cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every time someone tosses "dE-cEnTrAlIzEd!!!" into an article for anything on the government-monopoly "internet", I just lol.

This is the same tune the Tulip-Coin nerds use to rope in more suckers.

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

As a collapse-accelerationist, I welcome our "AI overlords". Their Frankenstein's Monster is going to deal them the same fate as the "deplorables" they spent the last 50 years offshoring and de-industrializing.

Read this.

NAFTA helped offshore tens of thousands of American jobs. It was never seen as a problem. Globalism helped gut many more people’s jobs in manufacturing and retail. These people were told to go rent a U-Haul after they learned how to code. It’s your own damn fault if you’re too fat, too stupid, and too lazy to run the race on that hedonic treadmill. But now, all of a sudden, things got different. This AI, this modernization of process to get rid of the variation that human inputs inflict on good, efficient Amerikan engineering, this is suddenly some ravage of unrestrained Capitalism.

No, this AI isn’t any more evil than any other manifestation of The Modern. This AI revolution is just Karma Dog. Karma Dog bites like a bitch. I feel no more sympathy for these people than Occupy Wall Street felt for Dick Fuld.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's trolling; dick-waving these issues in the faces of the "right" in hopes of causing them to 'snap' and, at minimum expose themselves to [ADL | .gov agencies] as "domestic-terrorists".

cant_even 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doesn't deserve to be breathing: I'd pay for a giant blender to drop her into...

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

...and the Public Relations department gets its first batch of diversity-hires.

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers.”

Archive link here

by DrLeaks
cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

So; "Tootsie"?. How original.

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every instance of 'price fixing' produces the same outcome: Supply Shortages. You'd think those geniuses in CA would have noted the effects of their Rent-Controlled cities.

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're still having to schlep physical things into proximity with each other, just like carrying USB-sticks between BarterTowns to plug into air-gapped laptops.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

OP has a point. I mean, look at Bill Gates: I haven't seen such a wrecked-looking "67-year-old" outside a homeless-camp. None of my mid-70s retired military friends are that wrinkled and feeble-looking.

cant_even 3 points ago +3 / -0

Universal Monetary Unit (UMU)

...Is this the new "UwU"?

by qclick
cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good on ya, Islamics. Thanks for the handy anologies.

I've always rejected the label [Homo | Trans]="phobic" because I don't feel an 'unreasoned, irrational fear' of them. Instead, I'm repulsed by them and view them with seething disgust.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

They aren't smartphones or Teslas. The average age of commercial ships is 25-30 years.

cant_even 0 points ago +1 / -1

My point is; there's no 'free ID' anywhere else, so nobody in the US 'activist community' has a leg to stand on.

The last time this came up, someone impersonating a Dutchman said his 'government id was free'.

The facts

A Dutch ID card - 64/32 Euros, or,
Dutch Drivers License - 39.45 Euros, or
Dutch Passport - 65.30 73.23 Euros

...one of which must be shown at polling places. source

Now look at the rest of the world, plus what it takes to vote in non-Europe.

Elsewhere in Europe, Germany charges 28.80€, Sweden's is 400 SEK every 5 years, 55 € in Finland and 20.50 € in Belgium.

Some "real hotbeds of Voter!Suppression!!" there...

cant_even 0 points ago +1 / -1

Every civilized country has had Voter ID since forever and none of the supporting documents are "free" either.

BarterTown denizens couldn't vote for leaders in the past. I see nothing wrong with that tradition.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've never not believed this, ever since the first time he blew off NHTSA over his death-trap "autopilot cars". When did any other manufacturer get away with just ignoring the 'safety' bureaucracy?

The icing on the cake was the "Funding Secured!" blatant stock-manipulation case, and the subsequent dick-waving by Musk on Twitter after he was specifically ordered by the SEC to clear all tweets prior to release.

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just another gatekeeper and enforcer of .gov's temper tantrums.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

...and here's the author's website where you can download both volumes, without archive.org's "borrowing" shenanigans.

Some other interesting titles there, too.

cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

I guess I'm not "smart and capable" enough then; because I've never been able to see the "Freedom thru Crypto" argument at all.

For all the hype dispensed in some circles about the "decentralized stores of value", the 'coins' all absolutely require the government-monopoly internet to function at any usable scale. And that will (soon enough) mean atrocities like mandatory un-anonymity, before you can even log onto the net to access your 'blockchain'.

I sincerely hope there's some creative malcontent group out there working on a way around, but I'm not holding my breath in anticipation...

by pkvi
cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

So everyone's whole life will be tied to a clunky, unreliable, steal-able 'thing' that can be disabled from a distance.

I can just smell the 'freedom' from here...

by pkvi
cant_even 5 points ago +5 / -0

The other half of the pincer movement is the insane 'security requirements' for merchant / public utility / government IT logins.

People are driven to want these "Marks of the Beast" due to bewildering 2FA bullshit associated with online transactions.

It's really a foolproof tactic for 'them': Everyone wants "ease-of-use", right?

by pkvi
cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

People who

still comply bcz "what else can we do, we need soap" logic

...should be first up to be forcefully yanked out of their 'spreadsheet farm', HR office, or Gender-Studies TA "jobs" and conscripted into the 21st-Century WPA/CCC.

Perhaps once all the illegals are chased out, there'll be an opening at a US-based "soap" factory...

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