factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it is called capability probing.

Yes, the "Golden Billion" or whatever you want to call the US-UK-Israel lead Cabal, is at war with the rest of the world, but most notably now Russia, covertly with China and clandestine with dozens of others.

The hot war starts with capability building on one's side (US/UK/GER/FRA/etc are now doing this, rebuilding inventories, while getting rid of the old) , WHILE AT THE SAME TIME probing the enemy's defences and capabilities.

This is why they trickle ammo, radar, planes, tanks, missiles, air defences, etc to Ukraine, to test them and see how RUS war machine reacts, attacks them, etc.

Yes, it's all being destroyed. Yes, there's not tons of it to send, but also : it is to capability probe, and to keep Russians engaged, while having Ukrainians slaughter their men.

Big war is coming, when probing, financial shenanigans and current mouth-to-mouth breathing of life to the "world economy" is done with, say in the next 4-5 years (could be sooner).

Till then, it's a slow burn war and more of the same, with all sorts of distractions so dumb ordinary people don't pay attention to what's being built up.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Project fake pandemic XXVII is being drummed up.

Pasteurization does actually destroy all enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, including H5N1/H7N9 and the like.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Court docs: https://www.nycourts.gov/ctapps/Decisions/2024/Apr24/24opn24-Decision.pdf


"Order reversed and a new trial ordered. Opinion by Judge Rivera. Chief Judge Wilson and Judges Barros and Clark concur. Judge Singas dissents in an opinion, in which Judges Garcia and Cannataro concur. Judge Cannataro dissents in a separate dissenting opinion, in which Judges Garcia and Singas concur. Judges Troutman and Halligan took no part. "

factdigger 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's about sums it up. Although it's not just/only Israel as they have their fingers in many other pies, but yeah, pretty much that.

factdigger 4 points ago +7 / -3

Just a self-corrective reminder:

Do NOT fall for every hyperbolic emotionally charged "prophecy" laced with religious references and cheap arse astrology

Not everything is a global mass sacrifice ritualistic spell.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

n-body problem. Look it up.

There is no single mathematical solution (even in relativistic gravitation) to this problem of wobbly orbits.

This is just one of the many.

We need real measurable and verified repeatable observation, and who's going to give it to us? NASA?

So, there's something something somewhere out there.

Where? How far? What orbit? Will it cross? We don't know.

We will see, when we will see, if we get to see.

factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Much more on this topic for those who are brave enough to look and understand that the "world" and "human" are much more complex than many can imagine. Most people do not have the imaginary, background knowledge nor the intellectual capacity to even entertain the possibility of this scenario. They will just dismiss it out of hand, through an emotional resistance reaction and come up with a justification that does not pass any testing or analysis. That's how difficult this subject is for most. Yes, I've tried throughout the years, most can't do it, even if they try. Their emotional mind repels.

Soul Containers


Special Knowledge: I Am Darius (Volume 2)


"“That’s no problem. But when you get a lot of spiritual stuff and religion…that we were made by progressive corrections in evolution and that sort of stuff…it’s tough to accept without hardcore proof. The only hard-core thing is that there is an extremely classified document dealing with religion, and it’s extremely thick. But why should there be any classified documents dealing with religion?” When pressed further by Knapp, Lazar said that the documents he read described human-beings as “containers.” Knapp asked for clarification on this odd terminology, to which Lazar replied: “That’s supposedly how the aliens look at us; that we are nothing but containers. Maybe containers of souls. You can come up with whatever theory you want. But we’re containers, and that’s how we’re mentioned in the documents; that religion was specifically created so we have some rules and regulations for the sole purpose of not damaging the containers.” Knapp pushed further: “We’re containers for souls that they’re going to use at some other point?” “Right,” replied Lazar. (8) In a later interview, with researcher Michael Lindemann, Lazar made a very similar comment: “What they were talking about was the desirability of containers, and that the containers were not damaged. Now, people speculate on containers. Are they talking about containers of souls, something bizarre like that; or is it the opposite? Is the container the soul, and it contains the body? That’s too far out really for me to grasp, but they were talking about the preservation of the containers, and how unique they are. Extremely, extremely unique. Very difficult to find.”(9)"

From :

Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife by Nick Redfern


The Moon’s Dark Secret: Aliens Harvesting Human Souls for FOOD


Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer: UFO Parasites - Alien Soul Suckers - Invaders From Demonic Realms




"The human soul is imprisoned? It is imprisoned.

