption, hence getting sucked in, while resistance implies emission, hence giving out.

The trick...only nature gives out aka all perceivable to each ones perception. Few utilize suggestion to tempt ones consent to suck in, hold in, and resist giving out, which tempts other suckers to respond alike.

  • How do I feel? What do I say?...Fuck you, it all goes away

Feeling aka emotio implies to move from, which inverts being (life) moved by (inception towards death)...the suggestions by others tempt ones emotions to move from ones position.

Saying implies uttering artifice (suggested words) within reality (perceivable sound) aka making noise.

Few utilize alchemy to mix feelings and noise together; like for example "Cum On Feel the Noize"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78ezU7x3jfE

More alchemy about sugar...

Daddy implies sugar (motion); mommy implies oil (momentum); child implies salt (matter)...

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1


a) -ist (scientism) implies ones consent to an -ism (scientism), hence ones submission to another. What discovery could be made by submitting?

b) A cover overspreads a surface, so dis-cover implies the division of those above and below the cover, like...those who suggest scientism from above and those consenting scientists below.

c) Nature reveals all perceivable to each ones perception...by di-vision of all into each one. Nature doesn't cover by spreading something over the surface...it implies all above (sur) for each one (face) within.

look the other way

There can be (life) only one way (inception towards death) and looking/locking ignores the motion thereof.

Instead of looking try presence aka sensing (sence) what comes before (pre)...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

we are critical of ourselves

Critic/krei - "to sieve; to pour out; distinguish"...suggested pluralism (we; our) tempts perceiving singular (one) to ignore that.

If one joins "we or our", then one disregards ones distinction from one another.

Sleight of hand: every ONE is a critic.

A chosen ONE hides distinction from the masses, while amassing others by equalizing differences among them aka equality through diversity.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

I know we have no say in trump or any slave master we get, but I still like him better than libtards. Not that that makes any difference.

a) Nature differentiates; choosing to like or dislike what others suggest makes one alike others aka slaves. This in return permits those who suggest to remain different from slaves aka masters.

b) Ones choice (slave) selects a chosen ones (master) suggestion...there cannot be a master without consent given by slaves.

c) Trump aka triumph implies "success in battle"...slaves battling each other within a conflict of reason (like vs dislike) make those who suggest what to like or dislike a "success" aka the card (suggestion) within a game (reason) which trumps each player.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0


How could a being within the visible spectrum of light perceive white (pure light) or black (absence of light)?

What if few tempt many to ignore being within the visible spectrum of light by suggesting them a white vs black conflict of reason? Like a masonic checkerboard type of game...

How can you not be exhausted with this rhetoric

a) Being (life) exhausted (inception towards death)...nature exhausts being.

b) Rhetoric (suggested words) tempt one to ignore nature (perceivable sound)...sound moves; while words tempt one to hold onto definitions.

c) Rhetoric implies spell-craft utilized by few to tempt many into conflicts of reason about the crafted spells...a redistribution of exhaustion.

Few tempt many to mutually exhaust each other...just as written in the Protocols.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is spelled out in their text the Talmud and the Kabbalah

A spell (suggested information) confines one within (circular logic) self...talmud instructs one who learned to teach self how kabbalah aka reception/recepiere - "to hold/confine" works.

A jew suggests spells (suggested words within perceivable sound) to tempt consenting gentiles into circular logic within self and conflicts of reason against each other. Consent itself implies holding onto suggestions by another, while confining self to it.

judaism is a racial supremacist religion.

a) Consenting to any suggested -ism makes one an -ist. This bond of holding onto suggested, through ones consenting free will of choice implies religion/religio - "to bind anew".

Consent implies self inflicted bondage to another, and another utilize suggestion to tempt consent to be given willingly.

b) Race/raddix/radius/ray implies ones outwards growth...not ones belonging to others. One cannot be part of a race...only a partial racing outwards within whole.

Ones consent to suggested race-ism makes one a race-ist, hence binding self to others, which confines ones race (course of life) radius (roots growing outwards) ray (beam of light emitted outwards)...

In short...a jew suggests -isms to tempt consenting gentiles to bind self (religion) as -ists, which permits a jew to steer consent given with suggestion offered towards mutual destruction (conflicts of reason).

A gentile is blind to this because circular logic keeps his mind confined to suggested fiction, while ignoring perceivable reality. A gentile holds onto fiction, while ignoring that reality moves...that permits a jew to remove oblivious gentiles.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

false promise

Promise aka per mittere - "sending forwards"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/promise#etymonline_v_2663

a) Only nature sends (life) forwards (inception towards death)...ignoring this by consenting to a suggested promise tempts one to take a mental promissory note... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promissory_note

b) Ignoring perceivable (need) for suggested (want) establishes a fictitious conflict (want vs not want) in reality, which few rebrand into for example "true vs false" to distract many from consent given.

goyim are easily swayed

WAY implies being (life) moved from inception towards death. SWAY implies "bending from side to side", like for example within a conflict of reason such as "easy vs hard".

