Just like Vaccine Pass: "You can't get into a bar or place or education unless you have the vaxx pass."
They are merely trialling different enforcement / coercion options. This is one of many.
Obligatory explainer for the newcomer:
There is no AI. If you don't get it, study more what AI, AGI (and eventually sentience) actually mean and how far off the best researchers (not talking heads) in the field say we still are from those.
There will no no "AI" to rule over the rest of the "AIs" (see 1. and 3.)
There will be a bunch for depopulation ideologue billionaire technocrats who call the shots, and decide how to train/enforce/use the algorithms, that they call AIs, and which will do their bidding.
This will be masked and narratively controlled with a lie that there is a truthful, non-biased, artificial intelligence revolution that will take humanity to the next level
Behind all these veils and masks and false narratives (yes, even the controlling billionaires) is a group of non-human entities that have ruled over humanity as a slave-labour, commerce, genetic experiment zoo for the past few millennia (or more).
WEF President Advocates for a Supervisory Algorithm to Guide AI for the Greater Good
Problem denotaned, wait for reaction and. "solution"
"The purpose of a psychological operation is to control not only the actions, but also how those actions are perceived." (aka narrative)
Havana Syndrome is an op within an op.
The "original" Gemstone File is over 1000 pages of handwritten notes, out of which many have written partial summaries:
One Book made out of The Gemstone File:
I don't know where the "17 pages" came from.
Daily Fail - PsyOP Central Mouthpiece
This has echoes of pre-empting the previous Occupy Wall Street (and GJM, 15-M, anti-corruption and other movements).
If you can't stop a wild horse, ride it to the direction you want.
The next economic crash can't be far off, due to this. They are managing it in advance.
With harshest competition and extreme margins of excellence, there are always several outcomes:
- more and extreme form of fraud, lying and cheating (to win)
- more self-serving actions, to ensure that to the victor goes the spoils (i.e. why would I help you to excel, when you could be the person who beats me in the finals?)
- .... from previous : loss of trust (but with "fake saving face")
- ... and extreme top performers, who do actually excel and can be in many ways superior to less competitive environments, but are not often very good team-players and have a highly rigid form of thinking instilled and drilled into them
Nothing is perfect.
The current Western academic institutions, of which I've been part of, taught in, graduated from and seen thousands of post-grads in, mostly caters to the medium crowd, has significantly lowered standards of excellence and produces huge amounts of useless drivel, devoid of any practical utility - EVEN in STEM fields.
That's why I left it and will never go back. I'd rather sweep floors in a warehouse, code on my own or chop food and feed animals. More honest, less bullshit.
I've seen many of the best (not me, better than me by far) make the same decisions and leave academia for good in the West due to this bullshittery.
So, no - I don't see the West excelling or winning. Maybe the top 1% of STEM who have been mind-protected at home strong enough not to fall into mediocrity. The rest? Not so sure.
All in all, the world is going down the drain : education, innovations, patents, true risk taking, cross-disciplinary true teamwork, profound basic science, breakthrough applied science...
It's just more , faster, quicker, cheaper derivate works that give fast ROI that can be pump-dump-utilized for a few quarters for max profit, and then onto next grift.
The true long term planning is too costly, too risky, required too much long term concentration and leadership riski taking that doesn't really exist anymore.
Yeah, it's a bleak picture. What can I tell you? Wish it weren't so: tried to change it in my own way and didn't succeed and saw much braver and capable people than me fail harder.
People are herd animals and don't want to rise above the herd, but want to follow a singular leader.
It's just that the leaders in most fields these days are life-time actors, well-connected ZOG players, Deep State puppets or fuck-you-I'm-innit-for-meself psychos.
Yes, cringe. And the real pandemic is that Everybody is so fucking stupid it hurts my brain.
Nobody "mentored" X. Perform or get kicked out. Thrown into the fire: survive or die. I doubt it was much different for boomers, probably tougher.
Special people, groomed for special jobs, did get mentoring, before #metoo and all the woke shit and before EVERYTHING became about cost cutting (in the past 16 years since the GFC), but only if you were the top 0.00001% and you were chosen for the top positions to be groomed.
Find a group of more capable peers, make yourself valuable and learn from those who have the scars (learn from their mistakes and from their learnings). Be the worst among the equals.
That's all there is to it.
And the self-empowered, self-directed and independent you learn how to be, the more you can actually help others and be service to others, in addition to yourself.
BTW, where's the conspiracy?
Exactly as assumed.
- Promise shit
- Reneg on your promises when elected
- Grab, steal, loot and lie
The game as old as the empire
People will build their own prison.
This won't even include the blockchain privacy rape and BTC to CBDC forced swap coming in the future.
Yeah, bit-bros won't listen, but they'll burn.
Previous generation of actually capable whites with a working high IQ built the western civilization.
Not the current DEI'ed, self-entitled, social media brainwashed dimwits for whom the academic standards have had to be lowered several times over the past two decades.
Big difference.
Yes, the best of the best of whites out of STEM grads are still good, but there's just not enough of them, and the Asians are so much better, faster and hungrier.
Mike Benz calls the actual power faction of the Deep State "The Blob" in the USA too.
Roger Stone should know, being one himself.
Oh my, the "boy genius" sounds angry. We better all be scared.
Another storm in a teacup Psyop Narrative drill coming...
Nobody was expecting anything else to happen. Musk is part of the ZOG. MAGA is a fucking hoax from start to finish. ZOG now fully rules USA.
I'm just happy that idiots like loomer get taken off for a while, even if it's an Op too.
And yeah, USA is fukked. They will flood the system with low IQ pajeets, promote them with DEI, or just hire them for half the pay compared to Americans.
Get used to it : you are cattle.
No amount of bitching about X censorship is going to change that.
Still, upvoted for pointing out what we were all expecting to happen anwyay.
Who gives a fuck about lying, conniving, scheeming jew bitch laura loomer?
Owen is another AJ "don't mention the ZoG" limited hangout.
They can hop onto bsky or wherever the bitchers go to whine.
as long as Mads Palvig isn't banned, things are still looking good.
He's Genius! Don't you get it??!! He has energy of 12 people and intelligence of 24!
He knows Pajeets are better than white coders!
Yes, we know.
The world doesn't care.
It want's to remain asleep.
Rare earths, hydrocarbons, early missile defence, Arctic geostrategy.
Bonus guess : what's under the ice sheet...
I know people who've moved to those countries and disappeared. Good for them.
He's just reminding us of the ZOG controllers.
Take it as a PSA.