Will this ever end? Your enemy does not want it to end. They fear you too much. When you see UFOs, you see prison guards.

They also act within your society to confuse you about your own past, and to prevent progress in areas such as propulsion, which might enable you to spread into the heavens. This is all done to prevent you from escaping.

Who is this enemy? You know them by many names. But you yourself had the privilege of meeting your enemy face-to-face."

Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence The Battle between Natural and Synthetic Beings for the Human Soul by Nigel Kerner (2022)


"those who claim to have had personal dealings with the Grey ET cartel here on our planet say they refer to humans as “containers.”⁵"

Alien Invasion of Earth Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs, “Flying Saucers”), AlienAbductions by Joserph Caldwell (Soul containers)


"It is not possible , for example, for an alien species simply to take over the current human inhabitants of Earth by possession. Extermination is not an option, for then the alien species would have no “containers” (physical bodies) for their souls to occupy. Their only option is to modify the DNA of an indigenous hominid species (the soul containers) to match their souls, and then to occupy the species via reincarnation (since the genetically modified species will be more receptive to their souls than to those of the former occupants). The takeover of the planet occurs when a sufficient number of “containers” have been suitably prepared, i.e., the DNA of the indigenous species of hominids has been modified to match the alien’s soul type better than it matches our own soul type. At that stage, it is easier for the alien soul to “meld” to a fetal brain than it is for us to do so (since the human DNA is now a better match to their soul type than it is to ours)."

factdigger 6 points ago +6 / -0

This over a year old "news" .

Original source:¨


If you didn't know this, you probably didn't know:

  • NIH/DoD had the patents for the crucial parts of "Sars-Cov-2" dating AT LEAST far as back as 2013

  • These patents were licensed to Moderna and Pfizer

  • The whole "universal vaccine" operation has been a deep state pet project for over 30 years

  • All this is tied to the DoD/Deep state bioweapons program that has been running for at least 60 years

  • The whole Covid operation, Operation warp speed, the injections, the manufacturing AND the psychological operations brainwashing was a military / DoD run program

  • Pfizer and Moderna did performance theatre by faking Phase 1-3 trials and as defined in their DoD contracts, produced a "biological warfare countermeasure" and NOT a vaccine. They have admitted to all of this in court

  • The aim was to get you and everybody else injected with a slow incapacitation, cancer causing, prion disease spreading and permanently gene-editing (it incorporates into your DNA) injection that is NOT a vaccine.

  • Because the last bit is a stochastic process, they had to enforce multiple shots, with multiple batch types and mRNA amounts, so they were also conducting a test within this worldwide rollout program

  • People are now : dying suddenly, getting fast-spreading (discovered at Stage IV) cancers, getting early onset dementia & Alzheimer's (the youngest diagnosed are 10 years of age), getting prion diseases (Jakob-Creutzfeldt Disease), multiorgan failures, immune dysregulation/exhaustion and blood clots all over the world, regardless of age or comorbidities.

= they succeeded, now we are just watching the fallout in slow motion.

If you knew all this, great, you've been awake , reading diligently and paying attention.

If you didn't, you have A FUCKING LOT of catching up to do.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

"I may have to do a rumble video...."

He can still do bitchute, brighteon or wtyl.live video and just point to that.

Bitching about YouTube censorship is just retarded esp. in a video about brainwashing and censorship.

Other than that, a good reminder of the obvious.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty much. But jews do have exorbitant power in the upper middle management of human layers, esp.. Banking , media, lobbying and universities - esp. in the US, UK, GER, FRA and obviously Israel.

The Iran / Israel spat was to me two sided de-escalation & Capabilities Probing played as Strongman Theatre.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Typical Mossad fear mongering and claiming capability they do not possess.

And, even if they'd be able to pull it off, they'd expose all their controlled assets.

