americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember when mentioning the name "Monsanto" anywhere on the Internet, including tiny niche forums for unrelated topics, would instantly bring dozens of shills to talk about how RoundUp is so safe you could drink a glass of it and feel zero ill effects? I do.

americathegr888 8 points ago +8 / -0

I want them to know how much I hate them.

americathegr888 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha yeah my wife and I both liked this season more than the first because of the based vigilantism and the total lack of any equivocation.

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

He legit executes several of them "in cold blood". And I can't remember even one time the characters had a discussion about how just killing their enemies was bad because the law blah blah blah, they simply didn't even discuss it lol.

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think that's the angle either given that he's basically giving the finger to the standard authority figures throughout the whole second season (including mil).

"Just fucking kill [the villain], arrests are pointless" is straight up not a narrative they want people thinking about, IMO, and I don't see any real redeeming (to the NWO) narrative that would justify getting people to sympathize with a vigilante (which if you'll notice, has become FAR more uncommon than it used to be in popular media).

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

Meanwhile... I've always used iodized salt and still do, no goiters or other issues.

I also don't drink fluoride.

americathegr888 -1 points ago +3 / -4

Jones is decent on the topics he's focused on but takes like this are just retarded and honestly, irrelevant.

americathegr888 13 points ago +13 / -0

Jewlon went and sucked off Netanyahu and Benji Shitpiro in public, of course it's still jewwed.

americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

Name which jew is controlling the migrants on the US southern border

Mayorkas, HIAS (among 50 other jewish NGOs that help invaders come here, paid by DHS) etc


americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the US is the strongest military, and the jews own the US---then why would the jews want to weaken the US?

This argument falls apart given that it's trivially easy to point out the myriad ways they are objectively weakening the US, not only economically, culturally and politically, but also militarily.

"Oh but they would never weaken the US if they control it!" - Wrong, they are literally doing so and have been doing so for decades and the hard facts of the methods by which they are doing so are readily available.

americathegr888 5 points ago +6 / -1

And NAZISM is also a cult of the zionists.

aww it's retarded

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

For Whites, it's not legal. Same way it's not legal to limit your HOA or incorporated town to Whites, but I'm sure "diversity" initiatives for both are not only allowed but encouraged by the (((federal government))).

If we had freedom of association still, the jew world order would have no shot because Whites would just move to Whites-only towns and (later) cities and only buy from Whites.

Muh "civil rights" movement was created for exactly the purpose of disallowing Whites from opting out of our own destruction.

americathegr888 6 points ago +6 / -0

NYC is like 80% non-White, of course they vote for letting their friends and families in to get unlimited handouts stolen from actual White Americans.

americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

If Jussie Smollett had a brother. Rest in piss

americathegr888 0 points ago +1 / -1

Support for the pedo jews of Pissrael is the easiest way to tell whether someone is compromised (doesn't apply to swarthoid golems like "The Squad" or whatever, who are controlled opposition also owned by jews).

Take SOTH Johnson for instance. He couldn't help but cuck for pedo jews in Pissrael in less than an hour after being nominated. Some people tried to claim it wasn't a sign he would cuck for everything else that jews want (which is what globalists and the left want, since they ARE the globalists and the left).

What ended up happening? He cucked every single time without fail. Because he's owned by jews.

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

Long Covid is what imbeciles use to pretend that the infinite side effects from the DNA-altering poison gene therapy they keep taking don't exist.

americathegr888 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one has ever explained to me why White Americans should give a single fuck about the Holohoax. Even if it was real, Americans were the ones who ostensibly (if it had actually happened) saved these filthy demon goblin inbreds from extermination (clearly a MISTAKE if it were true) so why exactly should any of us care?

Jews need to be kissing the feet of any White man in America who may have had a relative in World War Jew.

by DrLeaks
americathegr888 4 points ago +4 / -0

I love that vaxxtards tend to be their own comeuppance. Rot in hell commie faggot.

americathegr888 6 points ago +7 / -1

Vaxxtards who didn't immediately keel over from blood clots or heart attacks/stroke are GIGA-SMUG, meanwhile their body is a prion disease FACTORY now.

americathegr888 5 points ago +6 / -1

I love how these vaxxtards come in all smug just because they slipped the instant myocarditis death (likely because they never do any cardio). Meanwhile, the prion disease will get them within 5-10 years, slowly eating their brain away while they become ever more senile.

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

You sound unvaxxed, you'd better get your 7th booster right away

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