factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Feels like it's written in a PR agency. Everything about this, down to shell casings, arrest and the patsy stink. Perhaps true in part, but clearly weaponized.

Get ready for DOGE and dismantling of not just Obamacare, but a lot of other things. And no, this won't mean leas power to corporations, but more.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Makes sense, thanks. I'm also waiting to see what the deal fallout is. Something big was agreed on. Now, whether agreements are kept and what's the potential downfall of that... we'll see - in actions.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

More BS for next War Against China coming.

Total bullshit and with so many bad plot holes, it's not even funny.

factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unroll of a thread with more details of this lifetime actor:



Just to be clear, the Turkish-and-US-backed leader of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a 42-year-old man (pictured) named Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, likely killed and maimed scores of US troops during the Insurgency in Iraq (2003-2006). A 🧵1/


2/ Born in 1982 is Saudi Arabia, as a young boy JOLANI moved to Damascus. Interestingly, 1982 was also the year that Hafez al-Assad, the dictator of Syria and father to recently ousted Bashar al-Assad, annihilated the Sunni Arab stronghold of Hama.


3/The reason the Assad regime even entered Hama was because the Muslim Brotherhood, the mothership of all Jihadist terror in the region, stirred up the populace there. Rifaat Assad, brother to Hafez Assad, led 12,000 Syrian Arab Army troops and killed 10,000 civilians.


4/ The Muslim Brotherhood, of course, has always held that upwards of 40,000 of the 500,000 denizens of Hama had been massacred by the Assad Regime. But that was a seminal year for Jolani.


5/ Jolani's grandfather apparently lived in the Golan Heights (the region between Israel and Syria) that was part of Syria until the 1967 Six Day War, where Israel annihilated the Arab armies after they picked a fight with Israel. 70% of this area is today controlled by 🇮🇱


6/ As a teen, Jolani got caught up in the Islamist revolution against the "Occupiers" in nearby Palestine. He became galvanized by the Second Intifada between Israel and various Palestinian terror groups, including the PLO & Hamas.


7/ Once George W. Bush decided to abandon the War in Afghanistan after having failed to capture Bin Laden at Tora Bora in Dec 2001, and opted to instead invade Iraq in March 2003, Jolani left home to join the insurgency. youtube.com/watch?v=bkzZfv…

8/ To be clear: the "Insurgency" in Iraq was Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a hodgepodge of disaffected Sunnis in the western portion of Iraq and foreign fighters, like Jolani, looking to kill the "infidels" (e.g. US troops).


9/ According to all reports about Jolani from the Iraq War, he was a riser--impressing his commanders and elders and proving himself repeatedly in battle. In other words, Jolani was skilled at killing AMERICANS. As a result, he rose to prominence in AQI.


10/ By 2013, Jolani had become such a skilled practitioner of terrorism and killing Americans (and their allies) that the Obama regime listed him as a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist." cnn.com/2024/12/06/mid…

11/By 2018, the Trump administration went one step further: putting out a $10 million reward for his death or capture, Jolani was such a bloody-minded terrorist.


12/ Now, Jolani and his terrorist group, HTS, which is explicitly Turkey-backed but also indirectly supported by Western intel services, too, finds himself in charge of post-Assad Syria since Bashar al-Assad fled.

13/ The Biden regime today is even talking about dropping the $10 million reward out for Jolani. wsj.com/world/middle-e… HE. KILLED. AMERICANS.

14/ And what about the terrorist group that Jolani leads, the Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)?


15/ WELL, HTS began its existence as the Al Nusra Front and Jolani was its commander back then. At that time, the Syrian Civil War was underway, and Al Nusra (as well as countless other head-choppers) were receiving money, training, and funds from Obama's CIA to fight Assad.


