VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's totally possible with a few more generations, the oldest evil fucks today won't live to see the final stages of their goals, but the idea is for each new generation to grow up thinking "this is totally normal" on the next level of madness and depravity, this is how the frog really boils, one generation at a time

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

I ended a friendship with a gay guy over this crap and it still unsettles me several months later how normal he seemed until the topic came up, like just a normal respectful guy in a longterm relationship with his boyfriend, intelligent funny and overall good person who just so happened to be gay, and he brought up the topic and I truly expected him to agree that sexually provocative behavior and imagery shouldn't be in front of kids and he became SUPER defensive and started ranting about how sex is a part of life and therefore children should get to see it and he started vehemently insisting that people only don't like it because they're homophobic, I tried to salvage the friendship by pointing out how if a straight man acted that way towards or in front of children people would still be pissed as it would still be predatory and inappropriate and dude just lost his mind and started ranting about how all pedophiles are straight men, years of friendship gone in a 3 minute conversation and seriously he seemed so normal and sane for years, I've started to be suspicious of all gay guys who don't openly oppose this shit now

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personally I'm glad we're moving past the point of creepy forced fake niceness and manipulative sales tactics in the typical store, plenty of people in the "customer" position don't like it either, myself included, I'm not going to ace hardware for a therapy session or to play make believe friends with the kid behind the counter, as long as they show basic levels of respect that's all that's necessary and I show them the same even when I'm frustrated, we're just doing business

VanillaBean 0 points ago +2 / -2

Part of the confusion comes from the simultaneous erroneous belief that white people have dominated the planet ever since they spawned into existence, white people were a fairly small demographic for quite some time and got their asses whooped by semites through multiple historical periods and regions, telling moderm day white people that they've always been the most powerful group is how tptb seduced white people into also accepting all of the blame

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I will say it's interesting how many different ancient cultures had the inclination to combine animal heads and body parts with human bodies in their art and religions, the book of revelations even gets into it, definitely a curious aspect of human psychology as there doesn't seem to be any pragmatic explanation behind it and I haven't found that much material on theories from psychologists

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ngl it's weirdly satisfying to see musk of all people drop the idealistic middle ground pipe dream utopia bs, I am frankly okay with fighting dirty at this point, I am okay with abandoning the notion of moral infallibility and doing whatever it takes to win, musk saw a threat to himself and his family and crushed it, it's a double edged sword no doubt but thus far we've had no sword at all versus an enemy that literally wants to castrate our kids and euthanize poor people, so I'm just gonna admit that I'm okay with not being Jesus at this point

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump was at least either dumb enough to give the greenlight to his campaign staff to impersonate him repeatedly in extremely cringe emails asking for money, or he was the one writing the severely cringe emails himself, either way not a good look and that was back in the fever dream height of his political popularity, Trump IS kinda dumb and cringe either way, every single 4D chess maneuver was theorized by his fans and anons as they projected their own highly ironic strategic genius onto him, like "hey guys you know what would be really smart and awesome, if he was doing THIS, a plan that WE came up with, but let's act like it's HIS idea"

by nicebot
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tbf most of the criticism towards the death penalty comes from all the cases where after the person was executed later evidence exonerated them so basically as a country we lynched an innocent person like a retarded mob, combine this with how often the alphabets deliberately withhold evidence to frame the innocent and protect the guilty, plus all the corrupt courts and retarded juries, and nobody in their right mind should be trusting our government to decide who is guilty plus also having the power to execute them, like yeah the alternative is to babysit evil mofos for life on the taxpayers dime but again absolutely nobody should be trusting any level of our government to decide who gets executed

But other than that yeah humans instinctively desire an omnipotent and infallible authority figure to tell them what to do is and what is truth, sheeple gonna sheep

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

To an extent they get away with this because of their vague and often made up terms, the specific version of this would be "parents have no right to know if we are injecting their children with biochemical substances and cutting off their body parts" this is why they get so panicked and furious whenever specifics are reported on or discussed, like when people just pointed out what California was literally trying to do and the predators started screeching that they were being targeted for terrorism

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly people should not be investing so much time in "efforts" where the "rewards" are literally not real, at least in the daily real life grind you can turn in your fiat dollars for actual goods, and if you work out properly you can literally grow stronger, the concept of investing many hours into earning make believe powers and resources is a very new development versus thousands of years of human history, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with games in general but if the concept is to sink a ton of time into "earning" make believe powers and goods then people ought to know better

