This is what I have read Scofield bible (haven't watched this but will and will edit if weird to a better link). Ok it's a good video (I watched).
This is probably worth including as well and you can dig deeper to find this is true of many old maps :
I believe the Jewish people themselves have also been deceived. While many people don't like every thing about MLK I believe he is right about every individual should be judged by their character and not skin an important note to remember in a time I believe people are intentionally being divided.
I was raised extremely pro Israel. And it wasn't until I was older I gave it much thought as to why everyone in my church was so pro Israel nor did I care about politics, wars or much outside my bubble of existence. As far as I knew Jewish people were just like us except they didn't believe in the new testament, this is what I was taught.
Interesting. The thing I find funny about the elite trying to control everything is how they don't realize they also have made a prison for themselves. What a waste of existence to try to micro manage populations. How utterly boring and unimaginative. Can you imagine being such a nut sitting there always worried you'll be uncovered, coming up with plans to subdue the masses? Coming up with propaganda campaigns and plans to have the state raise kids? Writing down weird equations in books like this on how control is gained? It's hilarious they have made the job of prison guard for themselves and think they are somehow the enlightened ones. Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣
Well maybe it is all fake. Ugh.
Guess the only way to know for sure is to drive down there one's self. This video could be old and edited to look new or it could be legit. Def need some more documentation of this. I am so sick of propaganda.
IDK worth looking into i guess but in the " masonic hand" pic w Elon that is the longhorn hook em horns symbol .
I don't think the uprising is fake but who knows. At some point in most countries where communism has taken over large parts of a country the country eventually splits. I think it's clear that we aren't going to agree w liberals. A divide is inevitable and the build up to it has been brewing a long time.
Well I think it depends on what you think this world is or what it is . Is it a simulation where we can manifest our reality on individual and collective level? Is it some kind of training ground or perhaps supposed to be similar to Minecraft where we can build our dreams into what we want? There are a lot a people in the world and many living in different movies. ATM it appears that globalist have gained power over the simulation but perhaps it doesn't have to be that way. If everyone believes that evil has won perhaps it has however on an individual level the more people that believe the gloabies are just fools like pinky and the brain trying to take over the world and instead focus more on their individual lives and communities perhaps the global power will dwindle away. The only reason despair has spread to all corners of the world is instant access to information and news.
Yeah possibly or she could be making connections that aren't really there. However they can send and receive data using the energy from lifi lights so if humans truly do have energy fields it's possible I suppose. I do believe we have unknown energy fields no doubt. I need to listen to it all again as well. Does it check out with it being who she says she is and who her parents are? Has anyone researched her family?
Well it's complicated. I believe what is going on goes far deeper than most people understand. It's about prophecy. And if Gaza is eradicated and seized by Israel, they will have back the temple space to build the third temple to sacrifice the red heifers they now have and have been searching for for thousands of years (I think this is why the war was started). Once that has taken place then they believe their Messiah will come into the temple but not before peace on earth happens which is said must also occur in end times(I think I got that order right). This in part (not including everything else we are seeing) could be brought about quickly by importing Muslims who in large numbers do not work well in western society not to mention the radicalized ones who don't work well at all (could also be why we are seeing criminals released and murders and rapists get no or lite sentences?). Not hard to find talk of muslims being Zionist's broom to destroy the west either. After that they believe the wicked will all be killed and some believe this means everyone except the chosen ones and their noahide servants. So that sounds fun right? On the flip side people of Islam also believe they will one day rule the world and everyone will praise Allah or die / be killed. Try watching some videos of the Muslim brotherhood talking about their plans. They ALSO believe they will destroy the west from the inside basically by outbreeding westerners and eventually killing all who don't bow down to allah. Sounds great. Best leave cultist in their own countries. I give Christians a bit of a pass because at least they don't think they personally will be killing millions but do believe in end days 2/3 of people will die of other causes and then of course eventually the wicked will be thrown in to the fiery pit for eternity. So yeah I think hardcore Christians actually want Gaza destroyed and the temple rebuilt so the antichrist can come and then christ will have 1000 year peaceful reign but first lots of people must die. Anyways, religious zealots just should stay put imo and everyone should wake up to realize they are being used as pawns, perhaps even the Jews. Perhaps this is a plan to end all humanity even them. I think we've all been duped to follow religions that tell each group that followers of that religion are the chosen ones. And don't forget the globalist who also cheer on depopulation and death and want world wide rule and think they are the chosen ones. It's weird. Almost like they are all the same actually and oddly all work well with each other's prophecies. I think we are watching self fulfilling prophecies happen...or I am wrong and it's for real end times and their Messiah is the antichrist or the Jews are right and are going to bring peace to the earth and we must all recognize their G-d or we all have to become Muslim or die. No offense to anyone here. I know faith can be a wonderful thing as well. I am just skeptical that to bring about peace requires the slaughtering of everyone who doesn't think like them. Globalist included. Weird FN times. I think most the world has lost their damn minds. Lol
Because they want us to feel sorry for the people of Gaza and take them in I think... And I do think what Israel is doing to Gaza is wrong however I do not believe western countries should take them in. They should be able to keep their land.
Crazy. Lots of sick people in this world.
I've been thinking about sacrifice (non human too), karma and religions lately. And basically all religions are based in part on this. Even Christian, sacrifice in the old testament, tithing and giving and receiving and of course God sacrificing his only son. And what I wonder is if this simulation was set up that if one shares and gives then one will have everything he needs. Perhaps some beings that knew of this law introduced Satanism, paganism, and all religions perverting the law that was to govern this realm and should lead to us all living a peaceful life. It does seem that giving something up is maybe the law that is behind all these horrid practices. And perhaps people that practice them foolishly believe them when they could just give up something non harmful to others. I have to wonder if we have all been misled about this place we live. Now one could say that the Bible actually confirms this theory. And that is why God sacrificed his only son so humans no longer had to partake in sacrifices but are now blessed through him. Kind of weird when you think about it the basis of Christianity....If that is true though why was this world ever created where humans needed to sacrifice their best lamb cow or whatever to God? Maybe it wasn't. I find it hard believing that would ever be the intention of a good God. I am inclined to think this world was perverted and the laws misused. I think there are many truths found in religions but something has always seemed off in them all.
This is crazy if true. Parents really need to be letting kids know the government might be trying to get kids to take photos of them with guns as a set up. I don't know if whatever this program of grooming kids to become radicalized started as good intent and has gone horribly wrong or what but there has to be a better way. How about actively try to talk crazy people out of what they believe/ de-escalate the problem not escalate? Or maybe contact the parents and advise help. IDK but doesn't seem encouraging violent behavior is the way.....
Parts of Vermont loves refugees. Winooski right outside of Burlington especially loves them. I am sure Burlington also hosts many.
Yeah but it's a division by individual characteristics not division by groups which often as in the race of a person one has no control of.