So, not gonna happen. Just trying to scare you into submission.

factdigger 5 points ago +5 / -0

My read :

  • Dems & Never-Trumper Rhinos need Ukraine war NOT to fail before elections so Team Puppet Biden doesn't lose elections , after that they'll reassess the situation

  • MICG kickbacks are so big that if you vote for packages, you're next election run is guaranteed

  • Jew bribes are stingy , so less money for Israel (mainly to refill Ironscrap dome with US MICG ammo)

  • Everybody sees Ukraine has lost, so it's the last rounds of bribery before elections, and then that game winds down or pivots

  • Iran's capability was seen stronger than anticipated , and planners can't risk hot war and $160 oil before elections

  • Israel can still do Rafah or whatever next phase of genocide and land grab they want, because it'll be seen as less than WW3 as long as they don't start WW3 full on

Russia benefits from this, as does China, as does Iran. Israel, well they'll continue Israel whatever comes.

Neither case Iran or case Russia is done, it's just on slow burn until elections or until Israel does something fucking stupid again.

factdigger 2 points ago +3 / -1

Please go back to Jerusalem, Hasbara troll

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, this. And they think by voting, conspiring on boards, memeing and bitching is somehow magically change the structure, functioning, elected members and power play of army, senate, congress, banking, media, etc.

No. it doesn't.

As long as we feed the beast, the beast lives.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, I have power. I don't play THEIR game, I disengage.

What do YOU do, sir.

factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree 90%. The thing that separates BG from the average failed cubicle nerd is (in addition to being groomed to the position and being born rich) is the fact that he is clearly psychopathic, with no moral qualms.

And thus, he is 10000x more connected to other rich psychopathic assholes and that gives him extra leverage.

It's not just what you have on your bank account, but WHO you know and how willing they are to go the extra mile with no restrictions on their activities.

This, lack of code, morals and ethics, is also their weak point, as long as normal people recognize it and act against it.

Not holding my breath on that.... used to believe in the power of awareness and knowledge.... 30+ years ago... as a young and idealistic lad. Not so much anymore :)

factdigger 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is just one of the hundreds of clues what reinforces the obvious fact that:

  • Musk is a protected asset
  • Many of his projects have many "beneficial parties" that directly financially benefit from his failed projects
  • He is above the law, can break whatever FTC/FCC/SEC/other regulations and at best get a slap on the wrist (while others get 10+ year in jail)

And people still fail to see this, even though the facts are clearly under their nose.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have no understanding of double-loop learning, positive reinforcement, NLP brainwashing, creation of "facts" and definition of truth.

You probably also use Reddit, Wikipedia and MSNBC/CNN for your truth and facts.

There are those of us who refuse to play THEIR game more efficiently using THEIR tools in order to advance THEIR agenda.

Instead, we define our game, use our own thinking and advance our own goals

That is what separates you from the OP and myself.

And yes, I plan use LLM, but only the ones I've trained, using my dataset, run locally on my hw (not on cloud) and with distinct rules on "hallucinations".

But it's still not AI and I'm not feeding the beast meant to control us.

You are just going deeper into the prison created by them, and giving more and more information about yourself for them to control you in a closed loop behavioural control system.

factdigger 7 points ago +7 / -0

@OP TY for contextualizing this correctly: open secret. Everybody knows. Upvoted.

Does the blackmail become more or less effective when everyone knows it exist?

Also, ((Intelligence Agencies)) is an euphemism, a non-identification.

We all know who we are talking about. Epstein was a US-Mossad joint-lead Jew funded operation. P. Diddy's handler is a Jewish music magnate. Kanye West's handler is a jew. FBI has been in bed with Jewish organized mafia for roughly a hundred years. And so on. Same old story for the past 100+ years.

Just look at where all the money is flowing. What was the latest Bi-partisan $87bn package deal directed towards? MICG, Israel and Heavenly Israel 2.0 project (Ukraine). No amount of changing speaker of the house or voting harder or getting more Twitter coverage is going to change that.

Cui bono?

