XharlesDucken 1 point ago +2 / -1

He has a lot of videos that show evidence that all celestial body are growing. It's a pretty cool channel.

Sadly, he died in May. 80 years old, so I guess he had a good run.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't have the expertise or data to decide who's theory about earth is correct. I do like to see all of the different theories though. They get filed in my "damn that's interesting" list of ideas. I don't really believe ANYTHING from ANYBODY at this point. There's no point in closing off doors in the possibility spectrum by putting 100% of your belief in something. Life stays more interesting this way.

by DrLeaks
XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

And his name is Schilling...lol.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's probably one of the reasons for starlink; to keep the peasants from fucking with the equipment.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want my coast to coast bullet train.

1984 was already in full swing when it was written. It's been groundhog day ever since.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you referring to the electrical grid attacks?

XharlesDucken 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is it like the no new normal community? /s

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

History is written by the victors. That's why we don't actually have any idea what our history is, in content or scale. I've see convincing arguments that the Roman empire collapsed between 1200-1400, and Renaissance followed on its heels.

How many techno-civilizations have there actually been?

The victors always attempt to destroy evidence of true history, just like what they are doing now with the internet.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, why did she need to constantly grab it if it was in zero G? It didn't seem to be going anywhere fast.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Stars are definitely not far away. That's all I know for sure. I think Earth, the moon, and other plants are spheres. I can view them with my own telescope and observe that they rotate. The moon is shaded exactly like a sphere in a beam of light would be. You can see the directional shadows on the crater walls.

There is a big secret being kept regarding the cosmos, but personally, I don't think it's the shape.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where did her dream catcher disappear to? Was this supposedly a one piece interview, with one question after another in one setting?

Her zero gravity dance is cute. I guess the wires get in the way too much for any more acrobatics.

by DrLeaks
XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

This actually seems like a whole conspiracy of its own to me. Why don't we ever hear of political figures being offed? Sure, we hear about FBI led plots, but you would think that out of 300 million people there would be a few that would actually go after a politician or two (and not a bunch of randos at the super market). Does it come down to how well they have conditioned and controlled us? Do they have some kind of Minority Report tech to stop it before hand? It just seems inconceivable that nobody that wasn't with an alphabet agency has ever gone after a politician.

It's either that, or they hush it up when it does happen so that it doesn't become a trend.

Kinda sad to think they may have us all pacified to the point that NOBODY would ever do that. I stand guilty of it as well. I have a son that I wouldn't jeopardize losing unless it came down to people knocking on my door.

I actually thought of writing a book where some terminally ill patients came up with a club called the buddy system. If they were going to die, they should take someone of note with them. The buddy system.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

At the end of the book, he claimed he had no answers to avoid the coming collapse. I wonder if a mass culling is the response from the people running the show. I'm not sure how that would change the nature of the collapse in the short term, but resources would no longer be a problem. With a greatly diminished world population it would also be much easier to assert control for a global government.

XharlesDucken 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gyna shared a book with me that I just finished listening to regarding demographic collapse. It was a really good book. I would like to ask the author to recalculate all of his forecasts based on a population decline of 70% worldwide over the next 5 years and see what he thinks would happen.


XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

The End of the World Is Just The Beginning. By Peter Zeihan.


XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw that earlier today. That's crazy. I wonder when the last time they criticized China's Great Firewall was.

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like Switzerland is getting an early jump on de-industrialization. Everyone else will be jumping on board shortly.

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Media: Broccoli transmits covid.

Me: Time to go grocery shopping.

While I think covid is primarily a nocebo, I would expect any food they say spreads covid is more than likely something that prevents covid.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's the hell is up with all of the Amazon spam? Site owner have an advertising agreement or something? You would think they could create a rule to block accounts from linking Amazon.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bad breath? Is there a story there?

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