by pkvi
Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

OR you could just educate everyone and our reproduction rate automatically goes down.

Educated people have other things to do besides have kids m'kay.

The problem is: That was working really well. But there's something else going on. Some sort of event or agenda that's causing these bastards to show their cards too early, desperately push for a faster solution to the overpopulation problem.

I'm surprised this dude didn't suggest we start eating bugs.

by pkvi
Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably one of the elephants holding up the earth sneezed and the smell of so much snot triggered millenial panic and he wasn't able to find his safe space in time and his body just decided to give up.

by pkvi
Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point is that she can't admit she was wrong and endangered/shortened the lives of everyone around her. She never will.

Human Piece of Garbage.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

But... Karen wants to speak to the manager...

Wait n/m all the Karens are dying now.




Did I just find the silver lining?

Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix need to be hanged.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

NAC blocks the spike protein ACE-2 receptor link up. And you are right about vaccinated people shedding, especially if recently vaxxed.

by Covijek
Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bible stuff.

by pkvi
Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

We have a fresh "volunteer" in the fridge if you want a McRib.

by DrLeaks
Undernourish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Again Australia, testing ground for all the new world order bullshit.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

I vote co-opting the music from Raiders of the Lost Ark as the theme music for the new Nuremberg trials.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

the N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine is good for other things, apparently.


points at spike proteins


Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the google: well no i think bing but same thing:

"In the 1980s, thanks to "IODOPHOBIA", iodine was replaced with bromine in the bread-making process. (31) Bromide is a goitrogen and interferes with Iodide utilization by the thyroid gland, (32-34) and possibly by the mammary gland also. (35) Iodine has an anticarcinogenic effect on the breast."

Your body needs iodine to create a hormone which your body uses to tell cells to commit suicide. (points at cancerous/pre-cancerous cells) <=== those cells.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't increase too much but the metallic taste comes from the bromine on your tongue. Iodine tastes very mildly sweet when it isn't countering the bromine.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liquid Iodine. Trophic is the brand name. I get it in Canada at a local vitamin/health store.

Tumeric I took in pill form like three tablets in a day and that's it (goal was to reduce swelling, which happened easily). Currently just testing it out (from a friend). Brand name is called Enagic.

Undernourish 4 points ago +4 / -0

This warning is correct. Technically you're supposed to cut off the head and immerse it in holy or running water... or vinegar.


rolls d20

sigh archaeologist fails their insight check.


Now its Romania AND Poland's problem I guess.

Undernourish 4 points ago +5 / -1

Hah. Awesome. Just got given tumeric to try and it seemed to get rid of my watery knee. (Advil just kills the pain, it takes a couple of days for the watery knee swelling to actually decide to go away, unless it decides to blow up, which means a trip to the emergency and aspiration which is curiously Dr. Pimple popper level interesting to watch.)

... ... ...

cough anecdotal cough

Also. LIQUID IODINE. Two drops a day to start and then increase by a drop a week until you go through health crisis and your pee smells rancid and you start to lose weight and your cancer goes away. It will probably taste horrible and metallic to start because it reacts with the bromine. Once your system gets rid of the bromine, liquid iodine tastes mildly sweet and isn't an issue at all.

cough I'm not here cough not a doctor cough

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Blind" is a crowd control method.

CC always wins.

Are they going to ban laser pointers?

This is brilliant.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. So theoretically you could still find traces of a thing as it used to be by looking for it's footprint and then checking things that referenced it.

The above cornucopia pic would be a good example.

Perhaps there is a song with Berenstain Bears in it, where the word itself is changed (post Mandela) when it is sung, but the song rhymes with Berenstein, not Berenstain.

Everyone remembering Luke I am your father would be written off. However, you can still find video of people saying it. What year did people start saying, "No, I am your father." If there was legitimate confusion, then there should be a comparable number of quotes going all the way back to the release of "Empire".

Another example is the line "I see white people" from Scary Movie. It is now, "I see dead people". The footprint is that "I see dead people" is really kind of awkward. It arguably doesn't fit with the humor of the scene.

by xihg
Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uhmmmm.... wake up Neo...

by xihg
Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haven't used the microwave since most recent Furby experiments.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blockages which really hate it when the kids play soccer and tennis in particular.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

They replaced iodine in bread with bromine. So people are not getting enough iodine.

Quick google:

"Bromine blocks the production of thyroid hormones so thyroid dysfunction is at an all-time high in the US. Bromine also may interfere with iodine’s ability to prevent breast cancer."

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