VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

But doesn't anyone know any of these soldiers dying suddenly and unexpectedly over the past year? We see tons of examples from literally every other demographic, even people's young kids, but tptb just desperately censor the stories about service personnel exclusively, all over the internet? And why? Why would they be okay with stories from people with dead children but not okay with stories from people with a dead veteran? And why would their goal be to have all the npc tranny soldiers die prematurely leaving only the experienced based unjabbed veterans left in society? That doesn't seem very strategic of them. I'm not saying I'm right and you're wrong, but it's extremely strange.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

In all seriousness I sometimes get the impression that "controlled opposition" is seen as an insult or an accusation of nefarious intentions, when it just literally means the person/group is to some extent / in some ways opposing XYZ but is ultimately under the control of a force in the background, some controlled opposition people actually are behaving in deliberate nefarious ways but in some cases there are people who are simply scared for their lives and/or the safety of their loved ones and so they try to walk a fine line

It's kinda like how "conspiracy theory" has been made to take on a derogatory implication when it's literally just a theory about people conspiring to do something, something that happens all over the world everyday

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

Pretty sure the service personnel got saline, no point making sure all your soldiers are mindless drones only to have your carefully cultivated army dying of suddenly and unexpected, haven't seen many cases of them keeling over for 'no reason' either compared to say athletes

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Imagine being alive 100 years from now and learning about this phase in western history

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean it straight up changed their dna, the very cells of their bodies have literally been forcefully mutated, I don't think it's super far fetched though would still like to see more studies, if true it's a rough pill to swallow since most who refused the jabs thought they were safe, who wants to be told they are still exposed even if they made the right choice

VanillaBean 3 points ago +4 / -1

I mean there really are plenty of actual sociopathic nutcases who see the political right as an opportunity for hijacking, every group out there deals with this, just like all the child predators latching onto gay people as a group are not secretly right wingers larping as pedophiles, they are actual pedophiles identifying as gay for social cover, likewise a significant majority of the flagrant misogynists in conservative groups are not leftists larping as misogynists, they are actual rabid misogynists who think they can use conservative groups as social cover, everyone really needs to be aware that all the various flavors of crazy and evil are real and every identity group has at least some of them clinging on like parasites

VanillaBean 4 points ago +5 / -1

You know what's really nuts is now the alphabets can do their hit jobs and the most aware people in the country will still be off the mark thinking it was the mrna injections, not that the mrna injections aren't killing people, but every highly suspicious death I see in the "news" now most conspiracy theorists automatically assume the people died from the vax

VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well the whole point of casting such a massively wide net as "conspiracy" is to make it all collectively incoherent, much like this place, it can still be fun but something doesn't gain public merit until it's a topic unto itself, like a sub dedicated to 1 conspiracy in particular, this is why nonewnormal with a narrow focus on "covid" was not allowed but it IS okay to post skepticism about covid in "conspiracy" next to posts from flat earthers and lizard people, obviously very deliberate of course, here on win you can easily see the difference in quality between a sub like this and the nonewnormal on win, the source quality and maturity in discussion both go way up when there is a specific focus

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder what percentage of us rarely vote up or down on anything, on some platforms I can understand it in theory ie attempting to increase visibility / have something seen by more people by boosting its spot in the algorithm, although even that is pointless on platforms where it's manipulated behind the scenes anyway, but on here I just sort by new and instantly see everything from the past 24 hours, not enough posts or traffic to make competing for visibility a thing

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm an older boomer and have insight from the inside, it's more like they want to believe that everything imaginable is forgivable because collectively our generation really dropped the damn ball and fucked over the younger generations while also blaming them for everything, obviously there are special exceptions but in general ie the majority of the boomer generation has a lot to answer for and doesn't want to take responsibility for any of it, so of course our collective religious interpretations include literally anything being okay and understandable as long as you ask Jesus for forgiveness before you croak

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think modern civilization will be able to stop this, maybe after a total anarchist collapse, it would require tens of millions of parents being willing to admit they made a mistake with their kid(s) and tens of millions of men acknowledging that they're missing part of their genitals, good luck with that, instead what happens is fathers want to believe that their circumcised penis is perfect and then they prove it by letting the same thing happen to their sons

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh they're making the connection, there's a reason why the booster numbers are a total flop compared to the initial injection, people just don't want to admit they played a role in pressuring others to get killed

VanillaBean 1 point ago +3 / -2

There are people who enjoy it, there have been so many cases of people getting hired at slaughter houses and similar settings just to go in with hidden cameras and show the world how many demented sociopaths take such jobs because they actually want the opportunity to abuse animals without consequence, for example needlessly kicking and punching pigs just to do it, I'm not opposed to meat consumption but hate unnecessary cruelty, something I'm passionate about so I've watched a lot of undercover videos on the topic, and anyway my point is, I can guarantee you this implant job was loaded with people who outright enjoy hurting animals, it's worse than merely a lack of moral conviction, it's sadistic predatory urges given an outlet

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the sake of theoretical discussion, from your perspective how do you reconcile the responsibility and/or practical necessity to be aware of what is going on in the world or at least one's own civilization? Like even removing all propaganda and psyops from the picture, a dedication to awareness of reality and seeking the truth is inevitably going to include a lot of really awful stuff, yeah? Does this also damage one's aura no matter what, awareness of the bad things that happening in the world or one's own civilization? And if so, is this just part of the price to be paid for awareness, or is there some method to be very aware while maintaining a healthy aura?