US is so deeply, so structurally, systemically and historically captured, that is almost impossible to think it can be cleansed or the disease uprooted. No Trump, no RFK Jr, no Democrat, no Republican, No ((Joe Rogan)), Trustfund Carlson or AIPAC dick-sucking deep state puppet Musk can do it. The whole of media, banking, MICG, senate, congress, state dept, Fed, Universities, legislation is gate-keeped and controlled by ZOG.

The question remains: If everyone knows it is true, but nobody who has any power is willing/able to change it, then what do the 99% of the powerless do?

Just watch and bitch?

Something else?

I'm just stating the obvious, but I've grown so weary of these "revelations" and "Oh my, this is going to turn the tables" posts about this.

Yeah, shoot the messenger, I don't care. Truth still remains and is impervious to fire.

factdigger 4 points ago +4 / -0

The evidence on this (scant, but exists) is not fully conclusive, but it is interesting.

Congenital (born with) or Early Childhood blindness is indeed something that have not been found together with schizophrenia.

Ref: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355251682_Corrigendum_Base_Rates_Blindness_and_Schizophrenia

However, as the joint probability is low, that doesn't mean it does not or can not exist.

But it does open up interesting questions. So, let's assume C/E blindness is protective.


  1. IF much (all?) of schizophrenia is a result of spiritual disturbances (you can call the demonic, possession, spirit influence, walking two worlds <- it's all in the same continuum) *1


  1. IF the old world lore of possession happening (and being visible) through eyes (or looking into something) and via the optic nerve through your spiritual defences, AND how just "not looking at" sources of possession can actually protect you,

THEN does the lack of physical seeing (and maybe associated lack of spiritual entry into a person) indeed protect from spirit possession -> protects from the DSM -classification known as schizophrenia.

To me Schizophrenia is NOT a well known/understood mental disease (so DSM classification is incorrect) : it is a somewhat identifiable cluster of symptoms (like "hearing voices"), but the actual cause, mechanisms, full effects and treatment cures are unknown in modern medicine. *1

*1 Except for fact that spirit de-posesssion, exorcism, spirit banishing (<- again, many names, similar mechanisms), all of which have provenly instantly "cured" completely treatment resistant schizophrenia which have sometimes lasted for decades.

The literature on the latter is actually quite wide, if one is willing to search and read a bit:

  • Glimpses of the Devil A Psychiatrist's Personal Accounts of Possession, Exorcism, and Redemption; M. Scott Peck, MD (2005)

  • People of the Lie The Hope for Healing Human Evil; Morgan Scott Peck (2015)

  • How To Become a Schizophrenic The Case Against Biological Psychiatry; John Modrow (2003)

  • Presence of Spirits in Madness;Wilson Miles Van Dusen (1983)

  • Possession - Interdisciplinary Roots ; D.A. Begelman, PhD (1991)

  • Practicing exorcism in schizophrenia ; Kazuhiro Tajima-Pozo (BMJ, 2011)

  • Is It Schizophrenia or Spirit Possession Miriam Azaunce (1995).pdf

  • Spirit Possession and Trance - New Interdisciplinary Perspective; Schmidt (2010)

  • Schizophrenia or Spirit Possession; Mike Williamson (2014)

Interesting question by OP, got me thinking about this again. Thanks.

Addition: The conspiracy angle. The idea that schizophrenia could have anything to do with spiritual issues is actively discouraged, laughed at, censored (hard to get medically published) and fought. The drugs don't cure schizophrenia and spirit possession is a big (otherwordly) trade area (read: The Light of Darkness A Warrior's Tale for Our Time; Robert Wiegand, Bruce MacDonald (2020) on that). That's the conspiracy part.

factdigger 1 point ago +8 / -7

Musk is a Wall kissing, small hat wearing, AIPAC apologizing, WEF acolyte controlled life time actor.

This is a trap.

Candace Owens didn't suddenly see the light.

And even if she did, this will work as a great honeypot to draw in all the flies so that they can be easily identified and dealt with when the Digi-ID/CBDC/Credit Score control grid is implemented.

Kudos to everyone brave enough to post support under their own traceable IDs to this thread. See you at the camps!

factdigger 4 points ago +4 / -0

^This. People actually read the texts. And not Scofield Reference Bible, or any of the British - American Evangelical mumbojumbo

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