Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks similar to the size of box my Ultimate Doom came in back in ‘93…

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not a kike. If I need to subscribe to fantasy and call it religion I’ll at least choose norse mythology, follow the teachings of Odin, and follow some white teachings. Enjoy following your jewish overlords made up character.

Dualkalibur 0 points ago +1 / -1

A great effort my friend, but theres too many here who refuse to give up their imaginary friend Jesus the Super Jew. They can see through any other psyop except the one their parents taught them, or however they choose to delude themselves. “I was personally saved by Jesus!” “God talks to me in my head!” “I see demons!”

These people can have a conversation about anything else thats fake and gay but will outright refuse to apply any sort of skepticism about their own religion. No proof will be looked at much leas believed, quite sad really.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wonder if in 4000 years there will be autists on the future internet claiming Harry Potter was real and their site totally has facts proving his miracles. Its the same shit as this, equally dumb, cult like and meant to distract from real issues.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does it make money? Then we’ll do it. Are there no returns on your investment? Then they wont. Theres no trillionaire philanthropist throwing billions in space tech for no returns to be found.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are they being paid? I’ve noticed an uptick in christ-cucks shitting up multiple sections of this site the last few months.

Dualkalibur 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was promised global warming my whole life. Worked outside in Canadian winters. Never got any. Fucking liars.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

What? No! We don’t need the government having more power to fuck someone over, they need less! Some fucking idiots use a non approved for indoor use GAS POWERED MOTOR pressure washer INSIDE, so we need the government to have power to fine workplaces? Yeah, that TOTALLY wont be used against small businesses. How about personal accountability? Right to refuse unsafe work is ALREADY on the books! Operating a gasoline engine in a confined space indoors is already in every manual so people wont do it but here we are again! Better let daddy gob’mint have more power to ruin lives!

If you pay ANY attention at all you’d know letting the government have any extra power ALWAYS ends badly. I don’t give a fuck that this kid was 14, this old cringey “oh PUH-LEASE wont anyone think of the CHILDREN!” drivel can die in a fire. If by age 10 you don’t know gas exhaust is bad then fuckit start cleaning the gene pool.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting. We got a few sets of bamboo ones for camping, the local scouting group was selling them for a fundraiser.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +3 / -1

I’d also love to see a drilling show where they drill straight through to show how deep it is. Send a camera down the bore and show whats on the other side of their magic snowglobe.

Dualkalibur 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with plenty of your points. I second the elimination of useless middle managers and we can outsource that to Vlad the Impaler, look at us already creating jobs!

China has a culture of “if you can cheat someone, cheat them. Its their fault if they don’t catch you cheating them” so I have a hard time trusting “quality” from them even if paid for. Could just be disinfo of course, but horror stories of bad products not at all close to spec, wrong steel, wrong thickness etc has me holding onto my wallet more than opening it.

As you mentioned the sanctions worked great on your end. Didn’t do fuck all what they were “supposed” to do, as they were sold to the public. Maybe its just the elites laughing at us via shadow puppet games but I’m as sick of the crony-capitalism as you are.

I too miss when a company that made a good product got high profits because they earned and deserved it. The west has been in a lull for too long. Everything lately(and for a long while) is just a rehash of something else or an improvement of what came before. Internet is just improved telephone, which is improved telegraph, which is improved messenger, which was better than walking over there and saying it yourself. Electric cars aren’t a new idea, they tried them almost 100 years ago. Nuclear power seems new, but its just swapping burning coal or petroleum for radioactive heat source.

I don’t know if they won with television and later the internet in ruining our imagination but we haven’t been churning out new ideas in what feels like forever. We need to fix that somehow. I’m not saying this cause I just want to get rich off it, I just don’t want to see our species turn into the round retards in Wall-E.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

The government propaganda is fake and gay.

The news is fake and gay.

The history books are manipulated and thus fake and gay.

The holy books are ___________. Common now, 2+2=4, use that pattern seeking brain. This shit is the same all the way down. Fake and gay and manipulated to suit an agenda.

I don’t care which holy book you subscribe to for fuzzy feelings of hope cope and sneed, they’ve all been used for manipulation of other humans. Way cheaper to convince the fools that an invisible undetectable magic wizard is surveilling them every moment of their lives than pay a small army to enforce your will and monitor them to remove the ambitious and troublesomes.

