VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The mrna mutates the offspring hence the sudden push to ban abortions again, gotta pop those mutants out, days of noah incoming

by pkvi
VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

The world is run by inbred retards.

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have the same underlying motives as the people on the opposite extreme end trying to push for legalizing killing babies even after a successful birth. Same basic formula of 2 polarized extremes working in tandem to whip everyone up into a frothing frenzy. Based on these types the average NPC thinks most regular citizens either want to kill fully formed healthy babies or want to force children to be reproductive slaves. In REALITY the vast majority of regular citizens are opposed to both such extremes. I have never in my entire life met any regular person who was okay with in any of this extremist crap on either end of the spectrum. Believe it or not most people are actually sane on this particular issue.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's starting to happen to people I know who got 3+ injections, latest one is in his 40s and his heart is failing for no apparent reason, doctors saying it must have been a virus that attacked his heart (and only his heart, nothing else, all other tests came back fine) and damaged it so bad it barely works anymore, no virus in particular just "a virus" "at some point" must have done it, his heart is only functioning at 20% which they only discovered because he went in for severe fatigue, almost everyone who knows him is acting like this makes perfect sense and is a thing that has always happened and been normal, but then they are all 3+ injected so

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

The most obvious reason is that women are collectively nowhere near as violent as men, there won't be violent riots composed primarily of women for the same reason that the title "first female mass shooter" is still up for grabs

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The right is just as retarded as the left, imagine thinking that the government never engages in psyops and manipulations targeted specifically at you, imagine thinking the only trickery tactics are the ones that work on left but didn't work on you, that is the level of retardation you can find here

VanillaBean 5 points ago +6 / -1

Most right leaning people wanted so desperately bad for Trump to be a savior figure who would "drain the swamp" and restore the republic and just fix everything so they wouldn't have to do a damn thing themselves other than vote. It's a lot more comforting than realizing that we're overdue for a revolution yet don't stand much chance of winning with the drastic power imbalance of modern government weaponry. Everybody in these types of communities could clearly see TDS for what it was but very few recognized the psyop custom tailored for their own camp.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

My nephew's furby went "me love you" when he followed a series of prompts to "feed" it and sing at it or whatever, according to this guy that was proof the furby was sentient. Poor guy is clearly having a breakdown of sorts.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +4 / -1

At this point in history a healthy conspiracy theory community should be booing any post that implies the dems and reps aren't all in the same bed especially when you actually pay attention to how they all vote, just how many oh noes a republican betrayed us again examples do we need before everyone realizes this, 4000? God knows we had to suffer through years of people sucking pence's dick along with literally hundreds of other republicans we could name throughout the history of this godforsaken country. Leftists hate corporations and rightwingers hate government and in the u.s. those are just 2 heads on the same damned hydra. If you want to keep larping the 2 party system go over to patriots.

VanillaBean 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's pretty wild listening to leftists of various races in my life talk about shootings and race as though it is an intrinsic white people violence thing because they erroneously believe that most of the shooters are white, it reveals their underlying ideology ie if we combine their thought process (racial correlation in statistics proves that race is the determining factor) with actual statistics then what they are really saying without realizing it is that black people are intrinsically more violent and murderous, but these same leftists simultaneously believe that being opposed to racism is a core part of their ideological identity, if you simply show them statistics with no arguing just giving them information they become extremely agitated and incoherent and shutdown

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Regardless of whether or not one believes in a supernatural element it's important to understand that symptoms like gender dysphoria are manifestations of broader underlying symptoms known as depersonalization and derealization which are manifestations of a dissociative state caused my psychological trauma, and nearly all governments have sought master the ability to inflict this on the masses whether you are talking the more well known mkultra of the u.sm or the lesser known nonlinear warfare concept developed by the soviets, people in dissociative states are tragically easy to manipulate and daresay outright mind control so whenever you see more and more manifestations of it especially in the children of a society it is a huge red flag that severe and pervasive psychological warfare is deliberately and systematically at hand

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

All of the companies selling the gas are reporting massive increases in profit, we're not talking 25% we're talking hundreds times more including some reporting greatest profits they've seen in over a decade, so they are the ones increasing the price, if there was actually a shortage they would have had to raise prices WAY higher than they currently are to boast that much profit increase especially such rapid increase, they are simply gouging because msm has ppl thinking that inflation on everything to exist makes sense due to ukraine, also congress struck down proposal to limit the gas companies gouging further than they already are

by dav0s
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

So you genuinely believe that an organ as utterly complex as the brain can never have anything go wrong that would impact physiological and perceptual experience, but every other organ in the body can have things go wrong? Or do you also believe that heart, kidney, liver, etc problems are also fake?

VanillaBean 5 points ago +6 / -1

This read like a horror story premise to me, pigs have always been very creepy in an uncanny way, whenever they show up in horror movie scenes there is an instant level of unique horror there. I watched some of the pro vegan documentaries about animal cruelty in the farming industry some years ago and it was the same type of thing, I felt bad for the chickens and cows being treated very badly but the scenes about the pigs were just pure horror. They have a nightmarish quality about them the way that horror concepts about lab experiments turning people into grotesque monsters have.

VanillaBean 10 points ago +11 / -1

So far everyone I've discussed this with in person has gone instantly dead in the eyes and silent when I ask them for their thoughts on these questions. They start off making generic statements about gun control and/or blaming white people or republicans etc, and when I start asking questions such as how do you think he got all that expensive gear they just instantly go dead in the eyes and silent, then they suddenly reboot and go back to their previous statements. This is the number one red flag to me that a psyop is underway, when most people can't think or talk about it normally.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ordinary citizens argue about whether or not end times prophecies are legitimate. The "elite" see end times prophecies as an instructions manual. They are trying to summon the antichrist.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The wildest aspect of this is how white men vs poc men debates just totally sidestep how it's all men and literally never a woman

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're looking for something.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought they just made it up as their cover story to massacre all their protesters, didn't expect it to last beyond that.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly I'm relieved, it has been way too long since workers actually stood in solidarity versus evil companies, as opposed to waiting around for government to step in and make things right, and this is going to revive that type of action like nothing else could have. Looking forward to the massive strikes and walkouts.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 7 points ago +7 / -0

My brother is in the hospital with "covid pneumonia". The doctor told us his condition is critical and that the family needs to prepare for his death. But my brother refused to consent to intubation and is now miraculously doing better. Amazing.

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

The problem is we don't know what's in the concoction. We don't know why so many people who get it suffer heart inflammation and damage. The manufacturers have been very deceitful trying to hide the risks, have a total disregard for long term studies or even a proper control group, and when negative effects can no longer be swept under the rug, they try to downplay and normalize it, like oh yeah kids having strokes has always been a thing /s.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty sure someone has to have an ounce of humility in their personal psychology in the first place, to be capable of experiencing humiliation. In reality they know the vast majority of people are just going to mentally blue screen if exposed to this information and then carry on as if it never happened. They are only focused on their next moves. Stay sharp.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

More like the mythical super covid was never real and just the flu all along, the jabs are meant to protect against an engineered virus similar to original smallpox, that virus then gets released.

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