Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone who masked children in 2020 or 2021 deserves to be impaled.

Notice no politician seems to even care about bringing justice for this worldwide malpractice and bio-pharmaceutical scam.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plus his wife plays the wife of Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm - perhaps one of the jewiest most obnoxious jew television shows in the last ten years. His wife is extremely democrat and a jew-philiac.

RFK Jr. is not like us. No filthy jew whore would ever marry us or vice versa.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

public implies community

mindset implies cognitive disposition

One's own mind cannot be shared universally with a community. One's mind contains secrets, lies, misperceptions, misunderstandings. One cannot see into another person's mind.

Therefore, no such thing as a public mindset exists. Especially in a "diverse" "multi-cultural" region in which divisions allow one to divide and conquer.

jews must face inception toward their expedited deaths. Impaling jews yields inception toward life and prosperity for superior Whites.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

This article cited Peter schiff, a jew who hoards gold and has predicted dollar collapse the last 20 years. Peter cries wolf.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

But he endorses the shabbos goy daddy of the Pfizer poison shot.

Vlad_The_Impaler 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks. I was unaware that it was this bad.

When someone mentioned Katrina as conspiracy i was just picturing baboon niggers acting like niggers in stadiums and throwing spears at helicopters.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has Kamala ever actually won an election?

The Democrat party never runs an honest primary to elect a candidate. Soon i figure they'll probably just do away with the primary process entirely. I remember back in 2020 they were using Hillary's phone app to vote. LOL nothing suspicious about using a completely partisan politician's bogus app to count votes.

Vlad_The_Impaler 4 points ago +4 / -0
  1. Apprehend jews.

  2. Offer mercy if they give you the keys and codes to their vaults.

  3. Impale them anyways because there is no reason to ever be honest with a lying anti-Christ goblin kike jew.

  4. Confiscate the gold and silver out of their vaults. Strip them of all assets and property they stole from White people. Plus they are now all dead and don't need it anymore.

  5. Live in prosperity and peace in a supreme White nation.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't use zelle or venmo. Several reasons.

One, Biden make public statement that the IRS, which they hired lots more of, were targeting "gig jobs" such as uber and dash workers and they were likely going to target these paypal/venmo apps.

Venmo is owned by paypal and i think paypal is owned by kikes.

Also those third party cash apps are not FDIC insured and you have little to no recourse in case your money is jacked or even if the company goes bankrupt.

Tell people if they don't have cash then don't waste your time. Tell them they're stupid for using credit cards and debit cards considering the threat of CBDC and if they don't have enough cash to pay you for a day's worth of work then stop wasting your time. I don't put up with bullshit. I have more customers than i can take on. Meaning i can be picky which people i want to do work for.

Vlad_The_Impaler 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't filed taxes since the scamdemic started. Not a peep.

I don't use banks. Only pay cash.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zionism is the beast.

All Christ killing lying goblin jews and their Zionist shills will go to hell.

The Bible warned of those who spoke Jesus on their lips but did not know Him.. you can profess Jesus but if you support the anti-Christ Zionist beast then your soul belongs to the beast.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

"muh jew boss paid me with fiat jew bucks he has monopoly power to print brrrrrr and pay servile sycophants like me with". -Jalapeno Spic

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im going to guess you are new here? Lol

Muslims attacked new York? Lol. You mean those Saudis who trump sold billions of dollars of weapons to his first year in office?

Okay you are either a rookie on this forum or else trolling.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do not consider anyone still supporting trump and active at TheDonald in 2024 to be smart or aware. They've been left behind by the real smart and aware people.

Also, tip toeing and walking on egg shells to avoid being banned is gay. I'm going to speak the truth and if you don't like it then fuck you and your censored bitchmade forum.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

judeo-Christian is Oxymoron.

Jews hate Christ. To hate Christ is satanism.


Vlad_The_Impaler 0 points ago +1 / -1

In 7 years the Republicans would have normalized and adopted the 2024 Democrat party platform.

Just like Republicans cheer faggots and support Obamacare and gay marriage now.

There's trannies for Trump. Drag queens for trump. Anti-Christ racist inbred jews for Trump. Roasties for Trump. Whores such as Amber rose for Trump

if antifa chases you with ar-15s because you dared to show up to protest general e lee statues getting torn down in Charlottesville, or you publicly display pride in your white race, then Trump Jr. Will be on twitter cheering your imprisonment.

Fuck Trump.

MAGA doesn't stand for anything anymore. What made America great was white people. Trump believes inbred goblin jews should rule over whites. Trump believes in making jew power great at the expense of white men. Trump is beholden to kikes such as adelson and AIPAC and Israeli lobbyists and the jew bankers he's indebted to.

Vlad_The_Impaler 4 points ago +4 / -0

Vance doesn't understand middle class America at all.

White pride is okay. It's okay to be proud of being white. Vance would never admit this. He married a street shitting pajeet.

Sodomy is sin. Would Vance ever propose that we outlaw sin and return sanctity to the institution of marriage? Nope.

Would Vance ever suggest that the federal reserve's monopoly power over currency and legal tender end? Repeal the federal reserve act of 1913? Nope

Would Vance admit that anti-christ racist Jews who believe Christians are idolators destined for hell are not in fact our "greatest allies?"

You have to admit to these simple things before I will even engage in nuanced politics.

Vance is a fraud through and through and was a fraud during his senate run. Promoted by billionaire faggot Peter thiel.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

What did he do for a living?

Venture capitalism? Sounds like organized crime to me.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +2 / -1

If you do not believe the elections are secure, then do not consent to participate in a rigged game.

By voting in rigged elections, you concede to accepting the fraudulent results.

Demand secure elections in which only people with real stake (land owners) get to vote. One vote per household.

If both political parties suck and you have to vote for the lesser evil, then both your options suck and you should not vote.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +2 / -1

So he was friends with the Clinton's just like trump

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