VanillaBean 13 points ago +13 / -0

They're overplaying their hand, their arrogance has become so severe that it has morphed into delusion

VanillaBean 7 points ago +8 / -1

Both their governments lie out their asses just like ours so a magic 8 ball is about as reliable as it gets trying to predict who 'wins' assuming they're not both in cahoots in the first place

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Idk about reptilians but I've long thought there is an ancient lost knowledge aspect to it. The purely barbaric animalistic part of the human brain is called the "reptilian brain" in modern times and true psychopaths are said to be operating from their "reptilian brain" while their limbic system is a developmental mess. But this is all understood from modern neurological sciences, so how were ancient peoples making the connection about the "reptilian brain" when constantly using serpents and lizards to represent dark triad type entities? As a kid I never would've looked at a lizard and thought "yep, this right here represents evil and deceit and death", I actually thought reptiles were pretty cool tbh. So again how were ancient peoples making a connection that would be validated by neuroscience thousands of years later?

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

In my anecdotal observations the vast majority of people who are into "new age" stuff are into just that - the stuff - and not so much all the pseudo spiritual bs. They like candles, incense, the colorful fantasy artwork, pretty rocks, herbs that smell nice, etc. A smaller subgroup among them enjoy doing rituals and having various spirits to petition and feeling like they're participating in ancient mysterious things or harry potter larping. Honestly if catholicism had been "marketed" to them in the same manner with all of its incense, candles, colorful art, saints, rituals, latin etc they probably would have loved it.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

This will never work across the general public, though. Have y'all ever watched people trying to do returns with codes on their phones? It's not even a stereotypical boomer thing, it's all ages and both genders. A huge chunk of the population can't even handle doing returns with a code on their phone. The biggest hurdle the ruling class would have trying to implement this for everyone buying anything is the ruling class being hilariously out of touch with the general public. Even when it comes to things like grocery stores that have spent a ton of money creating huge self checkout areas, there is still always a long line of people waiting to checkout with the 2 cashiers that are left. All of this dystopian techy future shit is very unpopular with the masses. But the ultra nerd sitting in his luxury office playing with his google glasses doesn't get that. He's totally out of touch with what the people actually want. He thinks everyone should be as excited as he is about his niche interests and in his unchecked narcissism he assumes that it'll all be embraced by most people. And then there are thousands of retards just like him involved, thinking the general population gives 2 fucks about the super cool convenient new technology, so then their marketing is even more retarded and falls flat. Accessing one's home and vehicle with fingerprints has been available for several years yet almost nobody uses that tech because nobody actually wants it, there's no real market for it, when it first was pitched several years ago people went "oh great so criminals will try to cut my fingers off" and the whole idea was DOA. Watch and see what happens if they try to force everyone off of cash, would be an absolute shitshow.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

So what reasons did the "election experts" give? I've never been on twitter but typically the real clown world gold is in the links like that. I used to debate with a guy who would send me wapo links as his sources and over and over again wapo's sources were either anonymous or themselves. He clearly wasn't used to people actually clicking on the sources links because it flustered him to the point he stopped sending them.

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

They're going to need something better than that. People in general underestimate how much of the population would completely freak out over anything that directly matches the mark of beast description and criteria. But this is true of present day. They'd need to considerably alter circumstances from what they are now. Even most agnostics (the "unsure" category regarding God) would freak out at the idea, if anything it would give more merit to the bible, not less, making it even more alarming in practice than in theory, a major prophecy fulfilled. Promises of techy powers are nowhere near enough.

