factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not surprised by any of them. Always had an innate dislike of all of their music and "art". And all of them felt fake, not authentic.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd love that. In a better world....

However, neither US, EU, UK, CHI, IND, RUS or IRL - esp the intelligence agencies bow to ANY regulations. They break them all at will.

And looking at news for the past 4 years, western countries and their military and intelligence agencies have zero qualms about killing their own population.

So, better just to be aware, and protect yourself, to the extent you can.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't want ANY PARTY, not USA (CIA), not CHINA (MSS), not Israel (Mossad) to have that capability.

They've all shown that they can kill us with no remorse, no hesitation, regardless of nationality or creed.

I trust none of them.

Yet, here we are.

factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt, esp. your own bullshit.

We all have our own brand of special personal bullshit. That's the most dangerous.

factdigger 2 points ago +3 / -1

For those who are ready. The greatest conspiracy:

  • You are a prisoner in an illusion
  • Your soul is being recycled
  • All the narratives, faith, beliefs and religions are made to entrap you
  • If you react emotionally, you are still running a program and fight against new information that could liberate you
  • Meditation with focused and intentional awareness throughout waking, sleeping and transition is the key to escaping the illusion
  • If you want to come back, recycled, memory-wiped, milked for loosh, be my guest

Or Go to the clear light of the void (blackness, the source of everything).

This is not New. Just a reminder that all our daily petty small conspiracies in this earth realm are but stories and projections, that you can leave behind if you so choose.

factdigger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes, he is a muslim. Sue me.

He understands everybody is being played for race riot, while the rich transnational laugh all the way to the bank, with Ukraine War, NATO expansion, Middle East wars, government debt suffocation and sexual blackmail kompromat network materials.

Where I disagree is Trump being a guy on a white horse. He's just a different branch of the crime family. Will not solve anything, or expose anything.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

AP news = Reuters = AFP = pre-written propaganda.

You can get some tidbits from there that are correct, but the narrative, motive, goals and perpetrators are almost always purposefully fudged, changed, censored and the whole thing is a misdirection.

Read actual independent non-jew cyber analysts on this one.

factdigger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Go suck your foreskinless dick genocider.

Nobody loves your Synagogue of Satan dickless cowards.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. It was Mossad, not China

  2. These had explosives in them.

  3. Batteries , esp. on IoT devices, do not explode like this.

  4. Yes, with a proper IoT penetration hack and deep p0wn of the charging controller, a fire could be started.

  5. Most likely Unit 8200 of Israel already has (4) or is building such for later use.

factdigger 5 points ago +6 / -1

This has been all over the news, official mainstream media in the US, UKL and EU.

That is the most likely reason that the Hungarien company is NOT the culprit and it is NOT connected to the pagers in question.

It might a warning sent to whoever is running that Hungarian operation, that "we are onto you, consider this as a warning".

Mossad did the Op and as usual, they are doing their damndest to poison the well with false stories, in order to protect their true sources, methods and assets.

When a convenient explanation rise within minutes/hours of attacks, you can almost always believe it's a ruse.

And again, as this was a fairly brazen attack, one needs to ask:

  • What is the OUTCOME (not the dozen dead people, that is peanuts to even Mossad) of this operation? What will it cause as a reaction? That's the goal, not the attack itself.

It's always the outcome, follow the outcome.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

God is everywhere. Stop being a Jahweh old-testament worshipping goyim.

factdigger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Australia is completely insane. That and the censorship bill and all the other things they are doing. No wonder they are WEF beta launch countries. 99% cucked.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same for yogis, meditators, christians, jews, muslims and hindus.

It appears that being randomly half-awake at times to reality isn't a substitute for abandoning your own critical faculties .

factdigger 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is all you need to know .

Then again, the other side isn't being assassinated either.

So false dichotomy - only one candidate and one outcome.

factdigger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes and yes.

However, this type of stuff usually gets remove from jewtube and perhaps now with RFK / Shanahan boos these might get a new audience.

The Jack Kruse bits are actually a decent summary, it's just that they sound too incredible for a person who hasn't done the source reading.

But I agree, old stuff.

factdigger 2 points ago +2 / -0

As usual, jews lie and are afraid to fight their own wars, even against a civilian rag a tag population.

Who knew?

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its bigger than the title suggests. It's about polio, vaccines, cancer, Industrial Military Complex, deep state, killing populations, censoring media, censoring scientists, SV40 cancer promoter, Covid-19, gene editing, etc.

factdigger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Entanglement, non-direction of quantum field equations in respect to time and possibly retro causation.

Physical reality is non-real and/or non-local (in respect to time / space) , consensual reality is a stochastic coherence of the wave function (not irreversibly collapsible).

Read modified double slit experiment explanations to understand how.

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