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your experience may be different but for many it's not exactly that, it's just that the nasties at the top have been strategically using the boiling the frog method so that most people don't consciously notice that things are getting worse or that damage is being done, so they don't acknowledge it let alone react because they don't notice it, which is the whole idea, and if something truly horrific (ie sudden and obvious) happened then many people would snap out of it, which is what most of us really want, just for the masses to snap the fuck out of the slowly boiling water brainwashing, I never wanted a bunch of people to die from the mrna injections but I definitely would have loved seeing everyone suddenly waking up to all the bs, and obvious widespread mrna deaths would certainly have done it, which is why I always figured the slow kill theories were most likely correct

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I'm pretty sure old judas wasn't primarily motivated by a handful of silver but much more so out of fear that he would also be targeted by the pharisees sooner or later, the idea to bribe judas with money came from people who thought in those terms, ie money as the ultimate motivator, but pretty sure if they had just pointed a sword at judas' throat he would have said whatever they wanted

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes let's all 20 of us sound the alarm to each other nonstop on this tiny no traffic forum instead of doing more productive things with our lives

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think Abe was really the one calling the shots, everything I've read about him gave the impression he was a good hearted man on the autism spectrum who did whatever anyone else told him was the right thing to do

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tinfoil hat was originally associated with schizophrenia, then was switched to conspiracy theorists in an effort to get the public to associate all conspiracy theories with schizophrenia, and then "misinformation" and "conspiracy theory" was applied to obvious straightforward conspiracies, I understand the appeal of "owning" insults in order to neutralize them and take back power, but this isn't a schoolyard with bullies, it's alphabets the likes of which did shit like mkultra to master the art of psyops, the only thing that can defeat that is firm, calm, dignified truth, not trying to win the masses over with "coolness" like taking pride in schizophrenia hats

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well not sure exactly what he's trying to discuss since he gives no real specifics and keeps everything vague, but I've certainly seen plenty of people with soulless eyes who act more like rabid animals and/or machines, what has always struck me the most are those with an intense malice in their eyes but nothing else, no perceivable intelligence or depth, just malice in a void, and the crazy eyes, so intense yet devoid of anything recognizable as uniquely human, and those with the lifeless eyes who just mindlessly regurgitate what others say but can't explain their words because they have no thoughts of their own, there certainly has to be something to all that

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The issue is that when it started on reddit it was 90% grifters mostly autistic kids who just wanted to have fun, it was all about the memes and rallies, when they were forced to move to .win they just wanted to keep the party going and to this day most of them arejust chasing that high and wanting it to be all fun and exciting again, there is no true home for actual patriots on the internet, they just want to relive 2016 and don't care about reality

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've experienced an ego death, nearly impossible to explain it, I still existed but had no access to details on all the things that make up a person's sense of identity, I didn't know my name or what I looked like or how old I was or where I was from, during the experience, my access to my personal memories was temporarily gone, I had no point of reference, nothing to define reality or my life, but I still existed, so it was like what an experience of total memory loss would be like I guess, or how some would imagine the in between stage of reincarnation, having lost all knowledge of a previous life but not yet starting the next life, again very hard to explain or describe, it was a very positive experience though

VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

Kanye is saying anything and everything because he's sick of the widespread social retardation that is no-no words and no-no thoughts and no-no opinions like most people really out there scared to death of saying the wrong thing and Kanye is just like watch I'm going to say every no-no thing about every powerful person/group ever you fucking pussies, that's why the msm and the feds are obsessed can you even imagine if the masses just suddenly realized they can speak their truths

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't even think about that shit without getting violently furious, like where the fuck is peta when they could actually be useful

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mostly noticed how the people who push this bs are very desperate for white people to be "fragile", ie "white fragility", they are desperate for a reaction when they talk trash about white people, because truthfully white people as a whole are extremely chill about other races talking trash, white people collectively are pretty damn secure in their historical achievements and collective merits, so they're not really phased when other races talk trash, it's obvious that this is extremely unnerving to race baiters because the moment a white person so much as casually points out the hypocrisy the race baiters are all OMG FRAGILITY WHITE PPL ARE SO FRAGILE THEY CAN'T HANDLE IT OMG

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