16/ And, just so you understand, the Al Nusra Front is/was the official franchise of al Qaeda in Syria. middleeasteye.net/news/syrias-al…

17/ Ultimately, Jolani splintered his group away from Al Nusra and then, after some further changes and mergers with local jihadi and anti-Assad elements, HTS was born. According to Jolani, HTS is focused only on local Syrian matters. cnn.com/2024/12/06/mid…

18/ But how can that be true, given the universalist nature of Islamist organizations and the aforementioned personal political history of Jolani himself. A man who fancies himself as a fighter for the oppressed Sunni Arab everywhere?


19/ Jolani's assurances that his new regime in Syria will only "go local" with its concerns and respect the rights of all of Syria's minorities rings hollow. It's reminiscent of Stalin's "Socialism in One Country" or Mao's "Agrarian Marxism." It's a distinction w/o a difference.

20/ Jolani is bathed in blood. Specifically, the blood of US troops. He and his group were chosen for their ferocity to be the tip of Turkey's Islamist spear into Syria. The US intel services helping him also wanted Jolani for his ferocity. But that ferocity will not end here.

21/ Oh, and look the Jihadists in Syria, issued a letter recently PRAISING Hamas and their savage terrorist attacks on Israel on 10/7/23. H/T @Ofer_binshtok x.com/Ofer_binshtok/…

@Ofer_binshtok 22/ Not to worry @joshrogin (whose work on China's threat is stellar, btw, but he misses the mark on Syria BIGLY IMHO) says the minorities, such as the ancient Christian sects there, are fine b/c Jolani says they'll be fine. x.com/syrianetf/stat…

@Ofer_binshtok @joshrogin 23/ But the Christians, Alawites, Druze, and Kurds are all in danger with this massive, well-funded (thanks to Turkey & the West) bloodthirsty Jolani taking over. x.com/Laellenkoenig/…

@Ofer_binshtok @joshrogin 24/ If there was nothing to fear then why are the Kurds trying to get Israel to link the Druze portion of Syria in the southwest with the Kurdish portion (and US held areas) of Eastern Syria? Wouldn't they be welcoming Jolani and his jihadis? x.com/WeTheBrandon/s…

@Ofer_binshtok @joshrogin 25/ And if Syria's conquest by Jolani and HTS is so awe-inspiring then why are we being tasked with having US forces remain in Syria indefinitely to support this Freedom Corridor? Even the name is...I thought Jolani was bringing "freedom"??? x.com/WalidPhares/st…

@Ofer_binshtok @joshrogin 26/ Mark my words. A man, like Jolani, and an al Qaeda offshoot CAN NEVER be our friends or even temporary allies. They are in a HOLY WAR against us. We are Satan to them. They have us right where they want us.

@Ofer_binshtok @joshrogin 27/ Jolani looks like a Jihadist version of Castro. And that is precisely what he will turn Syria into. We will all rue the day that the Western intelligence services, along with Turkey, decided to empower such bandits rather than kill them.

factdigger 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perhaps. I have no dog in the fight.

I have a feeling it was a background deal, hence the complete collapse of resistance, Assad flying away, taking down air defences, letting Israel take what it wants.

What does Russia get, IFF it was a deal:

  • Wind-down of Ukraine war (i.e. "peace" even if temporary)
  • Maybe get to keep their Tartus naval base for a while (transition period)

If they get to keep the Tartus base, then that's a pretty high confirmation for me it was a deal between the US ZOG administration , Israel, EU, UK & Russia.

just keep watching the actions. Don't mind what they say. They will all lie - constantly. Incl. Russia.

factdigger 8 points ago +8 / -0

He is from Israel occupied/settled Golan heights.

His face is like the semi-semite version of Zelensky.

He has "no beef with Israel". He only supports causes and enemies that are part of Israel's goals.

Walks like a jew, talks like a jew, is a jew.

Just a crypto one.

factdigger 3 points ago +4 / -1

Also, don't post silly useless NOISE that will drown all the useful signal during information warfare silly season. Good signal is already getting harder and harder to find. Google is useless. Social media platforms are owned.