Suggesting an S-curve before a direct WAY is enough to tempt ones choice to loose balance...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

achieving world domination

By distracting FREE (choice) from DOM (balance) with suggested liberties. Ones choice consenting to such permits a chosen one dominance over one.

create divisions

Suggested creationism tempts those consenting into a conflict of reason (new vs old) against each other.


a) Elder/eldra/ald/old/al - "to grow; nourish"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/elder + https://www.etymonline.com/word/old

b) Parent/pere -"to produce, bring forth" began to replace native elder after c. 1500... https://www.etymonline.com/word/parent#etymonline_v_7209

ONLY nature nourishes; grows; produces; brings forth...few suggest parents and elders to distract many from discerning that for self, while seeking care from others.

That's for example why VATI-can implies father, and Marine Admiralty Maritime Acts aka MAMA implies mother...for the lost children.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

a) Acceptance implies death to life.

b) Anode (up the way) + Cathode (down the way) implies an internal separation of same line (inception towards death) and different curve (life).

Suggested catholicism tempts those coming up the way to accept going down the way...without resisting temptation.

c) Suggested "common good" by few implies communism and conflicts of reason (good vs bad) among many...if consented to.

Nature doesn't generate common...it sets each one within apart from one another, hence same flow (inception towards death) generating different forms (life).

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's surreal

a) Nature WAS perceivable before anyone within can suggest what something IS...like surrealism.

b) Real implies ones response (re) to all (al)...sur (beyond) implies being yonder aka within sight, yet not near aka perceivable in sight, yet ignored for suggested.


Only nature generates...artifice is shaped within what nature generates.

a video similar to this one

a) One implies different from one another.

b) Video/videre - "to see" implies ones perception within all perceivable...not looking at a suggested video.

all the rest

Rest implies "reminder after separation"...ALL implies that which separates into each ONE within, hence "before" not after, and before implies forwards (inception towards death) being (life) aka the internal separation of all into each one.

sort of middle-grounding

The opposite of sort implies differentiation. Few tempt many together aka casting lots aka sorting shares to equalize differences among them, hence making many "similar" to each other.

As for natural differentiation...sides (inception/death) generate middle-ground (life). What do moving sides imply? Balance! What's the center of balance? Choice!

artful wording

Artificial (words) tempts one to ignore natural (sound)...

fucking good

Fucking (coming together) good vs bad (conflict of reason)...choosing a suggested side fucks oneself over. Choice needs to balance, not fight other choices withing imbalance (want vs not want).

In alchemy there's a process where "contrasting elements in proper proportion neutralize each other"...it's called neutral/neuter - "neither of two". If only ONE had the free will of choice to choose neither of two...

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

behind ALL the illusions

Illusions implies suggested pluralism tempting ONE being to ignore (hinder self) ALL perceivable. Consenting to a suggestion makes perceivable illusive to ones perception.

There cannot be "all" of something...only each one out of; within and in response to all.

The Psyops

Psyche implies animating power aka perceivable reality...operations imply suggested fiction shaped within, like the-ism, which tempts those operated upon to ignore psyche.

media concerning

a) Ones perception within all perceivable implies media/medius - "middle"...consenting to a suggestion permits a chosen one to "mediate" for one from outside the middle.

b) Cern/cernere - "to perceive" implies ONEs dis-cernment as partial within whole, which suggested con-cern (perceiving together) contradicts.

Watching media implies con-cern; seeing through ones eyes implies dis-cern. Self discernment cannot be attained by concerning self with others.

the rest of it are all...

All doesn't rest...it moves so that each one within can respond to being (life) moved (inception towards death). Rest aka restitution (bringing back to a former state) implies dying, hence bringing life (form) back to origin (flow).

don't want us talking about

Talking establishes want vs not want conflicts of reason about the suggestions of one another, while ignoring that a person aka per sonos (by sound) needs to adapt to sound, which is "silence".

Silence isn't the absence of sound, but the origin one ignores when talking aka when articulating (suggestion) natural (perception) sound aka when polluting sound with noise.

here they are in order...123456789

There can be only one order (action) for each one chaos (reaction) within.

Chaos/khnwos/ghieh - "to yawn, gape, be wide open"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/chaos#etymonline_v_8422

Natural order (inception towards death) opens itself up through differentiation into chaos (life), which allows re-ordering aka temporary chaos responding to ongoing order.

Few suggest enumeration to tempt many to seek order out of chaos by building hierachies; constructs; civilizations; scales; rankings; levels; sequences; graduations etc. That's a pyramid scheme...there can be only ONE foundation and anything build within collapses back into it.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Want implies suggestion; need implies perception. The latter allows one to draw from; while the former permits others to draw one behind. The chosen ones suggesting imply "entrepreneurs", while the consenting gentiles drawn along imply the "success".

Here's what an entrepreneur had to say about success:

  • Your success took a shot at you, what are you going to do now?
  • How are you gonna kill it? You're gonna become unsuccessful?
  • I used to give a fuck, now I give a fuck less
  • What do I think of success? It sucks, too much stress


free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

there is no conspiracy

a) Con-spire aka breathing together. Breathing apart implies relief; breathing together implies contract.

b) All perceivable generates each ones perception through relieving (inception towards death) alleviation (life)...others tempt ones consent into a contract with suggested, which accumulates debt/death as a burden upon life.