When a book contains fairy tales such as a man living in the belly of a fish for three days, bellies of fish not being known to contain oxygen for 3 days worth of breathing, and a lack of corrosive stomach acid, which would need to work to allow said fish to get big enough to swallow a man whole? When said book spins the tale of a 900 year old man making a giant boat and then putting 2 of each animal on board, and sailed it for 40 days and 40 nights, with what exactly to feed the meat eating animals for 40 days? Not that you’d have time to feed any of them, with the required time to shovel all the shit they produce overboard. Then the issue of if everyone else was wicked and therefore drowned, we’re all incest babies from that family line repopulating the world? In addition the the original incest family lineage of adam and eve? That book?

Yeah maybe DON’T use that book as any kind of guide to the real world. Just because it says we live in a snowglobe sorry, “under the firmament”, but I repeat myself, doesn’t make it any more true than the belief that we’re all the result of a saucy dream from the flying spaghetti monster.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be nice to control low to high tech manufacturing but we have to start somewhere and we need to be able to set this up ourselves(cause no one will do it for us).

Starting a 4nm chip factory is a bit out of our price ranges, unless Elon and Bezos spends time lurking here. Edison motors here in canada started a business retrofitting old semis to be hybrid diesel electric, to fit a niche industry need , be cheaper to operate and be able yo be repaired with off the shelf parts. I think he’s got a good idea and I’d like to see more. The average person doesn’t need a car with a $60000 battery pack, here they need awd or 4x4 for the bad weather and simple enough to operate and fix. Taking your new car to the stealership these days is horrible and worse when off warranty. Lower tech doesn’t necessarily mean bad or a step down in usefulness.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love upgrading and fixing my stuff so it lasts decades. My old computer is basically a glorified super nintendo and private wow server cost very little to upgrade to the max hardware it could run back in its heyday. I have cars and trucks from the 60’s 70’s and 80’s I love to work on and keep running. The only tractor I have is from 1978. Things don’t need to be high tech. I’m a computer geek and a gear head with a water cooled pc since 2001 and even I don’t want all the extra techy shit in all my vehicles.

I agree with you that we need high tech manufacturing back on our shores, and need to keep china from stealing it once developed and producing it without the heavy R&D costs, but we also need simple low tech consumer goods that are cheap enough to compete and good enough to last.

We may need a societal shift to accomplish this and without it being caused by war, I don’t know how else we could change enough minds.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve not purchased everything, obviously, so I’ve yet to run across anything high quality as far as tools come when it bears made in China on it(or no country designated, telling without telling as it were). Every time, it bends, or breaks when I’m trying to do a simple job with it. I lucked out and got an old farmers anvil for $75. Definitely higher quality than the crap I’d find at the store for 4 times what I paid. Right now we have two major issues to address. China is able to use slave labour and pay non living wages to workers to produce cheaper goods, and its somehow cheaper to ship raw material over the ocean in boats that get 1 foot to 5 gallons of fuel oil for gas mileage. Then once produced, ship the finished(or partially complete to be “assembler in america” later) back over the ocean on those same ships.

Now, if we had nuclear powered shipping containers I could see this being cheaper due to lower fuel cost. But just how the fuck did anyone manage to make it cheaper to ship something over the ocean twice to sell a cheap product? Theres too much behind the scenes numbers jiggling to make much sense of this.

Sanctions don’t work well enough. Our globalistic retards in charge(I refuse to call them leaders) wont flat out ban imports from china and even if they did, they just sell then with another country as a middleman. Suddenly that cheap chinesium product says made in Retardistan and its let through the boarder anyways.

The only workable solution that will have the required effect is mass death and destruction of manufacturing in china. Blow up the 3 gorges dam, kill 400 million potential workers in one swipe, bomb their factory cities like its WW2 and reduce them to the stone age. Cancel all debt owed to them as they can’t enforce repayment as we take down their military the same time we bomb the cities. I admit this wont be a popular position due to most people being pussies and thinking their grade 2 teacher was right when we could all love together in peace and harmony. I honestly don’t care. No matter your religion, no matter your political position, we all die. Its just a matter of how and why. And as such I don’t care. I’m not a bleeding heart, I don’t care about strangers feelings and if the world has to be a shitty place I’ll take one with less idiots and assholes in it.