And downvote every useless noise post, even this, if you think it is just noise.

Be ruthless. Go only for truth. Fuck emotional jerking.

factdigger 8 points ago +8 / -0

The image is just a place holder, it doesn't matter, perhaps it summarizes a bit.

But remember:

  1. Georgia and Moldova are under colour revolution/transition script, two new fronts for NATO and Russia

  2. South Korea didn't want to send more weapons to Ukraine -> president declares a martial low (yes, there were also family corruption related issues, but Koreans don't act like that, this order gave from the master, aka USA)

  3. Romania was about to elect a new president who is not go-go on Ukraine and is more reconciliating towards Russia, so EU/US players forced the top court to annul the election results.

  4. Turkey-Israel-Qatar-US-EU did a pact on Syria and probably Russia was part of the dealmakers: Syria / Assad falls, US/UN terrorist list puppet aka HTS leader Mohammed Al-Jolani / Ahmed Al-Sharaa (who is a Golan Heights crypto-jew) and US/UK/EU/Israel paid *STAN mercenaries run over abandoned posts in Syria, Assad goes to Moscow. Israel takes new areas east of Golan heights, Turkey is ready to take areas in NE Syria, Qatar-Turkey-EU finally get their natgas pipeline through Syria which will be DMZed or balkanized. Russia mos likely loses it's Naval base in Tartarus. If they don't, they were part of the Syria fall deal, and this deal will wrap up Ukraine soon (both Zele & Putin are both signalling peace talks now).

  5. New sanctions against China and by China against US have already been announced and are going into place.

  6. Israel is now emboldened by the incoming Zionist War administration in USA, has a blank cheque now to finish their operations in Palestine and start en masse in Lebanon, now that the money (banking) and weapons/support (via Syria) pipelines have been cut off from Hamas/Hezbollah. After those, Israel will secure more areas East of Syria for "security purposes" aka The Greater Israel Plan

  7. Iran is now losing ground and support fast, and all of the ISIS/AlQaeda/Nusra/HTS mercenary fronts will be moved towards Iran next. Iran has only one card to play: demonstrate nuclear capability, after which they can buy themselves more time. If not, the war of attrition will increase and Iran is next to go after Syria (yes, it's a bigger and more difficult target, but lots of more resources will be freed toward that hotspot, IF they wind down now both Syria and Ukraine fronts).

I don't think the pivot to Asia/China is next. The next pivot is Middle-East esp. Iran.

Pieces are moving fast and the current deep state operations is trying to make as much work as they can, and some of the moves are already sanctioned/supported by the incoming ZoG Government of Trump war-hawks (in dove clothing).

So, expect a lot more actions between now and end of January esp. internationally. Not just US domestically.

There's going to be a lot of political and news heads talking, and 90% of that will be self-serving lies and total bullshit.

Trust now what they say, just observe what they actually do on the world stage.

They are trying to deliver death blows to the nascent multi-polar world, BRI/INSTC, China energy access, Russian finance access and do this through multiple fronts.

And this being 5th gen warfare, even the whole of social media (all the big platforms) are weaponized, full of bots, agenda and useful fools who will disseminate whatever is the flavour of the week thing to get excited about or fear.

Just keep your head calm, and look at the big moves on the chessboard. The rest is lies and obfuscation and diversion.

Peace out.

factdigger 9 points ago +9 / -0

Nice meme. In short:

  1. Turkey wants to squash Kurds and take NE of Syria, control Kurd areas and take more steps toward making Turkey a regional power

  2. Qatar, US, EU and Turkey want the Qatar-Turkey natural gas pipeline that would run through the proposed North Syria Safe Buffer Zone. The spice must flow!

  3. North Syria has some of the most cultivable plants for wheat production. Everybody wants to control that.

  4. Israel wants the pieces of Syria that are part of their own Greater Israel plan (Oded Yinon ), starting with Golan heights, but extending much further east to within the current area of Syria. The current Syrian inhabitants can be displaced or killed, Israel doesn't mind.