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

If it happens in my lifetime I'm going to be really fascinated by how the ruling class tries to pitch anything with super obvious parallels to the mark of the beast, despite all the usual rampant NPC behavior I just can't imagine a scenario where most people don't just absolutely freak out and refuse it, I can certainly imagine there being people who accept it and even people who thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread, but seriously at least presently there would be full blown widespread riots unlike anything the world has seen before, most people would lose their shit

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

People fall into the trap of feeling like they need to justify not wanting to be coerced into having substances injected into their bodies. So then they get desperate and latch quickly onto anything that might help justify it. But such basic human rights require no justification. When someone understands this then they can naturally become more discerning since they no longer "need" to justify the right to refuse having stuff injected into their body. They don't "need" a "smoking gun" about XYZ thing found in the injections.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the muppets of the ruling class think it's morally wrong for people to speak out against the ruling class. Shocking.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm always pretty shocked to see someone publicly admitting that the mrna injections screwed them up if they were trying to play mrna gestapo previously. The level of narcissism required to advocate for shaming and punishment for people who don't want a highly experimental injection, that level of narcissism isn't capable of admitting error let alone being genuinely remorseful. So it's pretty rare and not at all surprising that most just go hide in the shadows instead. Even that one random "journalist" who tried to call for "amnesty" would have done better to just admit she let her emotions and ego get the better of her and actually apologize, but the best she could bring herself to do was pretend she couldn't have possibly known better and that it's nobody's fault.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tbf Rudolf lived in a time when humanity did not yet know nearly as much about which parts of the brain played a key role in moral concepts and decision making so most of that was still considered the soul. They knew only very crude things like how lobotomies left people with much more drool than personality. What he predicted manifested primarily in the field of pharmaceutical psychiatry. This has WAY more to do with psychiatry than with vaccination. Of course it probably won't be long before the 2 are merged, though. But for now this is in reference to things like children having a perfectly normal psychological response to situations like an alcoholic father or hysterical mother and then doping the kid up on "meds" to numb their emotions and dumb their thoughts.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The whole system in the U.S. is rigged against itself lol. Bunch of rats desperately scurrying through a maze hoping they have chosen the best/smartest/safest route, arguing with other rats over it as they frantically make their ways through, and all the options lead to the same exit where the cliff awaits them all. This is why both the economic right and the economic left and all their subgroups are able to mock each other relentlessly and churn out memes galore, it is by design that they're all retarded and wrong just in a variety of different ways. Which is also why every thorough smackdown debate between the right and the left inevitably veers far off and away from economics and into guns, abortion, god and other areas of personal values and ideology, because if they kept debating the cold hard math topics like economics for too long it would become too obvious that both sides are a bunch of retards and liars.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Musk is just destroying a would-be competitor for what he intends to create himself. He doesn't expect to make profit directly from twitter, he just wants twitter out of way, and it's an easy task because the company was extremely corrupt.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a friendly reminder that the bible makes it candidly clear that evil principalities are being allowed to rule over the world right now, that things will get extremely bad (WAY worse than they are now), and then a final battle will happen. To each their own discussing how they feel about the plan but that IS the plan per the bible. The plan is NOT that the evil principalities will be stopped by man or God before they take over the world and do a bunch of horrific shit everywhere.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty much everything remotely sensational on the internet serves as a distraction from what is literally happening in the physical real world around us, of course the net is cast very wide to catch as many different people as possible, celebrity stuff, sportsball, porn, tv shows, movies, social media in all its forms, the "news" you name it if most of the total attention invested takes place online (formerly television) it's part of the net. Of course that doesn't mean it's intrinsically "bad" to like sports or tv shows or whatever but it's important to watch the balance. If someone is investing way more time reading/talking about qanon or wef or frankly anything else on the internet, versus investing time being observant and engaged in the literal real world that is their own community and real life in person experience, then they are caught in the net. People don't get truly motivated and involved without frequently and lucidly observing the real world. What is more alarming, reading something about the wef or paying 2+ times more for a loaf of bread vs just a few years ago? When people are directed to discussions and memes and shit online they are being invited to join the circus. Talk with them about real life, the housing market, gas prices, food prices, what school is like for their kids now, talk with them about real shit that impacts them directly first.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Realistically you can't have a truly secure election unless every vote is tied directly to a unique I.D. and a lot of different people/groups have access to that database to verify the authenticity of each I.D. and vote (as opposed to trusting a small group of people to tell everyone that every vote was for sure legit trust us guys), or in other words you can't guarantee security of elections and guarantee strong anonymity at the same time. So you understand the dilemma. This isn't something that most people on the right are ready to talk about since naturally there is intense and justified wariness towards the idea of not having strong voter privacy let alone having a big database that tracks everyone's political choices. Yet without such a database and many different groups eyes on it, how else are you going to make sure it's 1 vote per living legal citizen.

VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tbf I think a lot of people with jewish ancestry feel like they're in a no win situation. If they speak out against the jews who are pushing hateful and divisive propaganda, well those jews are a lot more powerful and could make life hell for the regular person of jewish lineage who tries to speak out. But then I also think there might be some very real anxiety for some people of jewish lineage that after all things considered, if white people ever do make a huge unified comeback, what if there is widespread anger towards jewish people? So is it safer to let the asshole jews keep subverting historically white nations and cultures, or is riskier due to the possibility of big uprisings and backlash eventually, and in the meantime how to protect themselves from the asshole jews if they do speak up? Imagine being that regular average person of jewish lineage and trying to figure out what the safest bet is for yourself and your family. That regular person of jewish lineage who does speak out against jewish supremacy is taking a big risk and deserves credit for that imo.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk that 40 years prediction reminds me of the global warming predictions from the 80s & 90s, so like were both predictions meant to be obvious bs or were both predictions meant to be serious, struggling to keep up in clown world these days

VanillaBean 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just doesn't seem that serious to me. There's what maybe 20 people here at most having casual discussions about conspiracy theory stuff at any given time, it's a little nook of the internet that doesn't get much traffic, I've said before it feels like the only bar in a small town and it's nice in that regard. But it's by no means a big pool of opinions nor a bountiful source of information, and the audience is very small. Shills and bot armies and big perceptual battles are a thing of much bigger platforms, total waste of resources on a forum like this one. Just the occasional odd troll who also doesn't get this and just wastes their time posturing to an audience of like 20 random people. I'm sure the alphabets occasionally look for grooming opportunities but that only works if they can lure you off site into more private conversations.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

Stuff like this gives me pause wondering if "Travis" is a real person, like how does anyone with access to the internet still think that the mrna injections prevented infection or spread, it seems like it should be nearly impossible for anyone to still genuinely think that, and sure it could be that "Travis" is just getting paid to say such flagrant nonsense but how is that even strategic for their side at this point, just makes them look horrendously aloof and stupid, like what even is the point of characters like "Travis" at this point?

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

The real conspiracy is how most of these people are obviously white themselves and yet universally get away with roleplaying that they're some other race and almost nobody ever questions it despite how obvious it is, it's comically absurd considering no other "race" on the planet is full of people who look just like another race yet claim to be different, like you don't see any groups of black people trying to claim they're not black but rather some other race, you don't see any groups of asian people trying to claim they're not racially asian but rather something else, as even if they tried it would be so obviously erroneous, and in the day and age of identity politics the mainstream narrative is that whatever a person "looks like" is what they therefore are, so god knows there is so much drama for people of mixed racial lineage depending on which genes expressed themselves in skin, hair, facial features, etc. But even based on that, most jews would therefore be OBVIOUSLY WHITE. Their idea that they are some totally other separate race is delusional.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt many bonafide restaurants will go for this, restaurants tend to fully prioritize making money from happy customers, and it's mostly older people who spend the most money collectively out at restaurants, for several reasons, and most older people already don't like having to use their phones, it won't necessarily be most restaurants refusing the qr code trend for ideological reasons but definitely for protecting profits, fast food chains and low end places are more popular among the the younger generations who are mostly low income wage workers who rarely have the time or money for nicer sit down restaurants, and the younger generations are far more comfortable with frequent phone use (generalizing, special exceptions aside), so I'd expect to see qr codes become more and more common for fast food and takout

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wonder if this is some kind of test right after alex jones sandy hook trial, like they're showing the public a narrative that obviously makes zero sense with photo that makes no sense and really sloppy work with trying to add 'evidence' of "maga" history etc, so now they're looking to see who and how many people have the balls to openly question it after they made an example out of alex jones

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