Aka putting together that which nature sets apart aka asking for more, while ignoring all that was given.

https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/djbobo/pray.html + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJbsdoDHUrI

Here's Baumann in 2024 still deceiving the masses with the lion of judah (lies of judea) on his chest... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DJ_BoBo#/media/File:DJ_Bobo,_Ergo_Arena,_02.11.2024_39.jpg

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +3 / -2

a) The second picture comes closest to depicting knowledge...partials differentiated from one another within a moving whole. The white background implies all perceivable, each different form implies ones perception.

b) The first picture depicts a differentiation of background and form, yet without color aka without a visible spectrum of light. Differentiation implies spectrum.

c) Pictures three to six imply layers of inversion aka drawing together that which nature differentiates apart from one another.

d) Notice that picture four and five suggest light seeking connection...that's a dis-charge; not a re-charge. Few tempt connections among many to establish a circuit of dis-charges, hence short-circuiting re-charging life.

e) Notice that the sixth picture misses a point within the suggested constellation...the viewpoint of each different viewer. Using suggested constellations to distract from ones perception implies the conspiracy.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

successful entrepreneur

Entrepreneur/entreprendre - "to undertake" implies taking from under. To establish oneself above; one has to tempt another to stand under while giving.

How? Shape a suggestion to tempt consent. Once consent was given, one can under-take from a suck/succ-er.

A sucker represents the success of an undertaker (entrepreneur) who buries consent given underneath suggestions offered.


Suggestion implies artifice, consenting to stand-under a suggested artifice implies intelligence/intelligo- "to understand".

Artificial (entrepreneur) Intelligence (success)...same shit; different branding. Wholesale and retail.

if you want to be

Being implies want within need, hence needing to resist wanted temptations. The success of an entrepreneur is based upon distracting others from need (perceivable) with want (suggested), which establishes a conflict of reason (want vs not want) among the suckers, which implies a success for the undertaker above reason.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

fall for the same tricks

What one perceives implies rise (life) during fall (inception towards death)...others trick one to hold onto suggested, which burdens rise during fall.

Why is that a trick? Because one cannot cheat ones rise by getting something from another.

zero hope

a) Both hope and fear tempt one to ignore perceivable origin for holding onto suggested outcomes.

b) Zero implies a common denominator aka a suggested foundation by few to trick many to count each other from, while ignoring to be ONE within all of nature.

In other words..."base10" (one and zero) contradicts "1base1" aka oneness (whole) as the base of each one (partial) within.

c) Combining zero (artificial origin) and hope (artificial outcome) imbalances ones free will of choice...if consented to.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

need to define

a) How does one define (affix) acceleration without contradicting it?

b) De-fine aka division (de) end (finis) implies the division of beginning (inception) and end (death) for those in-between (life), hence those in-between need (origin) and want (outcome).

category of everything

Why gather together that which nature sets apart?

accelerating ANY current

Can form (life) accelerate flow (inception towards death) or only diminish self, hence feeling accelerated in demise?

towards breaking point

What if the break implies beginning (inception) of sentence (life), while being moved towards point (death)?

What if a point doesn't break apart but dissolves each partial sentence back into origin?


Jacob/Ya'aqobh - "one that takes by the heel; a supplanter"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/Jacob

Hence not a follower marching towards extremes, but the Achilles' heel most ignore to take advantage of aka the one suggesting the -ism, which others follow towards their demise.

It's few who suggest, which use consenting many as tools, within the box of reason, where many fight each other.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Holocaust aka the burned offering of many by few who suggest -isms to tempt others to follow towards outcome aka towards death of life.

Works like a charm...

b) Steady (inception towards death) generates imbalance (life), hence life wielding the free will of choice to balance...or ignore steady pace (growth) for deliberate acceleration (loss).

c) Life moves towards death. A jew dangles -isms in-front of gentile eyes to tempt them forwards. It's the carrot (suggested outcome) and the stick (perceivable outcome)...

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0
  • Porn/ pornē/perə/per - "to traffic in, to sell" + graphic/graphe - "writing, drawing"

a) A jew writes suggestion (to sell) to draw in gentile consent (to buy), hence tempting gentiles to sell out when buying into temptation.

b) The foundation of traffic (carry on trade) implies becoming a traitor to self by carrying along others, hence trading ones FREE will of choice for a chosen ones pricey options.

c) Trade as a suggested exchange tempts one to ignore being ex (life) within change (inception towards death) aka free expression of resistance during velocity...not selling self out by paying others for burdens to take on aka debt/death.

  • Pose/posen - "to suggest (something is so), suppose, assume; grant, concede"; from Latin pausare - "to halt, rest, cease, pause"

Hence a jew utilizing exposition to corrupt the "pose of expression" among cooming (masturbating) gentiles.

There' no cessation of motion within perceivable nature, hence a jew suggesting it as the inversion of nature.

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