  5. US wants a larger, strong Israel, with US bases for "peace keeping" in Syria. Germany wants the same in the Safe Buffer Zone, to guarantee the spice...er... nat gas flows to Europe.

  6. Many Arab states want to sell their remaining hydrocarbons through a more stable route than shipping via two chokepoint straits. They want a "controlled" Syria, that is partially DMZed and carved up.

  7. Israel, US, UK, EU, Saudis, UAE all want to weaken Iran by weakening Syria.

Everybody has their hands deep inside the pie.

Russia will probably agree to bend over, IFF they can keep their naval bases at least for some time. There are too many countries even for Russia and China to start resisting militarily for a longer period of time.

Next stage is full takeover of Lebanon, Israel has already started probing for that. Then it is Iran. Will happen during Trump's administration. All the key propagandists, haters and hawks are in place for that.

Wesley Clark was right 20 years ago: it's a long plan , you aren't part of it and they do their best to hide it in the news.


"AmerIsrael, Fuck yeah!" /s

factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, everything is a script. Even if it might be hald true, they're gonna spin it to their advantage.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probabilistic yay, even unlikely to do any serious dissolving to the phosphorolated DNA white mass backbone, it appears to be secondarily useful. Yet I'd still pulse it and not use it continuously all the time. With that said, these are all probabilistic guesses based on the limited knowledge we have.

Related, please read Christie Laura Grace's latest stack:


factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was actually your FIRST useful summary, with not too much bs in it.

I'd just add:

  • bovine a-chymotrypsin
  • Collagenase IA
  • Protease XIV
  • papain
  • Protease K

... which have been used to dissolve, degrade such cross-sectional amyloid proteins (esp. spidroin).

alpha-chymotrypsin and papain are easily available as OTC supplements in most western countries.

factdigger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Perp looks amateurish.

I'd wager he is one of the thousands od UHC clients that goet swindled by the company.

factdigger 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you don't know what has happened in the BRAINWASHING-CENSORSHIP-NARRATIVE-CONTROL-BLOB industry in the past 8-12 years, this is a good start.

Highly recommended to those new to the subject, even if it is JRE.

factdigger 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jews worshipped the blood-thirsty, vengeful, jealous fake god, YHWH.

Jesus rebuked and made mockery of YHWH and said his father, the real god, is NOT YHWH and is unlike YHWH.


This is in ALL of the early bible translation.

Jew scribes and the Catholic church later wrote this out of the current versions people have been brainwashed with for the past few hundred years.

factdigger 2 points ago +3 / -1
  1. Elon is a constructed player, a life time actor. Several people who have studied him, have stated this.

  2. He is a tool for a deep non-state players. StarLink, SpaceX, NeuralLink. Those are all part of the trans-national , above state players, global agenda.

  3. Spiritually he is a multi-personality, being fed from a higher (or lower) non-human source. Two different RV groups have done a deep mind probe on him. Both say that for all practical purposes, he is possessed / spiritually guided / taken over / a multitude (<- use whatever terminology you want, it's the same thing).

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wake the Fuck Up. We have done so much research on Trump's Israeli sucking that it has made us puke.

You should do some research of your own.

factdigger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. We all know.

But they own the police, judges, prosecutors, etc.

Talking about it has not changed the prevalence sexual torture of children in hundreds or perhaps thousands of years.

Now, you can ask yourself the questions Why? Why is this so systematic? Why are they protected? Who runs it at the top?

Then you can arrive at answers much more useful than "its the Internet".

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did anybody ever find out the ACTUAL, not speculative, role of the Black Eye Club?

Why do they do that? Why almost always the left eye? What do they gain? Why does it has to be visible? Why the public/political/actor/singer figures are drawn into this?

Never had enough time to dig into this and there was way too much obfuscation about it to really find quickly anything useful.

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