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

God this is awful, the GA people were sure the announcement was either that Trump saved a marine prisoner from Russia or that Trump was running another election, and now they are over there trying to salvage it with Q drop date math and metaphors, I almost can't bear to watch anymore

VanillaBean 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's important to understand how tptb perceive the different political groups, their perception of the maga crowd is that the maga crowd are just childish bullies, so when it comes to puppets like desantis the plan is to have them do stunts to "tOtAlLy oWn tEh LiBz" as means of getting maga support, when someone is super cocky and does little stunts and the overall reaction from maga is HAHA TAKE THAT LIBTARDS best look behind the curtains, this is also exactly the playbook with both Trump and Musk btw

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

I honestly think they've just got to the point where they realize they can print literally anything as "news" and if it's "covid" or jab related most people won't question it, seriously someone could write a "news" article tomorrow about how people who didn't take the mrna jab can pass covid farts that give jabbed kids strokes and the npcs would be like "oh my gosh that's terrible those damn anti vaxxers"

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

To me seems like a nothingburger that the muppets think they can spin into more propaganda to push mrna injections, those numbers work out to 80 more people per state on average dying in traffic incidents, and you know in states like CA and FL an extra couple hundred ppl is nothing, we're a nation of over 300 million people, and it's not even hard numbers it's a "projection" for an "estimate", they are the little boy who cried wolf after so many "reports" from the "experts" trying to spin things as hard as possible in favor the jabs

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tbh I'd guess that musk used an ambiguous rabbit metaphor in order to rile up a bunch of different people getting them to argue over what it means, it's entirely possible he has no intended meaning behind it and simply wanted people to argue about it

But still this was a really satisfying rant to read, maybe consider writing regularly if you don't already, you have some natural talent going on with your writing style, no sarcasm it's good

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe desantis is supposed to be hated by basically everyone so tptb don't have to cheat so flagrantly next election

VanillaBean 8 points ago +8 / -0

Regardless of how ridiculous it may seem it's interesting enough why not do a screenshot every night and see if you notice anything over the next couple weeks

VanillaBean 16 points ago +16 / -0

Actual Christians are very rare, Jesus spent way more time teaching people how they ought to live than he did talking about anything else, yet the vast majority of self-identified "Christians" live however they want and insist that all that matters is that they believe in Jesus and asked for forgiveness, when most people think of "Christians" they are thinking of the vast majority who are hypocritical npc douchebags, actual Christians are definitely very admirable

VanillaBean 3 points ago +4 / -1

You've got statistics showing that there are just as many or even more female rapists than male rapists, this is your claim, is that correct

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

Tbh I only ever see rabid throwdowns over musk over on greatawakening, it's easily at least the 5th time the q ppl have fractured bc half of them abandoned all critical thought in favor of hopium and half of them got so irritated by it that started losing their shit and then dipped, I really enjoy reading stuff from all the digging they do but they go through this rift experience on the regular

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Personally, when I experienced that back in the day, those people were just pretending to understand or agree with what I was saying because they just wanted me to stfu, nothing more or less, I was too recently mindblown by my first rabbit hole to notice that they never asked questions or offered their own thoughts, never added to any meaningful discussion, just passively nodded long in a "oh yeah for sure buddy" kinda way, I wasted a loooot of time trying to figure out if most people were retarded or if they understood but simply didn't care, like did they think I was "crazy" for thinking mkultra was real or did they think I was a weirdo for caring about it, man that was just such a wild psychological ride

VanillaBean 9 points ago +9 / -0

I guess if you were knowingly addressing millions of npcs then pointing out really basic shit might make you start feeling like morpheus, how many of us had that initial phase where we were trying to wake others up and still thought it was possible, remember how wild that felt, if musk has any good intentions he might be experiencing that right now, if so then soon we will see existential crisis musk

VanillaBean 7 points ago +7 / -0

Frankly I just want more people in my life who are sane and aware enough to have actual conversations with, they don't evem have to agree with me about things like strategies and predictions, I truly enjoy respectful debate on stuff like that, but when 99% of people are living in some make believe la la land it's the worst type of loneliness, one of the best in person conversations I've had lately was with a woman who casually admitted that she knows the mrna injections might be damaging her heart and don't work very well but she keeps getting boosters for emotional reasons because she was traumatized when people she knew died on ventilators and she can't change how she feels, so clearly we had very different life ideologies but the mere fact that she was existing in reality with me and we could respectfully and honestly talk about it was still such a huge breath of fresh air, do I expect her to become a hardcore freedom fighter, lol no, but man was I still glad to talk with someone who isn't 100% brainwashed

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