We don’t need battery powered cars or rifles, we need stand alone items that will last and be ready when needed. Bullets that will fire 80 years after being made, cars that can be push started if the battery goes dead overnight, refrigerators that last 60 years not ones that need a wifi connection and “updates”.

The average consumer is an idiot. They don’t need or want 500 settings, they want their refrigerator. You get it home, you plug it in, and it works. Complicated “do everything” devices have been popular for too long and they mostly suck. A combination alarm clock radio is fine. A bbq/smoker that needs a firmware update over wifi before you can turn it back on to use it is not. Your toilet does not need to be able to send emails. Devices and tools need to be good at what they do, not be kinda okay at doing 6 things. I want my hammer yo hit the fucking thing and be ready to do it again, not break cause I hit the nail slightly off centre and then connect to my car to connect to its internet connection to automatically order me a hello kitty hand grip from amazon because I squeezed the handle three times accidentally.

Can anyone come up with ideas that can be made locally, better than imports, that will last and be desired by the local population? Pickup trucks became popular because farmers and tradesmen found them to be incredibly useful for their work. Dishwashers and vacuum cleaners took off because they reduced the work needed to keep a home clean. If we’re going to make something it has to add value to the purchasers life or they wont buy it or recommend it to others.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

I too would like to see manufacturing return to north america. Products made to last, not the cheapest chinesium that breaks the first use and you need to buy another. Tools that pass from grandfather down to great grandchild. Cars and trucks that are repairable and can be limped home to fix properly later with a 1/2”, 9/16” wrenches, a chunk of wire and a pair of vice grips.

We need to identify products that will be needed, be worth the larger cost making it here requires and provides value to the consumer to get them to choose it over the cheap alternative for the quality, and need a way to keep the government the fuck out of it. The last part is the hardest nigh on impossible.

We need to make our own computer chips. We need to own the future of automobiles, we need a much more robust electrical system(perhaps more neighbourhood generating stations rather than grid based), we need to find a way to eliminate the consumer culture that thinks “I’ll just get another one” and go back to “I need to fix this one”. We need better products, and better people. The first, I and others here may be able to do. The second? Maybe a third world war can wipe out some large number of idiots and soyboys but I have my doubts.

Might be a good topic for a round table discussion. What products do we need in the western hemisphere, how do we make them desirable over cheap chinese shit, and how do we keep the government out of the way/off our backs to do it?

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because the show was only an interest to most in the community, and the furries believe that their “fursona” is their true self in the same way trannies think the other gender is their “true self”. It keeps getting fed into by no life losers online and being celebrated, instead of bullied out of society like normally would happen. And with a fur suit helmet to cover up tattoos, facial features and noticeable marks, they can indulge in their shit until internet sleuths track them down HWNDU style and force them into the light.

Dualkalibur 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fuck no shit eh? I know some people had good intentions but paying someone to have your dna and be able to sell it on to others???

Roses are red

Quack says the duck

Our expectations of you were low

But ho-lee fuck

Dualkalibur 5 points ago +5 / -0

Asking employees to “donate blood” then give them a $75 gift card… well if you’re getting paid for it, its not a donation and if you’re dumb enough to give them your genetic info so they can extort millions or billions off it in exchange for $75, theres just no helping you. Nothing these companies do is to help us.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you don’t control the hardware, your information is someone elses. Totally agree. We wont hear exactly how its being used truthfully anyways.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you use it to spread disinfo you could easily do your cops radio scenario and assist your friends. Not everything is cut and dry in war, disinfo can be deadlier than a shell with your name on it.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

Using captured enemy equipment against them has been done since we first swung a stick at one another. Captured ships in the days of sail, captured tanks and artillery pieces in ww2, if it can be used to your benefit in combat you’ll do it.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps you could get government subsidies to turn old windmill blades into corpse spikes? Helping the planet and all that jazz!

Dualkalibur 3 points ago +3 / -0

We deserve better. But until we take it for ourselves we’ll never have it.

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